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Support — 11 Comments

  1. Interesting, by the way, that the snarky snot who refused the request was one Faisal, from Pakistan. I hope somebody is looking into his immigration and green card status. If he’s not yet a citizen, I hope he’s invited to return to Pakistan.

    If he is a citizen, I hope his business is thoroughly boycotted, by his fellow Americans.

  2. This sounds so bogus. Yeah, and Jessica Lynch was a war hero, firing at Iraqi enemy until her ammo ran out.

  3. The Pakistani Muslim line was basically a mortal wound. You ain’t recovering from that PR, no matter who you fire.

    Oh there are public image consults that can reduce the damage, but even they have their limits.

    Talkin, the owner was Faisal, not the person who responded. The owner doesn’t do grunt work like respond to customer emails, Talkin, you should know that.

    For some reason if kung bets for Team A, I’m going with Team B. maybe it won’t work the magic charm all the time, but certainly it has a good track record as a system for bets.

  4. And look what we have here, I was right.


    I received over 120 emails about the supplier in Milwaukee who responded to Sergeant Hess’s query if the company shipped to military addresses since SGT Hess was with the 1st Cav in Iraq.

    The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has followed up on the story. I refrained from posting the rumor until we had more info. Looks like the incident happened as SGT Hess portrayed it. Below, via Tony, is the actual email exchange where SGT Hess is inquiring if the Wisconsin company would ship sleeping mats to military addresses (ie Iraq):

    Duu humbug folksky fragolicious mien, course it sounds bogus, the truth always sounds bogus to folks in denial.

  5. Notice it says “in which an employee voiced opposition to the war in Iraq.” I believe that would happen, but the original post from Fox News implies that the employee spoke for company policy.

  6. Agency theory. The employee did speak for the company. If not, that employee should be fired.

  7. The employee was fired. After all, the Pakistani owner/operator may stand to loose a lot of sales in the future. (Kunfu might suddenly want a sleeping mat though).

    Question is would the rest of us want to buy a mat off this guy? In my mind, the employee said aloud what they all think.

    Maybe they should go peddle their wares back in Pakistan

  8. They said he was fired. But we all know the campaign of disinformation the media is on.

    There is no reason to believe it either way, just sit with a basic sketch of events and wait it out.

    Talkin’s scenario may play out to be true that it is a one man operated company.

  9. His web site is still down. Looks like he’s stuck selling cushioned prayer rugs to his buddies.

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