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Continuing evidence that being a Harvard professor is no guarantee against stupidity… — 14 Comments

  1. Of course, the question must be asked, “Why are so many Harvard Professors fools and tool?”

    Well, I imagine that when you have as much money as Harvard has you can afford to hire/buy all the toys you want.

  2. To be a Harvard professor almost certainly requires intelligence.

    It does not, however, require anything at all in the faculty of wisdom.

    The two are distinctly different:
    Intelligence is the capacity to learn information.
    Wisdom is the capacity to learn from experience.

    While they are somewhat tied together, there are certainly people of low-to-average IQ who are wise, and, as Harvard professorship can show, people of high IQ who are utter and complete fools.

  3. There’s an old saying, “When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.” Prof. Patterson tells us that the only tool he has is the race hammer.

    It’s truly sad that Prof. Patterson is so invested in maintaining racial tension. Maybe we could get race behind us if it weren’t for the Prof. Patterson’s of the world continually telling us that we’re racist.

    So sad…. Prof. Patterson needs to purchase another tool. This one is worn out.

  4. Sorry, not quite up to analyzing the vagaries of the Harvard mind. Here in town (Cleveland) one day the local Democrat Chairman was cackling about two suburban mayors and one judge that switched to the Democrats. Then over the weekend prosecution was threatened for Republicans that crossed over.

    I am so confused. Poor me. Was what they did good or bad?

    Maybe Harvard can help on this one.

  5. My Texan antennae detected that Harvard Prof is also calling Texans exceptional racists.

    Call me crazy, but doesn’t Barack being ahead by 3 points amongst whites in Texas – at any polling date whatsoever, including the same date Hillary was ahead in Ohio by 16 points – invalidate Harvard Prof’s assertion about Texans and racism? Unless, you know, Ohio is the acknowledged racist capital of the universe, and unless failure to support Barack equates to actual proof of ra …cis …… WAIT A MINUTE … I THINK I’VE GOT IT!

    White Texans allegedly saw Hillary’s ad and activated (formerly dormant?) racism which they had forgetten they possessed when they were polling in favor of Obama by 3 points.

    Then, Hillary ended approx. 16 points ahead amongst whites in Ohio. Hillary ended 9 points ahead amongst whites in Texas. We white Texans have clearly shown ourselves to be racist jerks. Our jerkiness is clear as a bell. Clear as a NYT article. Clear as a Harvard Professor’s reasoning.

  6. Of course he sees things in terms of race. What else would you expect from someone that would add this to his CV?

    Orlando Patterson is a professor of sociology at Harvard and the author of “The Ordeal of Integration: Progress and Resentment in America’s ‘Racial’ Crisis.”

  7. Liberals denouncing each other to the thought police.

  8. I can hardly wait for Hillary’s speech extolling B.O. at the convention in Denver…. Then the first black president will introduce the second black president, wannabe… Black folks will vote for B.O. because he’s partly black, muslims because of his name and predominate familial religous background, though he himself has a long-standing loyalty to a “Christian” church; Where he attended with his wife the dinner gala of the year at which was dedicated a major award to Louis Farakhan, a muslim Jew hating racial separatist; Oblivious of the long history of muslim racism against black africans and other people of color, a “church” that seems as much about race as religion; Anybody naive enough to think that Hil wouldn’t play the race card, in some fashion or form, if it would swing the difference in her chance of being the “Candidate”? Just kidding… So who would Jesus vote for? These people have become parodies of themselves…

  9. Sorry, correction to above: not “dedicated a major award”, but “dedicated THE major award”…

  10. I suppose you can read something into anything, if you wish hard enough. The ad was silly, but not racist, except to those inclined to see anything against Obama as racist.

    Hillary Clinton is an equal-opportunity loather. You’re either useful to her or you’re garbage and must be destroyed. If the Obama camp wants to play that as racist, well, it just proves how vulnerable they really are.

    Clinton and Obama are both fairly frightening. Thier avid supporters are, too.

  11. And if we, like the Sunnis, get into bed with such folks, there won’t be an “America” to come and help us redeem ourselves from our mistakes.

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