Home » For those of you who like to follow the sport of troll morphing…


For those of you who like to follow the sport of troll morphing… — 17 Comments

  1. Is it just me? Or, has the definition of “censorship” run amok? If somebody paints a grafitti on my fence and I take it down is it censorship? I was always under the impression that censorship was a government “thing”. As far as blogs are concerned I figure “My blog, my rules. Your blog your rules.”

  2. The Left needs psychological help, Neo. They come here to get that help, but can’t bring themselves to speak truth to power, lest their inner selves be exposed.

  3. Senescent Wasp Is it just me? Or, has the definition of “censorship” run amok? If somebody paints a grafitti on my fence and I take it down is it censorship? I was always under the impression that censorship was a government “thing”. As far as blogs are concerned I figure “My blog, my rules. Your blog your rules.”

    Thanks for this perfectly succinent definition — I was thinking it but it wasn’t coming to me. On another note, if I toss a smoke grenade into the open window of the car next to me with the ghetto blaster stereo system booming into “my” enviroment — well crap I hope it was okay I didn’t hang around to see. lol

    One of my greatest little delights in resent time was riding patrol with my buddy [a cop].

    “Hey Robert, can I make a request for a pullover?”


    “The next car we see with the audio system shaking the road, please pull em over and ticket em?”

    “Not a problem.”

    Such a delight! I wish I could work part time as cop and just do that all day long. It just warms my heart to think about it. 🙂

  4. Was that analysis based on the IP range his comments were coming from?

    Also: What country are they originating from?

    You know, I fully believe there are actually only a small number of people who go and try to agitate on other sites, because the rhetoric is always so predictable. And, the writing styles, and canards they throw around are terribly similar. I don’t think it’s just one person doing that here – there are times I thought S Britton was Confud from way earlier, but there are others times I see differences; the arrogance was the same, but the way they presented it differed at times – but I don’t see this group of wandering agitprop bandiers being very large.

  5. Sen. wasp (R-OK),
    if you are referring to my comment, what I meant was that trolling is a form of censorship, because the intent is to shut down the dialogue or kill the readership of the blog.

  6. ElMondoHummus: I won’t reveal all my secrets, but it’s not just based on an IP or an IP range. There’s more information than that, so I can be fairly certain.

  7. Well I’m chuffed to the teeth, I must say.

    A whole topic dedicated to little old me!

    My 15 minutes of fame.

    At last!

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