Home » The amazing umbrella cover museum of Nancy 3


The amazing umbrella cover museum of Nancy 3 — 13 Comments

  1. Speaking of interesting museums, the Musée de l’Art Brut in Lausanne, Switzerland is a curiousity.
    “It focuses on crude art created by eccentric and criminally insane artists.”
    Not that the works are that good, but it’s interesting because of the genre, and you play around trying to make sense of madness relfected in art…

  2. I love visiting the obscure museums where I travel. There is a shovel museum, a failed medical devices museum, a cigarette lighter museum, a Wizard Of Oz museum…

    I suspect the 3 went into Henry because it’s an easy typing error to make.

  3. If you ever find yourself near Melbourne, Australia, you must check out the Giant Worm Museum.

    Closer to home, in southern Wisconsin, is the Mustard Museum. Another must-see.

  4. You deserve a rest. You’ve earned one. I imagine I speak for the majority of your readers when I say we’ll more than understand if your weekly output of posts is reduced a bit during your vacation–if not, it truly wouldn’t be much of a vacation.

    Perhaps you could feature some of your “best of” posts or a re-run of your series of “change” posts. I’m sure there are plenty of readers, new and old, who would appreciate your spotlighting these posts and who would use the opportunity to contribute fresh comments to them–as you know, time and events can change peoples’ opinions and perspectives.

  5. The Portland Press Herald has the scoop:

    She replaced her middle initial with a number five years ago because she thought a number would sound “interesting and amusing.” It took some time; she plugged all the primary digits into her name to see how each would sound.

    “I guess being a performer I want people to notice me, so it helps to be a little different,” Hoffman said.

    Meanwhile, bon voyage, and let your smile be you know what.

  6. We had a public shooter at the range a few months back whose first name was “9” – not “Nine” but “9”. His middle name was a letter, I don’t remember which.

    He said his parents told him they wanted a name easy to spell and remember. It was cheap for things that cost per letter. I just said “Oh, OK”. I wondered if they were some type of drug user from the 60’s, I’ve known some people with strange names that thier parents were that.

    I always wondered if it felt normal to him. I suppose it would personally – it’s what you grew up with – but if he met someone named “2” would he think “weird”?

  7. The 3 is silent? Reminds me of the blonde M & M inspector joke…the one who kept throwing out the 3’s, W’s and E’s. Production was down by 75%…

  8. “Then one day, around 1992, I was in a dime store and I stole a cover off of an umbrella . . . just the cover. Then I knew I was hooked.”

    Hooked? Klepto, anyone?

    We’ve run into a toddler named Nine at the park where our son plays…

    Lehrer… Now that was clever stuff.

  9. Perhaps her parents were fans of the Peanuts comic strip. About 40 years ago Charles Schulz introduced a character named “5” who proved to be short-lived.

    There is a reporter named Jennifer 8. Lee at the New York Times these days.

  10. I am reminded of that wonderful line from Robert Towne’s script for “Chinatown”:

    “I don’t blame myself. You see,
    Mr. Gittes, most people never
    have to face the fact that at
    the right time and right place,
    they’re capable of anything.”

    An umbrella cover museum. Amazing.

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