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A twelve step program is needed… — 30 Comments

  1. Nope, neo, don’t stop. All Obama, all the time. Let’s burn out the phenomenon before November!

  2. Obama’s my main obssession these days too. If we smoke crack together, doesn’t that make it all right?

  3. neo,

    Even if I had remained a Leftist to this day (an unlikely thing, given all that I learned, but anyway…) I would not support Obonga’s candidacy. He isn’t experienced. He actually did nothing for poor and working people in South Chicago, contra his claims. He inflates his resume and his Alinsky Network created new sh*tholes out of those low income housing projects. He and his wife stuff the cash and the political favors into their lock boxes, and actually give little to real charities that do real things for people in dire need.

    He’s typical of the Left’s leadership, as I came to know it way back when I was on the Left. Plus, their contempt for the people they claim to love is nauseating.

    These people are motivated by resentment, jealousy, and lust for power. The only difference between them and Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Ho may be the degree of ambition and the willingness to snuff out opponents.

  4. This is very damn funny. I figure I either addictively write about Obama or eat too much pasta in any given day, so really, I’m not ready to go cold turkey just yet.

  5. This is very damn funny. I figure I either addictively write about Obama or eat too much pasta in any given day, so really, I’m not ready to go cold turkey just yet.

  6. This is very damn funny. I figure I either addictively write about Obama or eat too much pasta in any given day, so really, I’m not ready to go cold turkey just yet.

  7. 83 eh? Almost taken over your Iraq coverage, haha.

    Yet again, with Obama being projected as the coming political messiah, it’s hard not to debunk him let alone mention him. There is no fault in that.

  8. Great idea, there are greater issues of substance, I’m not really particularly interested in Obi anyway, as I’ve been insisting for a long time, he is only an authentic manchurian candidate, the Soros left machine’s little puppet. Personally, I’m far more interested, worried and preoccupied with the shabby evolution of the democratic party, from Jimmy C. to Nancy P., and Gore and the Clintons in between. Of course the most pressing issue of all is the global warming scam, which the left is trying to use to divert attention from the real problems, and in a ploy to corner political control of the country.

  9. Webutante,
    You need to go cold turkey on the reposts! 🙂

    A lot of ostensible “Obama stuff” is really media stuff. Media are the only reason Obama is not a laughingstock.

  10. Much like my alcoholic friends who are much more fun when they drink, I urge you not to stop

    Remember, no matter what the recovery industry says:

    If it’s not hurting your health, your family, your job or your finances, it’s not an addiction, it’s just good fun.

  11. God grant me the serenity of my television in the off position. Courage to take the batteries out of the remote; and the wisdom to sell the damn thing at my next yard sale.

  12. Americanneocon,

    Ironic that Obonga would visit the Brandenburg Gate and make a ridiculous statement there, given the likelihood of him being a Marxist and maybe even a Communist. The Manchurian Candidate thus mocks presidents Kennedy and Reagan, who were staunch anti-Communists.

  13. The problem is not that people are writing about Obama. The problem is that the people writing about Obama have nothing interesting or noteworthy to say about Obama. Either they’re producing purely generic fluff in which “Obama” is the value of a variable that could just as easily be “McCain” or whomever. Or, alternatively, they’re writing the all-too-predictable, knee-jerk, partisan, pro-Obama or anti-Obama pieces…you know, the kind that are so by-the-numbers that they’re probably being churned out by some piece of software somewhere. Yawn.

  14. I think all the media frenzy over Obama is pretty amusing. You have to admit that photo of him and Petraeus flying over Baghdad was fantastic for him. It’s about as far away from the Dukakis tank-riding moment as you can get.

    However, though I support Obama, I have no illusions of him being the national savior. He’s a politician. He’s obviously smart, but he’s sloppy with details. He doesn’t always follow through and check up on what his own allies have done. He perhaps trusts his allies too easily. However, like I’ve said, I think a guy like him can learn quickly, and he can and will adjust his policies and processes on the fly. He’s run his campaign brilliantly. He’s adapted his views as time has gone on. He’s not a doctrinaire ideologue. I respect that.

    McCain is probably one of the best on the Republican side. I wouldn’t vote for him because of what might happen to the Supreme Court. I think the four hard-right justices are far too dismissive of civil rights and I don’t want there to be five hard-right justices. Otherwise, I think McCain isn’t the worst we could do. However, it does appear Obama is headed for victory in November. He has political momentum and McCain has been running a fairly lackluster campaign. Things can change, of course.

  15. I think the four hard-right justices are far too dismissive of civil rights

    They just upheld the civil right of gun ownership against the 4 hard lefties.

    What’s the problem?

  16. sd Says:

    “The problem is not that people are writing about Obama. The problem is that the people writing about Obama have nothing interesting or noteworthy to say about Obama.”

    Maybe in the comments, but the main articles by neo tend to go beyond that. While criticizing him they also criticize his ideas. Like talking about the history behind summits and how making a bad showing can, actually, cause new problems. Then pointing out Obama seems totally unaware of this…

  17. Mitsu Says:

    “I think the four hard-right justices are far too dismissive of civil rights and I don’t want there to be five hard-right justices.”

    Code for don’t support quotas right?

  18. What’s so “hard right” about an individual right of citizens to own weapons/guns? Every state that has disarmed its people has drifted to totalitarianism, or at the very least a very heavy-handed government. Look at the E.U. and the U.K. The State is extremely heavy-handed, having disarmed the people. They cannot defend themselves against criminals and they certainly have no means to carry forth rebellion should the need arise.

    mitsu, you’re just afraid of us “right wingers” rebelling if the Left takes power and really shoves it down our throats. And the Left should be afraid of us, because the enemies of liberty may have a date with the gallows. They and their Islamic allies. Muslims will be buried with pig carcasses, just for good measure.

  19. Mitsu, do bear in mind that it was left wingers in the White House (with the connivance of their appointees to the Supreme Court) who interned your lot in WWII.

  20. Obama’s front-line is against Capitalism.
    He’s a Socialist – He’s on Moscow’s team!

  21. I’m no longer fascinated, thrilled or intrigued by Senator Obama. I think I more or less get the measure of the man and there is nothing interesting I can say about him anymore. He’s like a glass of champagne from which all the fizz is gone. The colour is still nice, the liquid still cool to the taste but… you only drink it if you are awfully thirsty and there is no cold coke, or beer, in sight.

    Maybe the media non-stop adulation has overloaded on the sugar.

    To quote Jane Austen, “pictures of perfection make me sick and wicked” and Obama’s promising allure has now faded steadily as — again in Austen’s words– “an affectation and a sameness” seem to be his main qualities these days, which “disgust and weary.”

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