Home » Spammer styles: feel the love


Spammer styles: feel the love — 18 Comments

  1. I really wish there were some button we could each push to activate the program to send about a million “Fuckoffs” their way every time they drop this crap into our mailboxes.

  2. The real solution is to have an American Empire thst spans the globe, creating a united earth, so that economic opportunity will give spammers some more lucrative avenues of revenue.

  3. I’m not a native English-speaker. Not a spambot. But I’d love me some garden equipment…as soon as I get a garden!

  4. This is an really interesting post. I really like you’re sight! I think you’re readers may to wish to learn more facts about fractional distillation machinery service. Check out please my website!

  5. “Fractional distillation machinery”
    Sounds great! My still is getting old, and the corn mash just doesn’t have the same bite as is used to.

  6. You’re getting a better grade of comment spam than TheDailyBrief gets…. Can we do a deal? I’ll swap all the pharma-spam which comes in several shades of gibberish, the pay-day loans and used car offers for the gardening spam.

    I’d throw in the p0*n spam, also… but frankly I think the spam-market is pretty well swamped with the stuff,

  7. Pingback:Spambots: Evolution in Action « Sake White

  8. Well, I somehow ended all that foolishness on Blogger a while back and don’t know how….but guess I’ll know I’ve arrived when I start getting more of this awful stuff in my comments section again.

    Thanks for posting this though.

  9. Thank you for that thoughtful and insightful post. I cant tell you how rare it is to come across such thoughtfulness these days, and what a joy it has been to wake up to a knew understanding of an issue that other wise gets skance notice.

    Like Nuclear energy for an example. Clean, efficient nuclear energy. Generated by Americas modern powerful Nuclear reactors.

    You see, water is heated by the reactor where it produces steam….

  10. When we switched to movable type and all I got was ‘master penis’, we installed MTCommentChallenge and as long as I change the challenge question about once a month, we now get ZERO comment spam.

  11. What? No Nigerian princesses crying for help and a gift of $10 million (so long as you give them your bank account)?

    And what about body enhancement? I got rid of my hotmail account because a majority of my emails were about breast enlargement…… Kinda pointless for a guy, but who said bots were smart?

  12. ChrisG and Lee: This post is about spam comments on the blog, not spam email. A different kettle of Phish.

  13. Neo…. Kettle of Phish…. lol

    I would not doubt there is some ‘genius’ who is trying even now to figure out how to insert these bots into spam comments. I think I even saw a few a while ago, but the amount of effort to post these 419 scams on blogs exceeds the criminal’s “work ethic”.

    That said, MSM and Yahoo chat rooms are now useless because of these bots. I do not know if it is an anti-blog tactic, pathetic marketing, or another scam, but these bots really make using open sites difficult. If they get better than the software, it might cause a majority of blogs to go ‘registration only’.

    Spam… Someone cue the Monty Python “Spam Vikings”!

  14. The evolution of spam is much in parallel with the evolution of American counter-insurgency. The spam comes up with a method to overcome our security measures, and then we create a new more effective measure.

    It is a constant tug of war. However, just as in war, if you find the folks producing the spam and eradicate them, the spam stops. For a time at least.

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