Home » Michael Moore, Halliburton, hypocrisy, and Me


Michael Moore, Halliburton, hypocrisy, and Me — 23 Comments

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  2. Greets from Tampa, Fl —

    Stumbled on your blog by searching for the “Do As I Say” book (had heard of it somewhere or another, and was searching for gift suggestions to give the parents).

    Just posting to say, it’s okay about the New Yorker. I call myself a liberal conservative Republican (if that makes any sense), and am about to re-subscribe to the St Petersburg Times. Blatantly liberal and leaning in their politics.. and they sometimes annoy the !@#$ out of me because of it.. but they’re simply one of the best written and put together dailys I’ve ever read.

    It’s okay to realize and respect quality even if you have to ignore some aspects of it!

  3. I’m 57 and grew up in NYC with NYT and the New Yorker. I let NYT go in the Seventies, when I started reading Bob Bartley’s WSJ. I quit the New Yorker about the time I started The Economist. I dropped all print periodicals after I got onto the net in 1998. Everything’s on the net. Everything. Save your money; waste your time!

    Good blog you’ve got here. I’ve linked it.

  4. Waiting at the doctor’s office, I usually have just enough time to read the cartoons and one article. That’s about right.

  5. Anyone who is into the (justified) mockery of the New Yorker needs to read Tom Wolfe’s essay “Tiny Mummies”, which will provide plenty of material for further mockery.

  6. For what it’s worth, I recently cancelled my subscription to The New Yorker. Additionally, I received a prorated refund for unreceived issues. I was tired of getting ticked off at their leftie idiocy. I gave the person taking my cancellation information a good piece of my mind as to why I was cancelling. She was probably a third party contractor’s employee, but she heartily agreed with me.

    In the past, I have enjoyed The New Yorker also…mostly because it kept me informed about cultural happenings in NYC (I love visiting NYC even though many NYC elitists would consider me a Texas “cracker”).

    I also have thoroughly enjoyed their cartoons through the years. However…for the earlier commenter here…you CAN get LOTSA’ New Yorker cartoons for free…at http://www.cartoonbank.com . It’s a great site where New Yorker cartoons are indexed by genre and time of publishing.

  7. I feel your pain. I’ve been a subscriber to The Economist for years but the last 4 years the editorial board of TE has gone down the drain. Since they still have decent business, books, economics and science sections, and the obit page, I’ve continued the subscription.
    As for the rest of The Economist, I use it as a good source of blogging material.

  8. You’re no hypocrite. If there are articles you enjoy, then the New Yorker has earned your subscription money. To deny yourself the NYer or other publication b/c of occasional or, okay, frequent objectionable articles would seem like a censoring of all material that didn’t agree with your views. I’m sure there are Nation readers who would never touch a National Review (and vice versa); like their heads would explode if exposed to an opposing viewpoint. I always check out the New Yorker when I’m in the airport. I really want to buy it so I’ll have something else to read on the plane. Sometimes I do, but most of the time it just doesn’t interest me.

    By the way, I really enjoy your writing — it is a pleasure to read such well considered and well expressed thoughts. And as a New Yorker surrounded by knee-jerk liberals (who I have remained friends with) I REALLY know where you’re coming from!

  9. Ugh, the New Yorker. We were given copies in AP English Lit (forced subscriptions in reality paid for by our tutition) my senior year in high school (in Tennessee) and had to write journal entries about articles. Pretentious crap!

  10. Well, since the thread is all over the place, let me second First Things (theophilosophical take on life in the Public Square) and add The New Criterion, literate arts talk with lots of conservative wit and learning.

    As to the New Yorker, even though I hated the cover with the abaya, the magazine — film reviews, profiles of international architects, etc. — is the best for the gym treadmill. I don’t think Neo has to apologize.

    And I don’t think the high-ticket ads are contradictory to the Demo-left tone. Plenty of D-l are trial lawyers, coupon clippers, self-proclaimed “Creative Class” rich-ies, and look down on us because of that, too.

  11. I have a job and the internet takes enough of my time.

    So I don’t have to worry about the New Yorker because I don’t have time to mess with it anyway.

    As for Moore, I also heard he owns an estate in Michigan and a pricey penthouse in Manhattan.

    I guess that makes him one of those bad rich people.

  12. Neo, if you were accusing the New Yorker of causing the deaths of American soldiers just to steal government contracts and had a subscription, you would be a hypocrite. Since you’re not doing that, you’re not.

  13. I’m not telling you what to do with The New Yorker, that’s your decision. And I wouldn’t fault you for subscribing to it if you get some value from it.

    However, I will say one of my recently developed pleasures is to very politely tell off the people who periodically call asking me to subscribe to the New York Times. Before, I used to simply say I wasn’t interested but now I say I wouldn’t pay for the New York Times if someone paid me to pay for the New York Times. That got a laugh out of the last person to call me.

    After Time magazine pestered me enough I finally filled out the little card with much the same sentiment (crossing off any reference to the number of issues I wanted, of course), and mailed it back to them – no postage necessary. 🙂

    I figure if I’m going to turn them down then the least I can do is tell them why. If enough people do that, maybe something will start to sink in.

  14. It would seem more like hypocrisy if you didn’t mention it to anyone (or otherwise treated it like a shameful secret.)

    Not that I’m an expert on apparent hypocrisy.

    The thing that makes this look like hypocrisy for characters like Michael Moore is that he builds up a public image for himself. The public image is heavily invested with certain moral claims.

    When his private actions seem to bely those claims, we begin to wonder who is the man behind the mask.

    I don’t recall seeing you make such sweeping claims about the New Yorker, although you do give evidence of a need to defend your decision to purchase more copies.

    I’ve got too much Midwest in my background–I never saw a copy of the New Yorker untl I moved to grad school.

    If I may plug a recent discovery of mine: the journal First Things is very scholarly. However, it is likely much les enjoyable reading.

    The editor of First Things keeps a quasi-blog on their website, at http://www.firstthings.com

  15. The cartoons are well worth the subscription. Can I get the cartoons only and save on postage?

  16. Here’s a summary of the source, a book entitled “Do As I Say, (Not As I Do)” by Peter Schweizer. And Moore is by no means the only one hoist by the petard of his own hypocrisy, courtesy of Schweizer’s research into the records of the liberal rich and famous:

    We really really should have known about this earlier. Like… when Fahrenheit came out.

    The reason why, is because it seems Bush didn’t hire an assassin. Someone who dug into political enemy’s backgrounds and came up with dirt. Like that creature of Bill Clinton’s.

    Bush needed to hire a Karl Rove Doppleganger… but he didn’t.

    And this is the result, we learn useful information after a monumentous election. Or, at the least, we learn about a “contention” after fateful decisions had been made and movie tickets had been bought.

    That makes me feel very very secure to know that the fate of this nation is built upon chilvary and honor codes, instead of strength, pragmatism, and the truth.

    Maybe God does favor Bush.. he won didn’t he? Pure luck it seems given all we know now.

    Yes, I’m supporting an institution that regularly publishes political pieces that make me fling it to the nearest wall and then pick it up and pencil angrily and furiously in all the margins. But we all have our vices. Plus, I can always compensate by writing about the things in there I disagree with, if I so desire. That justifies my sojourn in the belly of the beast, right?

    I think you’re just an information junkie NN Con. If someone had given you a choice between the internet and the New Yorker subscription for 50 years, which would you choose?

    If you want a solution, if solution it is, find a newspaper that offers the same informational goodness but without the stupidities. Although thatcould be hard as these “magazines” seem to have a death grip on their exclusives and other monopolistic policies they deride businesses for…

    Oh ya, Swift Boats had to be done by veterans to defend the truth.

    I wish I had a Quantum Reality generator, then I could make changes in the past and see how it plays out all on my own universe play-forward machine. That would eliminate the need for TV all together.

  17. Amen to what you say, Erasmus! I haven’t read “The New Yorker” in years, but out here we have the L.A. Times, called by some “The Left Angeles Times.” Tons and tons of sobby, weepy articles about “The Day I Discovered My Mexican Maid was a Human Being,” “Gangbangers—Misunderstood Youth?” “Misunderstood Moslems,” “Misunderstood Migrant Workers,” “Misunderstandings among those who are Misunderstood”—oh, you get the picture!

    And juxtaposed with all these are ads and puff-pieces for “The chickest little restaurants in chic L.A.!” “Touring the Wine Country.” “Ravishing fall outfits!” (at something like $2,000.00 and up)—happy, decadent wallows over yummy sushi, lovely leather bags, darling little boutiques, wonderful new wines—limousine liberalism, at its most self-indulgent, and repulsive.

    Neo-neo Con, make the break! Drop the subscription! Trust me, you’ll feel much, much better afterwards!

  18. Neocon, Let it go.. Make a clean break from the New Yorker. That is not you any longer.. An addiction is more easily broken cold turkey. Likewise, you will no longer be supporting your enemies!!

  19. As a fellow subscriber to The New Yorker, who also finds at least one or two pieces worth reading in almost every issue:
    – Do you consider it an “indirect” form of hypocrisy for the magazine to support a liberal domestic agenda -against Republican cuts in food stamps, health care, student loans etc–while surrounding their articles and stories with ads for the wealthy only?
    – Example: on the back cover of the November 7 issue Uma Thurman alluringly gazes at the reader while wearing a TAGHeuer watch. “What are you made of?” asks the copy? Certainly not the big bucks Uma pulls down for karate kicking in her movies.
    – The rest of the ads are, in great measure, luxury items and upscale apparel and accessories for the upper 10% income bracket.
    – Do you see this an “unintended” kind of hypocrisy, or simply necessary for the publication to bring readers the materials it does? Isn’t there a dissonance between the liberal agenda and the richie-rich pages of lush ads? To the eye, for sure.
    – I also subscribe to the NYRB. Where else can you get the laughs from pretentious personals the publication has been famous for? (Something along the lines of: “Like reading Proust in the original French together while walking on a rain-soaked beach?” Yeah, sure, who doesn’t?)

  20. I’m a huge un-fan of MM, but I’m always a bit suspicious of these “hypocracy of stock ownership” arguments; often, it turns out to be because someone owns an S&P 500 or Wilshire 5000 index fund or a mutual fund that had that stock in its portfolio.

    But to the writer’s point, to have 2K shares (worth about $60K at the moment) of HAL in a mutual fund, you would have to have a ton of money in it…

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