Home » CNN betrays Huffington by embracing the dark side: Tony Snow??


CNN betrays Huffington by embracing the dark side: Tony Snow?? — 7 Comments

  1. LOL!! I’ve read this earlier. Arianna in full fantasy/reality-dismissal mode. Not a smidgen of another point of view allowed or these people launch attacks more viscous and bitter than any “Rovian hate speech” that can be uttered by a down-state hick.

    Hey Neo, Isnt Arianna a reversal of yourself? She was conservative at one time wasnt she? What the hell happened?

  2. Does Arianna, in writing thusly, realize that she is actually verifying that the MSM has, in fact, been SO in the liberal tank… Ah, but now, in making such new hires, they betray their absolute mission to bring the people solely left-wing sifted news (i.e. the REAL stories) ???

  3. Same mentality that pushes the idea that the military (see recent hysterical controversy about Pentagon-sourced information and pundits) should not – even cannot – contribute to public discourse on issues in which it is centrally involved and expertly knowledgeable.

  4. If Arianna keeps saying things like this, it’s possible that a few people will start to ask why reality doesn’t mirror ideology. It’s even possible that a few of them will realize that it isn’t supposed to. And that’s all to the good.

  5. Related to njcommuters point:

    The unhinged left talk about the possibility of holding Bush/Cheney over for “crimes against humanity”. Yet, if you think they could have gotten those two on that, they could have easily just have impeached them!

    Bill Clinton got himself impeached for lying and obstructing and investigation, (no, gcothsomething, not about sex). You would have thought that it would be just have been as easy to come up with some relative evidence or circumstance to impeach either Bush, Cheney or both. But apparently, in 8 years time and many Congressional investigations and well known and oft cited “crimes against the Constitution”, they come up with nothing.

    After a while, people who arent infected with a heavy dose BDS might say to themselves, that ok, maybe its all mostly just a bunch of bullshit.

    Nobody is listening to your phone calls or going thru your library records to see if you checked out “Mau’s Little Red Book”. If there were any suspensions of your Constitutional rights these past 8 years, it would have more than likely been at the implementation of some liberal legislation designed to regulate something you have previously been able to say or do “for your own good.”

    As someone has mentioned before; wait till any one of the three presidential candidates get in office and tax you for an activity you normally do, in order to relieve a problem that isnt happening.

    And somehow, the media is all on our side?

    To paraphrase what Hillary once said to Gen Petreus, This complaint requires a suspension of belief.

  6. I assume that George Stephanopoulos never got a job at a major media corporation after he left the Clinton White House?

    After all, that would have been a sure sign that the MSM had been wrapped up in a vast left-wing conspiracy, in which the left-wing message became a part of the media’s DNA…

  7. Harry,
    Basically what the Dems and the Left wanted to impeach Bush and Cheney for was defending the country in time of war. Even the Dems’ leadership was not so stupid as to try that.

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