Berating the Democrats: Osama, meet Arianna
What do we learn from the latest Osama videotape?
(1) He’s alive.
(2) He looks like crap, between his dyed beard and his cadaverous mien.
(3) The appeal he’s making is to the useful idiots in the US whom he sees as his de factro allies. It must be hard for them to hear him berate them for not doing enough to end the war.
Here’s Osama on the subject:
People of America, the world is following your news in regards to your invasion of Iraq, for people have recently come to know that, after several years of the tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped. Thus, you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose, but the Democrats haven’t made a move worth mentioning. On the contrary, they continue to agree to the spending of tens of billions to continue the killing and war there, which has led to the vast majority of you being afflicted with disappointment.
I don’t know about the “vast majority,” but Arianna Huffington is certainly “afflicted with disappointment,” and quite vocal about it.
One can forgive Osama for not having a familiarity with the American system of checks and balances, and how the veto functions. Not to mention that he may not be all that aware of how many Blue Dog Democrats there are, and how hard it is for the Democrats to actually embrace defunding the war and to re-gain their reputation as anti-military and pro-retreat.
But what’s Arianna’s excuse? She quotes Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) as saying, “I don’t think we have a vehicle [for withdrawal] that will get 60 votes in the Senate. In the absence of that, we’re naked.”
This doesn’t sit well with Huffington, who flings out a challenge to the Democrats’ machismo:
Well, better naked than castrated.
And then Huffington seems to be channeling Osama, minus the beard:
The Democrats’ thinking on this is unfathomable — it makes no sense logically, morally or politically. They have the majority of the American people wanting to bring this war to an end; a constant stream of tragic news from Iraq; and a president committed to “stay the course” despite all evidence that the course we are on is taking us over the cliff.
It’s time for Democrats to stop sounding the retreat on ending the war and actually pay attention to John McCain, who said that if they “are serious that we ought to stop the war” they should “bring up a bill to cut off the funding and end it.”
McCain is right. Exercising their Constitutional power of the purse is exactly what Democrats need to do if they are serious about ending the war
Instructions are lacking from Arianna on how to successfully accomplish that, and how to override a certain veto from Bush—not to mention how to do it right now in the face of positive reports on the surge, and not suffer in the 2008 election as a consequence.
How do the Democrats retreat from ending the war. Wouldn’t that be a retreat from a surrender?
Also, not meaning to make an anti-Hellenic slur, but if one waits a little while Ariana may have the beard also. Or at least a moustache.
One thing seems certain, Osama has little understanding of the American people or the core beliefs of this Nation. He is not very “worldly” in the sense of having other than an amazingly narrow perspective. The images of Osama seem very odd if not almost cartoon like in quality. Why in the world would he have colored his beard, and the facial features look not so much old as ill–let’s hope for the latter.
Unfortunately, Ms Huffington similarly has an amazingly stilted and politicized perspective with no sense of America beyond her own very jaded and narrow circle.
Never forget – Ariana is a European that thinks like a European and is affiliated with America’s opposition that professes “European” values.
Unfortunately, we seem to have a developed a very bad habit of adopting more and more bad European ideas over time the further we devolve away from our own Revolutionary history.
But how about this:
“the life of all of mankind is in danger because of the global warming resulting to a large degree from the
emissions of the factories of the major corporations, yet despite that, the representative of these
corporations in the White House insists on not observing the Kyoto accord, with the knowledge that
the statistic speaks of the death and displacement of the millions of human beings because of that,
especially in Africa” or
“This war was entirely unnecessary, as testified to by your own reports. And among the most
capable of those from your own side who speak to you on this topic and on the manufacturing of
public opinion is Noam Chomsky, who spoke sober words of advice prior to the war, but the leader of
Texas doesn’t like those who give advice. The entire world came out in unprecedented
demonstrations to warn against waging the war and describe its true nature in eloquent terms like
“no to spilling red blood for black oil,” yet he paid them no heed. It is time for humankind to know
that talk of the rights of man and freedom are lies produced by the White House and its allies in
Europe to deceive humans, take control of their destinies and subjugate them.”
Camarade Osama!
I hope Karl Rove or whoever is running the Republican campaign in 08 just runs the Osama speech along with identical clips from Democrats. It would be devastating.
Really, Donald?
Those very same talking points have been put forward by you. Yet you claim infinite knowledge of what Americans really want. So, which is it? If Osama has little or no understanding of Americans or their core beliefs, then the same can be said of you. Conversly, if you know more than others about Americans and their core values, they obviously are shared by Osama.
Hard to disclaim him, Donald, when you and him are on the same page, and seek the same goals.
Tri, great idea. It would be devastating.
So if Osama told you to keep breathing you’d stop?
Well at least that wouldn’t be a leftist talking point, for once.
The point, Loyal Losers, is that Osama gets his propaganda from YOU. Even Chomsky is on his book of the month club list. Now, he could be a diarist for Kos, or Huffpo. Probably is, too.
Speaking of polls, looks like Bush is up to 39% approval according to Rasmussen. And this before Osama revealed himself to be a leftie, like you guys. At least you have him onboard for that global warming thing. So obvious, even a caveman can see it.
You’re right! It’s uncanny how similar Osama’s talk is to the US Democratic Party’s talking points. Almost word for word!
One must wonder who is giving orders to whom.

“Read the polls”?
Why? I’m not running for anything. Or do you think that polls somehow determine what is right and good? If the public’s attitudes changed tomorrow and 98% of Americans decided they want to throw all the Democrats in jail would you go along?
Really? What about all his (and other islamofacists) who talk about the ‘moral decay’ of the west and how we’re infecting the world with women’s lib, pornography, gay rights, sexual licence etc? Is anyone tearing down Mick Huckabee’s door and forcing him to explain why the Taliban get their talking points from him? Not likely!
‘Knee-jerk’ doesn’t begin to cover it. Osama says global warming is bad? Why, global warming must be good! It couldn’t possibly be that environmental devastation, foreign policy blunders, and corruption and repression of the third world by the first world, are all fairly obvious things which 90% of the world’s population must go through,thereby garnering Osama support by pretending to care about them. No, bin laden radical fundamentalist Islam must be IDENTICAL to the Democrat’s mild efforts to keep the atmosphere clean and lessen social injustices.
Besides, bin Laden isn’t stupid. Do you really think he doesn’t know how you work? And do you really think he wouldn’t do or say anything he thought was necessary to keep in power the movement (that is, the neocons) who have been the biggest blessing he could’ve ever asked for?
Ted, only one poll matters: the one held in on the first Tuesday in Nov. 2008.
Is anyone tearing down Mick Huckabee’s door and forcing him to explain why the Taliban get their talking points from him?
The Taliban love gay sex and the penetration of young girls and boys. They love sexual license for men. They even like pornography, although they obviously have the requisite substitutes that are purer.
No, bin laden radical fundamentalist Islam must be IDENTICAL to the Democrat’s mild efforts to keep the atmosphere clean and lessen social injustices.
Your point is taken and understood. It is irrelevant, however. Since Osama says what he does because of the Democrats, not because Osama “believes” in what he is saying. He may or may not, but he says it because he knows what effect it will have on the Democrats. He plans his actions based upon the actions of Democrats. Their use of political weapons on the American people, the Democrats, thus shows Osama a way to sow dissension. And Osama knows that the Democrats are greedy enough to wish for power, regardless of who it comes from. It is an alliance of convenience. I am sure the Democrats plan to purge the Osamas just at about the same time that the Osamas plan to purge the Democrats, once they are fed up with each other.
And do you really think he wouldn’t do or say anything he thought was necessary to keep in power the movement (that is, the neocons) who have been the biggest blessing he could’ve ever asked for?
All he has to do to aid Bush in your opinion polls is to work to make sure that Iraqi is peaceful and secure, at least on the surface, thereby making victory propaganda come true. He isn’t however, rather he supports suicide bombing to which the Democrats then use as the requisite gift given to them by their allies.
The past says “if you want peace, prepare for war”. The Left and their other allies say, “if you want peace, prepare for peace”. I say, “if you wish to breath under water, prepare to breath”
LA, don’t be such a simpleton, or presume that we are.
Osama says global warming is bad? Why, global warming must be good!
It is simply childlike in its reasoning to impute this as a belief of those skeptical of anthropogenic global warming.
And for those who entirely missed the point re most recent bin Laden’s tape, he obviously tailored his views to match those of the Democrats. No mention of his views on homosexuality or women or anything else on which he doesn’t follow the DNC line. The point was that he was clearly making common cause with Democrats.
In the future, try to keep up.
… liars, damned liars, lawyers… pollsters.
Why on earth is anyone interested in surveying, publishing or reading polls that revel in bogus premises and false dichotomies? Are you tired of the war in Iraq, yes or no? How about survey questions that would determine why? If you’re tired of the war: should we be more assertive and attempt to win? should we find the quickest way out? should we click our heels together so our wishes that we never went into Iraq will come true?
Arianna Huff-puff has no excuse. She’s a greedy, self-centered So-Cal rich girl who tried to parlay marriage with a rich man into success for herself, and, when that didn’t work it, tries to pass herself off, with her Santa Barbara mansion and circle of rich Hollywood friends, as Little Miz Champeeen of the Poor and Oppressed. (Who mostly just wish she’d get lost.)
I sometimes wonder if Arianna doesnt’ envision herself as a queen, with a big crown on her head (tastefully designed by Neiman Marcus of course), ruling over America as her own little satrapy.
As for LA, he’s babyish.
I noticed my responses have been blocked. Very mature.
Ah, now let’s see if I can slip under Neo’s watchful censoring eye.
The Taliban love gay sex and the penetration of young girls and boys. They love sexual license for men. They even like pornography, although they obviously have the requisite substitutes that are purer.
Conservative Republicans are the same. I never said they weren’t hypocrites.
All he has to do to aid Bush in your opinion polls is to work to make sure that Iraqi is peaceful and secure, at least on the surface, thereby making victory propaganda come true.
This assume bin Laden has the power to do that. Al-qaeda has always been a fairly small part of the insurgency. Of course, we have seen that strategy in miniature with the supposed defeat of al-qeada in Anbar province.
The point was that he was clearly making common cause with Democrats.
Which is what, exactly? That only makes sense if you believe that under the guidance of Bush and his possible Republican successor something approaching victory will be achieved in Iraq: and to believe that you have to ignore all the evidence. Far from wanting us to withdraw, bin Laden never wants us to leave.
I find this really incredible. you all seem to believe that youlive in a country where the MAJORITY of people are double agents, fifth column, traitors of some degree. Do you walk with your hands on your triggers ready to shoot people at random because, statistically speaking, they want America to fail in everything?
“The Democrats are allying with bin Laden.” Talk about simplistic and childish! I doubt any of you lost any sleep when Reagan and Bush I were actually allies of bin Laden.
I have never met any Democrat, liberal or leftist who thought for a moment that we could pacify bin laden by giving into his demands. But that doesn’t mean we are obligated to follow a failed, foolish and costly policy simply because we allow some bearded lunatic to manipulate us by playing some bizarre reverse version of ‘Simon Says’.
LA. You haven’t? You need to get out more.
“The Democrats are allying with bin Laden”.
Actually, LA, the point being made is bin Laden has taken up YOUR talking points. After all, he’s appealing to you, to demonstrate you and him are both fighting the “common enemy”, Bush.
Whereas the Democrats are well-known for their opposition to homosexuality in particular, and sexual licentiousness in general. Please.
I’m thinking we’re about an inch away from Democrats finally taking up this theme: sure they disagree with his methods on 9-11, but bin Laden’s grievances are all valid, they admire his commitment, and he’s correct in all his criticisms (except about cutting taxes).
God knows the Europeans are already there.
It’s babyish to go around accusing others of being soooooo immature.
I do not think that this coincidence of Bin Laden greavances with those of Leftist is only political play: some of these are sincere. Islam is pre-Enligthenment culture; leftism in all its incarnations is post-Enlightenment, anti-Enlightenment. So the same magical thinking and hate of core values of Enlightenment.
There are several interesting things on the video that bear mentioning.
1. “Osama” barely moves during the entire event. Gone are his animated speech and movement.
2. His nose looks like it was flattened/widened. Also, several wrinkles and age lines are missing. I would say plastic surgery, but I could also say embalming.
3. The beard is not only colored, but is cut different as is the hair. Hair coloring is against Sharia unless one is making a statement of war and needs to look aggressive. Thus, this is the “3 day warning to convert or die”. This is probably one of the FEW things about this video which is worth noting. Sharia states that kuffers (infidels) are to have a 3 day warning to convert and if they do, no Muslim many attack them, though it has not stopped them in the past. If they do not, then the Muslims must go in and kill them all. For everyone who thinks he is only talking about the US Military in the “death” part, they are terribly mistaken. Islam demands that its followers rule the world. Nothing less is acceptable. Islam already rules increasing sections of Europe and is deeply planted in several US cities.
What Osama did here was give us the date of this attack since he knows we will not convert: Sept 11th. Anyone looking for some hidden “attack now” message need look no further. I would say “wake up” America and Europe, but what good has it done thus far?
4. There are no rifles or other war instruments, yet the hair is colored. Gone is his trademark AKM (the short-barreled, immaculate AKM he has always had). Also, Osama (or lookalike/puppet) is not holding the mic as he has done in the past. His arms lay limp against the table; almost stiff.
In short, this video while full of the usual BS with leftist talking points taken right from DKos/DU/DNC web-pages, it is telling of the sad state of Osama’s health. He and his handlers desire that he appear strong. Yet all he does is look like a corpse: posed, gaunt, festering, and weak.
Actually, he reminds me more of his idol, Hitler, when he ‘reviewed’ is last line of defense in Berlin, just before retiring to his bunker and shooting himself.
In addition, there are rumors that Osama will read the last letter of one of the 9-11 hyjackers on Sept 11th. After seeing the idiotic “truther” conspiracies, I know they will be doing cheeta flips to spin themselves out of it. This could also be another “attack now” message as I mentioned above.
Actually LA, a leftist shot a US Airman as an “anti-war” direct action of July 4th and then the leftist killed himself. The airman lived.
I have never met any Democrat, liberal or leftist who thought for a moment that we could pacify bin laden by giving into his demands.
Where have you been? Just a few days ago here at Neo-Neocon, someone was talking about how US troops occupying Saudi Arabia was why Bin Laden did etc. You know, blowback, the excuse the CIA uses for why their failures.
You yourself believe that Americans in Iraq are creating terrorists. Therefore if we leave Iraq like the terrorists want, you think they would be quiet. Are you simply self-delusion or something? You must realize this, for it is very simple.
There are several interesting things on the video that bear mentioning.
No, the only interesting thing worth noting is that bin Laden is still alive, and evades capture by us.
As for those of you who actually think that bin Laden and the left in the U.S. have something in common, I invite you to keep chuckling to yourselves. While you’re laughing, a majority of Americans are realizing that the fact that bin Laden is still making tapes while we’ve engaged in a four and a half year “war on terror” in Iraq is an argument AGAINST continuing the war. You and others will be left to craft your “stabbed in the back” theses while Democrats are busy ending the war in Iraq and pursuing terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and you’ll have only the voters to blame.
Al-qaeda has always been a fairly small part of the insurgency.
That’s like saying the SS and the Gestapo were a small part of German cruelty in WWII.
Most of the deliberate targeting of civilians in Al Anbar was done by Al Qaeda in Iraq. Not insurgents or guerrillas or freedom fighters as the case may have been made by others.
Civilian deaths have always been a small consideration to what you are loyal to, LA. Trying to cover for AQI is not going to remove that.
So you endorse invading Pakistan also? And just HOW are we going to do THAT? Will you ask for UN permission (maybe even 14 resolutions?)? Will we have 12 years of UN inspectors looking for him? Will you build a 30+ Country Coalition to go in? Or are we just going in alone?
And I WILL say the left and Democrats HAVE stabbed me and my fellow Soldiers in the back. I witnessed it personally in Iraq and I see it every time you have one of your ignorant, moronic protests where you see who can declare President Bush “hitler” while you simultaneously hold up signs blaming the Jews for everything (and yet do not see the logical fallacy of your statements)..