Home » For Mother’s Day: mothers and babies


For Mother’s Day: mothers and babies — 11 Comments

  1. Amen, probligo.

    I like nothing more than going over to my parents or my in-laws and pulling out the boxes of photos. This inevitably leads to a couple hours of random memory access, and somehow, no matter how many times we’ve seen some photos before, some new story always seems to come out. I’ve learned a great deal about my parents in this way- wouldn’t trade those hours for anything.

  2. I first thought Neo’s grandmother was the picture of Neo, because of the bone structure and shape of the face.

  3. There are two things that come from this for me.

    The first is Mrs Whatsit’s comment which I heartily endorse.

    The second is the huge importance of photographs – no matter how inane they might seem, they tell a story of somebody or something. They are a continuing archive that no other civilisation has had available to it.

    Do not EVER throw out an album, or a negative – no matter how silly it might seem…

  4. There’s something endlessly curious about seeing the echoes of the present in the past in old photos. It’s fascinating, and yet irrelevant, since intellectually, we know that it is the act of parenting, not the genetics that make a parent…

  5. I recently took my cats to a professional photographer for formal portraits.

    Does that say something about the progress of technology, affluence, or just my ineptitude with a camera?

  6. Since mrswhatsit mentioned the familial resemblance and since no one else has commented on this, and someone has to, I’ll take the fall:
    Obviously, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

  7. I deleted my first comment because I wasn’t clear. The family resemblance in these pictures is so striking that I can actually see the connection between your grandmother‘s picture and your adult apple portrait. Go back and forth between your grandmother’s eyes in that lovely picture and what little shows of your eye past that apple. No question at all!

    Happy Mother’s Day.

  8. You and I are mothers and daughters to each other, I think. ‘Love you big time.

  9. Thank you for sharing, you look gorgeous…Happy Mothers Day!

    I already got hijacked by my precious jewel this morning, so posting will be an interesting proposition…

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