Home » Troll IDs


Troll IDs — 71 Comments

  1. Oooh troll alert troll alert! You’re utterly gutless neo. Typical American I guess. Typical dishonest cowardly rightwingnut anyway.

    But no I’m not Probligo, nor am I in Auckland. But feel free to show your racism against NZers. I’m sure Ariel has some Tongan friends with dispaging things to say about NZers. He’s just so cosmopolitan.

  2. Yeah I know they had the same homepage. I’m not sure you should do a Libby/Plame neo-neo…but it’s your world.

  3. Neo,

    If nothing else, you’ve attracted quite a few readers over the last few days, loathsome as some of them are. You should take a bit of perverse pride in doing so.


    Racism against Kiwis? Please. That’s like accusing someone from Coventry of being racist towards someone from Aberdeen. Unless you’re a Maori, which I doubt, since most of the Maoris I met had a lot more sense than you, as well as guts. And anyway, as an anti-semite, who are you to accuse anyone of racism? Cretin.

    John Magee:

    Which “lot” are you addressing? I wouldn’t be surprised if you are one of those extremely helpful Guardian readers who wrote open letters to Ohio natives in 2004 lecturing them why they needed to vote against Bush, thus guaranteeing his victory. Keep up the good work, John!

  4. Probligo doesn’t have the same style, I know, cause he usually likes attacking me. And spotter didn’t take that chance, when it was offered to him, so not probligo, but still. You can pick up whether someone is Brit or AUstralian from his speech patterns, spellings, as well as euphemisms and idioms.

    Too bad you can’t tell body language, cause different nationalities walk differently, you know.

    Keep up the courage, until the fight is over, Neo.

  5. 1. probligo was actually decent, and would have said this to sputum for its racism, antisemitism, neo nazism, sharia loving (the Aryan Nation supports the Islamic cause, just nuts isn’t it?), ageism, homophobia, and flat out ugliness:

    “You have no redeeming feature that I can see.

    You are like the spoilt little five year-old brat who is so desperate for attention that you end up wrecking the afternoon tea and wake following the funeral of an elderly aunt. You disgrace yourself. You disgrace your parents. You disgrace your family and name.

    Grow up.”

    2. We have friends in NZ. Good friends.
    3. Racism? Racism???? You are really one sick little troll.

  6. Yes Ariel, racism. You. Look at what these idiots around you are espousing. Genocide.

    How can you pretend not to be a racist with your overt anti arab and anti muslim views?

    Your accusations are palpably false and desperate. Please provide evidence or FO you silly old leech. You really are a lowlife scum.

    Your side of politics is the fascist/nazi side you dimwit.

    CJD. Please demonstrate how “guts” are determined over the interweb. Seems pretty cowardly to make allegations without cause or evidence to me. That IS the republican way though ain’t it?

  7. Let’s just make it easy for rug spotter to claim victory-

    Yes, I confess, we on the right are racists, who wish genocide on the Muslim peoples. Wait, they’re not a race…. Uh, wish death to Muslims! Yeah that’s it! Death to Islam! Death to Bin Ladin! Death to Islam! Death to Bin Ladin! Hey, Death to Iran too!

    There you go, now move along please, so we can clean the rug.

  8. The people of Finland do not endorse douglas’s comments…..

    besides it’ll be weeks before they are sober again….

  9. Hey, have I told you lately that your racists? And stupid? And cowards? nazis/fascists? Pond-sucking scum-dog leeches? Joo-lovers?

    I have? Well — well — well, you are, so there! You are very very bad peepul, and I can’t get you our of my head!! I can’t eat, i cant sleep in case i miss a comment!!! (Please … someone … help me….)

    Oh, Allah, how i hate you!!!!

  10. Always good to hear all sides, isn’t it? Sputter sounds like he might be a Welsh-Kiwi. Maybe he’s got some Latvian-Finn in him too (or maybe in her).

    Hey nonny, nonny, Bush is bad and there’s whiskey in the jar.

  11. Delete their posts as you come across them – it’s your mind they are messing with, not mine.

  12. I don’t know who this “Loki” character is, or thinks he/she is, but she/he’s doing a very poor imitation of me…. “Boring”‘s okay — sometimes I bore myself. Okay, a lot of times. Most of the time, even. But “gutless fquit”? “fquit”?? Even I, a Fin, don’t write nonsense words… Not as a rule….

  13. And the desperate attacks continue. Strangely, Kos doesn’t seem to be suffering a troll infestation, nor does Eschaton. The only post out of the 108 on his election thread that *might* be thought of as a troll was one posted by a “Barl Bove,” saying something along the lines of “As a democrat, we should all agree to boycott the elections.”

    Can you tell who’s really desperate now?

  14. Why are we neocons not worried? Mostly because, even if the Dems do win a majority in Congress, it will just lead to the amusing spectacle of them shooting themselves in the foot trying to make the UN Charter and Kyoto Protocols into US law, when they’re not trying to impeach Bush.

    Sometimes, to better appreciate the routine, it takes a break from it.

  15. On the one had I want the Dem to win to send a wake up call to Bush — on the other I don’t want Dems to be emboldened to try for an impeachment.

    Still undecided. :/

  16. hmm..I’ve gotten a few comments from ‘justaguy’. I usually don’t respond because Chomskybots aren’t very interesting.

    Anyway, using a few unix incantations and random dumb net tricks, I’d guess that he’s from Wellington, New Zealand.

    Not coincidentally, this wretched hive of Chomskyite scum and villany is also located in Wellington.


  17. You know what would be neat to implement? A blog comment database that saves the IP address and ICANN whois records of everyone who posts messages. Then, whenever someone posts using an IP addy or ICANN block sufficiently similar to one already in the database, a reference list is added after the poster’s name, listing all the aliases he/she may also have posted as.

    So, when neoconned posts using another sock puppet, you would get:

    SockMonkey aka spotter, Anonymous, neoconned

    Possibly the AKA list would even have links to previous messages posted by the same commenters, which could work even better with a Slashdot-style comment rating system, letting you pick the user’s best/worst comments to link to.

    Best of all, since traceable IP addresses and references aren’t being posted, just the previous aliases that triggered a match, there is no invasion of privacy issue.

  18. Spotter: I never said you are probligo. I said you were from the same place.

    However, you are “just a guy.” Or else you happen to share the same computer. Your call.

    Racism, against New Zealanders (which, if you read your original comment, is indeed what you are charging)? I had no idea the Kiwis had attained racial status. But, then again, race is most likely a social construct (and unless anyone thinks I’m being sarcastic here, I’m not).

    And saying where trolls are from is hardly “outing” them. Likewise saying that one is a sock puppet of the other. I have much more information about them than that, which I haven’t published.

    As far as trolls in general go: I’ve said many times that I’m planning some day to redo the blog in such a way that it will be easier to ban trolls with shifting or proxy IPs, such as spotter. But I am so busy at the moment it hasn’t happened yet, unfortunately.

    I counsel patience to all non-trolls, and the usual advice to please not feed them. When I leave troll posts up, it’s usually either because: (1) they’ve said something relatively substantive for a change, or (2) they’ve said something that sparked so much discussion that to remove it would make the thread incoherent, or (3) I think what they’ve said is such a good example of the stupidity and viciousness of the genre that I leave it up as an example of the thinking process and modus operandi of certain people on the Left (or wherever they’re from; it’s usually the Left).

  19. Apologies is that you Loko? How is Raumars? You’re a regular Vancouver.
    Nice to hear your story. Vodka and tonic.

  20. “Racism, against New Zealanders (which, if you read your original comment, is indeed what you are charging)? I had no idea the Kiwis had attained racial status”

    I think you need to update your definition of racism.

  21. BTW Scoop is only a news outlet, which published an article by Noam Chomsky from Green Weekly. They are not “Chomskyists”, whatever the hell that would be anyway.

    Yeah, right, Scoop.nz is a “news outlet” in the same sense that Indymedia is a “news outlet”. They’re calling this election “American Coup 2006” because they’re convinced Rove and his minions are going to steal the elections with his army of voting machine robots.

    I’ve been following Scoop since the first few days after 9/11. Their anti-US drivel was one of the first signs that some on the left had become rabid and conspiracy-theory driven. But you’re right, they’re not all Chomskybots, some are old-fashioned Stalinists.

    If you’re wondering what a Chomskybot is, click here

  22. I just checked Scoop….

    What did you say it was? Anti US? I didn’t see anything anti US? or Pro US…

    And Chomskybot? What about it? What’s it supposed to signify according to you? His linguistic works?

    Spotter how do you get a proxy ip?

  23. Spotter how do you get a proxy ip?
    Loki | 11.07.06 – 5:07 pm | #

    No idea, mate. It’s one of neo’s fantasies I think.

    AFA Scoop is concerned they aren’t what Mary thinks at all. You have to understand with the wingnuts that any criticism, even if it is verifiable fact, of the US makes you a lefty commie conspiracy theorist. And don’t mention the CIA connections. Shhhhh.

    Talking about the obvious documented failures of the US voting system makes someone a conspiracy nut.

    If you think Bush has cocked up in the any way, you have “Bush Derangement Syndrome”.

    The neocons are perfect you see. Critics are deranged and cock ups are someone else’s fault.

    Bill Clinton cause WW2 you know.

  24. Universities have a lot of firewalls, and if these guys are using the wireless or computers in the uni labs, this may be giving them a free get out of jail ticket.

    It might also explain the interesting frequency of their comments. Class might be over and they are bored, or they don’t have anything to do in their work cubicle, so let’s log on and have some fun at Neo’s!

  25. Loki aka Gourney:

    You wrote (and asked): “You see Charlie many many Hard scientists are conservative…why?

    And many Soft scientists and co are liberals?

    Objectivity? Have you cornered the market? maybe, one for the Soft scientists to work out…lol.”

    OK. I’ll take a crack at it…

    1) Physical Scientists believe that objective truth exists and can be apprehended by the human mind. Moral relativism strikes us as an oxymoron of the first water…

    2) Generally we also believe that all cultures are NOT equal. A good example for us the Arabic Culture which has done squat in our field for the last few centuries or so.

    3) More to the point, we also believe (again generally) that our fields attract the more intelligent scholars…again, not all animals are created equal.

    4) We’re not people oriented and thinking “feelings” are over -rated. Certainly when cultural matters are up for discussion.

    5) As a whole, we tend to be linear thinkers and – we hope – rigidly logical, analytical, and dispassionate.

    6) We’re not impressed by Socialistic schemes, recalling that the nut jobs of the twentieth century were types like Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler , and Minor Tyrants all of whom claimed to have Great Things Planned for us lucky Kulaks and Serfs.

    I might think of more points, but these are off the top of my head.

    And now for dinner…

    Regards, Friend…

  26. The fact is Mary, that most of the world’s population IS very antiAmerican and your nincompoop-in-chief has made it perfectly respectable to be so.

    Bullshit. You assume that we’re idiots and you assume we’ve never travelled at all. You don’t speak for the world, you speak for your narrow stasist viewpoint. If the entire world was made up of Scoop-style tinfoil hatters the whole mess would have collapsed a long time ago.

    Don’t look now, but Rove’s evil army of robocallers are hiding under your bed. URGENT! URGENT!

  27. Talk about stupid paranoia. We’ve been getting the “robocalls”. It’s to get the base out to vote. I don’t know how many of those calls we’ve gotten the last week, but it’s been at least 5 per day.

  28. Tomorrow’s election has been billed as a referendum on the Iraq war, and the Democrats feel poised to win. But they are divided and planless, with some fearing an early pullout in Iraq and others desiring one. The former probably have studied the bitter lessons of the end stages of the Vietnam War, while the latter probably consider those end stages to have been a victory for their side.

    Neo, you need to ban the troll that posted this.

    “while the latter probably consider those end stages to have been a victory for their side.”

    Without any proof quoted as to who said anything like that, that is pure slander.

  29. Just a guess, but many times trolls have been outted as teenage commenters – it’s kind of a maturity test. Can the commenter actually have a logical argument without being childish? Or does he descend to name-calling quickly? Most of this trolling sounds pretty childish, so I’m thinking teenage guy with too much time on his hands…

  30. “with some fearing an early pullout in Iraq”

    That would most aptly be our social/democratic friends in Iraq as they would actually have their lives to fear for — Shall we betray them again? I hope not.

  31. To justagay:
    Well so you say everybody should trust prevailing opinions,that’s cool.For exemple why most aid provided to Sudan’s region of Darfur is from US(about 80-90%),and UN only cuts supply,don’t you think this is a little bit to much for a greedy person like Bush.So if you are right and US is so bad what is then the rest of the world?For that simple fact why I should think like majority who have some maximalist and biased views?

    And by the way Hitler was socialist,more exactly national-socialist.

    Only far right I recall is Pinochet.

  32. My previous post was to justaguy, English is not my native language ,I hope my posts are not too dificult to read.

  33. Socialism is something from the left and nationalism is from the right,so you can argue it both ways.
    Important is that many far left are antisemitic,or like Castro hate blacks , so they divide people by national/ethnic patterns and that is nazi style thinking,so if fascists are far right it happents that if you a too far left you end up in the far right.It happens that somebody can be considered fascist if only he/she is white otherwise just far left.

  34. “Only far right I recall is Pinochet.”

    Oh please. You don’t recall Stalin? Far right. Mao? Rightist. Pol Pot? Fundy far right. Castro? Same thing. What’re you, ambidextrous? Well anyway, you must be one of the dirty band of nutty rats around here. I mean nutty band of dirty rats. And yer ugly.

    I’m not, by the way, I just like hanging out.

  35. Mary, are you saying that the robocalls aren’t happening?

    I know they’re happening, but I’m not going to trust a conspiracy site to tell me who is making them and why.

    Here’s another Scoop report on the election, saying that a vote for Republicans is a vote for genocide. The Genocide Election

    …and do I believe that Scoop is a lunatic conspiracy site, a haven for 9/11 truthers? You betcha.

    ..see “UQ Wire: 9/11 Truth Newsletter, Sept 14, 2006”:

    “Film Review: 9/11 Press for Truth”

    “UQ Wire: 911 – They Let It Happen On Purpose!”

    “URGENT: Int’l 9/11 Truth Conference in Chicago – A MUST SEE CONFERENCE”

    What is wrong with these folks in Wellington, NZ? Why are they obsessed with imaginary events and non-conspiracies happenning in a nation on the other side of the world – a nation that they’ve probably never visited?

    Why are you trolling here? Don’t you have decent blogs to visit in New Zealand? Maybe the information highway turns into a dirt road where you live. Or maybe the sheep ate your wireless?

  36. Hi Sputter. Me again. Still wanna know how to get a proxy ip. I could use it for something I wanna try… Any ideas yet?

    Well anyway. Rum & Coke.

    I’m not one of the rats either, though, right? You didn’t mean me, right?

    But that Loki guy, if she is a guy, I dunno…

  37. What is wrong with these folks in Wellington, NZ? Why are they obsessed with imaginary events and non-conspiracies happenning in a nation on the other side of the world – a nation that they’ve probably never visited?

    Why are you trolling here? Don’t you have decent blogs to visit in New Zealand? Maybe the information highway turns into a dirt road where you live. Or maybe the sheep ate your wireless?
    mary | Homepage | 11.07.06 – 9:31 pm | #”

    Yep, I knew it’d come soon. Hahaha, Mary you are hilarious.

    Mary, the one link that I’ve followed is about the pharmaceutical industry and is a valid story. If you are put off by headlines that offend you, then you aren’t going to learn much about the world.

    And Kiwis and Australians are the most travelled people on earth. Americans, on the other hand, aren’t. That is a verifiable fact.

  38. ‘National socialist’ is just a term, to claim Hitler was a socialist, or a lefty of any description is ridiculous.

    You can say the same for Stalin, Communism was hijacked from the day day Lenin died.Lenin was introducing ‘capitalist’ reforms when ‘communism’ wasn’t working.

    Stalin was a fascist parading as a leftist. He was a righty.

    ‘Just as far left?’ Dimitru yes cause they’ve gone into the other spectrum, the conservative spectrum.

    There’s nothing left wing Isaiah about a ethnonationalist hit squad in Iraq.

    Donkey Kong – Dems have no plan? Well if they win that means nothign will have changed. (err they do actually – I’d forward you the url but that would bore you im sure.)

    The denial, the simplicities are palpable.

    Dont forget Franco…Milosovich, more bleeding heart ‘lefties’ or were they classical liberals?

    Why are you worried about spotter and co? You know you’d miss him if he were gone…and otherwise this would turn into a backslapping non idea fest….even more I mean.

    Lefties may believe in the state, rightys believe in the nation. big difference.

  39. Wow Sputter,that’s fun , that form of entertainment of your’s shows that you are just pittyful.

  40. State, nation, left, right, aeh. (That didn’t sound like an Israel-person, did it? Because I’m not one of THEM, if you know what I mean. Not that there’s anything wrong with them, much, but…)

    So where was I?… Oh yeah, left, right. I mean, what about forward and back? Huh? How come nobody ever talks about the forwardists and the backists? Or upists and downists?

    What if neocons are into the 4th dimension? Would neoneocons be some kinda 5th dimension thing then? Pretty scary if you think about it. But so is practically anything if you think about it. So don’t. Gin and tonic.

  41. And Kiwis and Australians are the most travelled people on earth. Americans, on the other hand, aren’t. That is a verifiable fact.

    That is verifiably untrue:

    We have the largest military in the world–all of them traveling all over the world on jolly adventures.

    Ergo, we have the most traveled population in the world.

    Even the redneckiest redneck necky has been to Korea; Japan; Germany; Kuwait; Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Heck, that’s just guys in the Army!

    We go allllll over.

  42. To Loki:

    Stalin far right?Give me a break,with all comsomol and staff?He exactly was far left with all redistribution of goods and blah blah.

    As about Franco far right I agree with you .

  43. Gray – you’re an idiot. Less than 20% of US citizens have passports.

    You don’t travel in the military on a passport at all.

    The military is in addition to the ones with passports.

    Really, how can we be called an Imperialist Nation if we don’t go anywhere?

  44. I. You don’t need passports to go into Canada or Mexico (300 miles).

    2. Over 50,000,000 Americans have passports, the total combined populations of NZ and Australia is….24,500,000.

    Your point is what?

  45. you silly cunt – you don’t know the first thing about Chomsky – or anything else apparently except crying about conspiracies..

    speaking of conspiracies, why is it that men who call women cunts always have the smallest dicks? What is it they call it – overcompensation?

    We understand the basis of trolling now. Thanks for the input.

  46. Spotter:
    “Anonymous, let’s keep the 4 letter words out of it. Abuse is a right-wing thing.

    That certainly hasnt been true. Not on this forum, thats for sure.

  47. Dimitru

    I cannot agree, but maybe because our terms are misleading, because political parties have names like National socialists does not mean they are left of the spectrum. To argue that Nazis were socialists leftists is just nonsense.

    Stalin – if we think of the political spectrum as a circle we will find stalin next to Hitler, they are therfore neither left nor right, they are at the opposite pole to centrism.

    Its delusional to say Hitler was a ‘socialist’, and completely ridiculous. Policies to back this up? None. He was an extreme nationalist, what use would he have for political correctness, sharing wealth multiculturalism? LOL

    Stalin likewise, so capital is taken by the state big deal, he was a totalitarian, communism was a means to an end. Redistrbution of goods,to whom? The state? yeah right. To the polit beareau, just another form of control.

    Also to say that anti semitism is a symptom of the left is just delusional. Leftists want to defend everyones civil rights so they critisize Israel so that’s antisemitic? Who or what is above criticism?

    No doesn’t wash…(like loko)At the moment the far right is using jews to bolster their fight against Musilms, it’ll be startling how fast that will change when it has to…

    Also, a touch of realpolitik – today’s sandnigger haters were yesterdays kike haters and will revert to hating kikes once the sandniggers are taken care of. So please….you want to talk the realpolitik of the far right, or the simple right?

    People here are not that gullible.

    The Democrat tsunami has landed….bliss.

    Hope you’re getting this down loko…

  48. To Dumitry:
    Attempts to line up the whole universe of political attitudes along one axis are too simplistic. Economic conservatism can be combined with social liberalism, but not always. In economics Pinochet was libertarian, and very successful one. Hitler, contrary to this, was economical statist. Calling both “far right” tell us nothing about these differencies. Democracy can lead to fascism, as in Russia and Germany, and dictatorship – to democracy, as in Republic of Korea and Chile. So the terms “left” and “right” can not be applied universally, in different cultures they mean different things. And such terms as “fascist” and “socialist” are now so ambiguous, that it is better to avoid using them in any serious duscussion.

  49. Gray Pelosi IS bin laden…didn’t you know? Dick Cheney said…

    Surfin that Democat tsunami baby all the way in, Northup gone too…

    beefeaters gin

  50. Yeah! What he said! That guy, what a guy, that sputter! or whatever…

    Still surfin, guy! Still up here, on top of the wave!! Lookit all the dead neocons and Israel-ppl-lovers, floating… Isn’t it great!

    I dont even kneed that proxy yip now. I mean ip.

    But you still think I’m not one of the rats here, right? I just like hanging out here, you know, just like you. I mean, I dont LIKE hanging around — thatd be kind of of sick, kind of “loco”, heh, heh. Right? But, you know, I mean, what else? Right? Sputter? The guy? The man?? You there?

    Um. Oh I dont know. Peach brandy.

  51. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

    neonoe cut my last 2 posts to pillu so…must be Congress induced headache…

  52. Gourney,

    The political right in the US has been pro-Israel for most of my life. The right-wing Jew-haters became Arab-haters will become Jew-haters again is ahistorical. The left has had periods of anti-semitism going back to the Comintern. The world isn’t that simple dichotomy, and as for people’s rights, the phrase “rights for me but not for thee” describes the left as well.

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