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He bows to nobody — 25 Comments

  1. “what the “10 years” could be referring to.”

    Obviously he is going to adjust the Constitution.

  2. Susan Rice of Obama: He bows to nobody in his understanding of this world.

    Which probably explains his multitudinous flip flops. If you commit yourself to both sides of an issue, albeit at different times, one of them is going to be right.

  3. Technically, the term limit for the Presidency is 10 years. Which can only occur if one arises to the Presidency after the current President has been removed, with 2 years or less remaining in that term.

    LBJ has been the only person who could have pulled this off. He finished JFK’s last 14 months, and was elected in 1964. Had he won in 1968 and finished out that term, he would have been in office 9 years and 2 months.

  4. My speculation about the origin of “8 to 10 years”:

    it’s a combination of two things:

    1. Barack thinks he will be “dealing” with foreign leaders during the runup to his election and inauguration. He doesn’t have concerns about foreign leaders being confused by two command voices coming out of the U.S.

    2. Barack fell victim to his habitual practice of inserting weasel words and ways out of every statement. You never know when you may have to later deny something you implied/said. Best to habitually prep every statement for eventual denial.

  5. As a commenter @RachelLucas said – he was probably thinking Obamas will be in the Office for 10 yrs. First – he, then Michelle. But she’ll be removed (perhaps, with force?) after 2 yrs of constant bitching…

  6. “Show me a person without doubts and I’ll show you an arrogant–and dangerous–fool.”

    But this sounds just like the last two presidents!

    I find your shock shocking.

  7. kungfu,

    First, you remember Bill Clinton wrongly. Pres. Clinton was too unsure of who he was, and of what his principles were, to be willing to make difficult decisions. When faced with a decision, Pres. Clinton dithered, and dithered, and dithered – even past deadlines for decision.

    Second, GWB is not a person without doubts. He is a POTUS who makes decisions, as he should be. His political opponents slander him as a person without doubts. This very slander of GWB shows the left considers arrogance to be a dangerous trait in a POTUS.

    If Obama had any bona fides, he could’ve easily replied: “Lara, a person without any doubts is a fool.” If Obama had capacity for self-deprecating sense of humor, he could’ve laughed endearingly as he said it.

  8. “The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.”
    Bertrand Russell

  9. I can top that last remark…

    “No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” Henry Louis Mencken.

    BHO seems to believe that no one was ever defeated politically by underestimating the intelligence of the American Voter.

    He may be right…

  10. I thought the comment about habitual weasel words was onto something… I’m writing a paper myself and I keep adding them to protect myself from claims I said more than I intended. After awhile it can become a habit and your qualifying fixed things like how long you can be president….

    Also, I’ll give Obama a little credit on the ‘having doubts’ question. It is one of those no win questions. You have to claim a lack of doubt because you’d get more flack for admitting yes. It’s sort of like Carter and the naughty thoughts question. If he just said ‘no’ then no one would remember the question. But he was honest so now we still make fun of him over it….

  11. It’s obvious none of you can understand what Obama is dealing with and so you don’t even begrude him the minimum amount of respect that you should. First, Black Men, who are confident, intelligent, have a sense of purpose and acheivement are always accused of being arrogant which is just codespeak for uppity. Obama, agree with him or not deserves your respect. He has been attacked in ways that are way out of pocket and always upheld a public appearance of dignity. He is a Harvard Educated Lawyer, in fact the first Black ever to hold the presidency of the Harvard Law Review. His wife is also a trained lawyer and they have carried themselves with dignity and style. Our current president has many times embarrassed this country from flippant, ill informed statements to his domestic policy decisions to his forgien policy agenda. We are in a recession, possible depression, with people losing jobsm, homes, bank accounts, our infrastructure is a joke! We have a gas crisis, and an unpopular war not seen since the 60’s and 70’s. We need candidates that at least look like they could handle the office. Obama does that! Like his politics or not!
    Now is not the time for ideologues! It’s time for real solutions and people willing to try some new ideas. The blind ideologues are mostly to blame for the crisises we fight today. That’s fact and we all need to work together to fix it!
    Thanks for the chance to speak and share.

  12. I don’t have to respect anyone who hasn’t earned.

    Obama has decided to run a campaign of deceit. All of his claptrap is a lie. He is playing with the emotions of millions of people.

    I do not respect people like that. I loathe them.

    Obama does not look like he can do the job… he is energyless and on the verge of collapse all the time.

    His drug-adled brain is definately deficient.

    Obama’s idelogy is Marxism.. how dare you say now is not the time for ideology…

    Why is it that Obama supporters seem to be the pepole who know least about him

  13. Jaycee says (among other things):
    “It’s obvious none of you can understand what Obama is dealing with and so you don’t even begrude him the minimum amount of respect that you should. First, Black Men, who are confident, intelligent, have a sense of purpose and acheivement are always accused of being arrogant which is just codespeak for uppity. Obama, agree with him or not deserves your respect.”

    How so? Being elected by an infamous machine in a corrupt city? Respect is earned, not bestowed. What has this man earned?

    “He has been attacked in ways that are way out of pocket and always upheld a public appearance of dignity. He is a Harvard Educated Lawyer, in fact the first Black ever to hold the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.”

    As another Harvard graduate, I can tell you that the HLR is very political and heavy on the Democratic side. Electing BHO meant they were paying up their political debts. And as the editor,what has BHO ever published that was even remotely scholarly? A reference, please!

    “His wife is also a trained lawyer and they have carried themselves with dignity and style.”

    His wife is a typical Affirmative Action Baby. Major in Feminine Studies is a joke major…lower even than Sociology. Read her “Senior Thesis” if you don’t believe that last one.

    “Our current president has many times embarrassed this country from flippant, ill informed statements to his domestic policy decisions to his forgien policy agenda. We are in a recession, possible depression, with people losing jobsm, homes, bank accounts, our infrastructure is a joke! We have a gas crisis, and an unpopular war not seen since the 60’s and 70’s.”

    LaDiDa (I have left your spelling error intact) Typical leftist propagande, pal. Live a little, forget politics: it’s just not down to your level.

    “We need candidates that at least look like they could handle the office. [He looks anemic in more ways than one. “Adali Stevenson with a vitamin deficiency”!]

    “Obama does that! Like his politics or not!”

    Really…come now…

  14. I am reluctant to chime in on this thread because I’m not a conservative. At the same time, I don’t fancy myself a ‘leftist’ either. I think of myself as an American. “American” is a label that means something to me. “Neo-conservative” and “leftist” mean little to me. I think of you and of the people you lambast here all as Americans, as my countrymen and countrywomen, and it bugs me when you address each other as though you’re enemies…but I’ll climb down off of my soapbox now.

    What do you want from Obama? What exactly does he have to do before you will think him an appropriate object of respect? What, for that matter, should anyone have to do?

    Is Obama a man of unparalleled accomplishment? I certainly don’t think so. But then, are the vast majority of his piers–on either side of the aisle– peolple of unparalleled accomplishment? Clearly not. Your “typical” national party candidate is someone who has been on the political scene a long time, who has “paid a lot of dues” in that sense, who has had a fancy title after his/her name for many years, engaged in various squabbles on Capitol Hill, won some, lost some, etc. But let’s face it, accomplishing *this* does not require a great deal of leadership, intelligence, sound judgment, compassion, etc. It just requires that one know how to play the game and that one be prepared to play it for a long time. So, I don’t understand the “lack of experience” argument against Obama. In fact, I think the “lack of experience”is actually a plus in many people’s minds. If nothing else, he is fairly articulate and an effecive communicator. But I don’t even want to defend the guy, to be honest, because I have no strong feeling for him one way or another.

  15. What do you want from Obama? What exactly does he have to do before you will think him an appropriate object of respect?

    He should drop out of the race. Hasn’t he inflicted enough problems on this country because of his problems? For example… he attends a racist church for 20 years and at first denies its racist.

    Then he says maybe it was racist buit he never heard anything racist

    Then he says he did hear some things sometimes and disapproved but would never leave them

    Then he says he’ll leave them.. but not before he gave a speech blaming the entire nation for the crackpottedness of Rev Wright.

    The man inflicted that nonsense onto us for a month. Screw Obama.

    No respect to lying racist Marxists.

  16. Insofar as America includes leftists, liberals, Democrats and other such scum, I say SCREW AMERICA.

  17. I think that he realized that 8 years won’t quite cover it so added a bit, which happened to be, as often, just a bit much.

  18. Pingback:Surge as Republican Loyalty Test? « Cadillac Tight

  19. Ilion: I was thinking just that when I went back to this post to link it today. Odd, isn’t it? At the time I wrote this, I could not have imagined all the actual, literal bowing Obama would be doing.

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