Home » The NY Times: eyeless in Gaza


The <i>NY Times</i>: eyeless in Gaza — 4 Comments

  1. Of course, the BDS-afflicted psychopathic left must blame anyone and everyone except Hamas and the phony Arab policies that produced just one more catastrophe in the Levant.

    Anyone who watched the BBC last night saw Hamas gunmen emptying their AK-47s and other automatic weapons into the air without a thought in their monkey brains about where the bullets would come down. The primitive savagery of the Arabs can’t think beyond their testoserone to the fact that 2 million lost souls live in the garbage dump that is Gaza, and some will get hit by said bullets. Happens all the time, but the BBC and Guardian never report where the bullets come down.

    And a brain-dead bimbo Arab reporter in Beirut called the assassination of a Sunni judge “daring” as though killing someone and ten bystanders in an amusement park was an act of bravery. This bi-yotch with a mike then said that the Shi’ites and their allies were “chipping away” at the anti-Syrian majority in Lebanese parliament, as if seven murders in the last two years was some sort of parliamentary tactic.

    I lived in the Middle East for almost a decade, speak and read Arabic, and there is little if anything more to hope from this savage medieval relic of a “civilization” that purports to be founded on a “religion of peace.” My lyin’ eyes just can’t see the peace that blowing up Sunni and Shi’ite places of worship in progressive acts of retaliation fits into the term “civilization.”

    And any female Arab bimbo who describes a car-bomb murder in an amusement park as “daring” should be fired immediately. And “chipping away” is not a term literate people use for political murders.

    These murderers are to blame, and the International Left sees them as allies, and so must finger-point at Bush, Blair, Israel, or even Global Warming before it attacks its terrorist friends on the left. Or violent reactionaries like Hamas, who are the friends of the NYT, WaPo, and other political elites who hate and oppose Bush with the irrational frenzy of true psychotic maniacs.

  2. “The United States, Israel and the European Union consider Hamas, which seeks Israel’s destruction, a terrorist group.”

    Yes, Hamas is considered a terrorist group. And water is considered wet.

  3. Pingback:They do the blogging, so I don’t have to « Bookworm Room

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