Home » PETA weighs in


PETA weighs in — 7 Comments

  1. “What we really want to know, did he feel anything along the way?” PETA spokeswoman Kathy Guillermo said. “If he didn’t then we can probably blame the fact that they’re allowed to whip the horses mercilessly.”

    Now there’s a beautiful piece of logic for you. Guillermo is ready for a position in the Swiss government where they presently agonize over the morality of plants. (That’s not a comment on whether or not horses should be whipped–I don’t know anything about that issue.)

  2. Whipping is not the worst of race horses sorrows. Actually, it is just the signal to accelerate, not a punishment. I attended a riding school, and the first lesson was that you simply can not give a horse a real pain by whipping it: this is only a way of communication. The essence of riding is establishing a perfect communication between rider and horse, so it can read your mind and you can read it’s.

  3. PETA is starting to act like they actually have power, instead of just being a group of aggrieved individuals who manage to attract celebrities who are guilty about their wealth. Where is the bacbone among the people they think they can push around?

    All the horse-racing community needs to say is, “Get bent. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Even the second sentence is superfluous. Same thing for every corporation set upon by these self-important busybodies. For once, can a company stick up for itself without sending out a smarmy press release?

  4. I feel badly for the horse and whatever pain it may have felt, but unfortunately, accidents happen. I’m somewhat relieved it was immediately put out of it’s misery. PETA, as Mitch Strand said, is starting to act like they actually have power, because people let them act that way. Ignore them, and the likes of Al Sharpton (when a different kind of “race” is always the issue), they will be powerless, because they will then figure out no one will care about their blow-harding.

  5. I agree with all the above. PETA, by means of any number of outrageous stunts and/or vandalism (nude actresses and super-models marching in public, throwing paint on women wearing fur products – most notably Anna Wintour, longtime editor of Vogue) has managed to acquire considerable attention…er, maybe notariety is more appropriate. When I hear any statement or headline begin with “PETA,” it simply brings an involuntary groan to my lips. I think there are really some folks who genuinely empathize with animals (to an off-the-charts extent), but I have to wonder, at this point, if the core group just gets a kick out of grabbing headlines, being asked onto cable shows to talk about their “cause” — in other words, get some attention for their own self-important selves.

  6. I too agree with the above. I blame the press. In a sane world, lunatics like these arent taken seriously. In a sane world, people tell these folks to sit down, and shut the fuck up.

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