Home » This week’s podcast: Rabbi (“Shalom in the Home”) Shmuley Boteach on the Sanity Squad


This week’s podcast: Rabbi (“Shalom in the Home”) Shmuley Boteach on the Sanity Squad — 2 Comments

  1. I thought it was interesting that he said that those who grew up in chaos, internalize chaos and then seek to reproduce it in their future life.

    The Palestinian Children Indoctrination and Hate program is a fine example of that.

    But there’s another sense, Neo, another facet. By giving a generation of people in AMerica and Iraq an ability to ‘fight’ chaos, and not be helpless in its face as many children are, it produces a sort of… well reverse alcoholism. Wherein you grew up in alcoholism and had to deal with it, so you can never drink or else you go all out.

    In that sense, that is sort of like civilization. Total war is drinking alcohol for civilization, whereas most of the time the US is at peace, even dictatorships are at peace, which is why the Left prefers them over reforms and human rights revolutions.

    The war in Iraq is a sort of incubation chamber for a new generation. Here you have alcohol, which is fighting, and you have chaos, death, hope, military training, etc. It’s like a giant mixing pot, where chaos is the general term for it.

    What gets produced out of this is the next generation. And that is why in a sense, occupations take more than a generation. You need to find leadership and soci[a]l networks of sufficient strength and resistance, to Chaos that is, in order for the new generation to supplant the old dictates of the old men who should fade away. This is similar to Vietnam in a way, except that kind of new generation was bad and corroded to begin with. They had internalized chaos as a reaction to order, rather than seeking Order because they lived through Chaos (WWII parents).

    Balance is better than just reactions though. Because people can and will overreact.

    What most people only vaguely sense is that the creation of ‘democracy’ in Iraq will basically mean an entire generation of Iraqis that will more or less seek to destroy Islamic Jihadists, Baathists, Sunni insurgents, and dictators with their thugs like Hugo. The Left is scared piss of that.

    Because what you see in early childhood shapes who you are. Fundamentally. As a family therapist, Neo, I think you know this, although you don’t blog about this near as much as Shrink does.

    How will children react to seeing soldiers, US and Iraqi, in the context of their peers and friends being blown up by Al Qaeda? How will they internalize it? How will they react? Will they become Quaker Pacifists and lovingly loyal lapdogs of the Soci[a]lists and Baathist apparachtiks? No, in a sense I believe that if given a chance, victims will become more violent on average as a reaction towards their oppressors than objective observers like us.

    I think the Left knows this, for certainly they know how to indoctrinate children. The Jihad knows this as well, so perhaps they are gambling on an instantaneous terror campaign to force us to leave, even when it is costing them the loyalty of the children, because they believe that when we leave, they will be free to guide the reactions of the children. Against us.

    Alliances, neo, in our world is no longer about the word of nations, if ever they were. They are about the integrity of the national character of a nation, the promises of its generation, and how compatible that generation in that country is with ours in this country.

    In the past, Princes who grew up together as friends, would have a higher chance of solidifying peace and prosperity. Because friends have less chances of killing each other just for sport. We see the same in Arabia. It is easy to support killing Jews, not so easy to do the deed yourself face to face with a Jew, though. Statistically speaking, that’s why they indoctrinate children, to be used as cannon fodder that cannot think for themselves and therefore need have no conscience to stop them.

    And the Left wants all this to continue in a way. Because it is so similar to how they themselves in function in our universities and colleges.

    The military scares the Left so much because we saw it in Katrina. Whereas the Left couldn’t do a damn thing, the military came in and did. The Left hates competition. Especially in the case of the loyalty of their serfs and slaves.

    In a sense, this makes them politically natural allies of regressive societies like Arabs have. But we should change that Neo, that is a status quo that is unacceptable. We cannot have the rich and elite, who are supposed to use their power for good, setting themselves up as petty tyrants to rule over their inferiors.

    We must break their cycle of not only sponsored violence but their cycle of control over the hearts of men and women as well. And to do that, we need Strength. And we cannot obtain strength if we are not willing to be on the ground, fighting, dying, killing, annihilating, in order to say “this is our ground, come and take it”.

    This therapist guy has to go to people’s homes, you say, to effect some change? What makes anyone think that people living in hopeless climes and times can be helped from across the ocean when the killers live right around the corners of their homes?

    Welfare didn’t work for the black community and soci[a]lized care was in DC and in their neighborhoods! What makes the Left think they can help Iraqis from afar? The same thing that makes the Left think they are worthy to command the fate of human beings.

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