Home » MSM as Impressionist art: the vote in south Lebanon


MSM as Impressionist art: the vote in south Lebanon — 7 Comments

  1. Here’s a better “home” page than Yahoo! News:
    The Hunger Site
    (Mine is set there)

    Yahoo! News seems to be just as biased as the “mainstream” media, whence they derive most of their content…

  2. “..Left/defacto islamicist allicances” pretty well sums it up in my opinion.

  3. The object of many journo-politicos’ facile triumphalism and schedenfreude is telling; it also further demonstrates some de facto Left/Islamicist alliances, or in this case Left/Baathist alliances, corrosive of Lebanon’s electorate.

    Similarly from Patterico:
    “Quelle surprise! When the heavily armed Hezbollah runs in Hezbollah space, how many seats do you imagine would be seriously contested? Besides the six that had only a single candidate, I imagine the other seats in the Shi’ite sections of the south were “contested” only in the loosest sense of the word. There was probably more anti-Syrian sentiment in the Sunni, Druze, and Christian neighborhoods… but after the car-bomb assassination of anti-Syrian journalist Samir Kassir in eastern Lebanon three days ago, I suspect opposition in the south was muted, to say the least.”

    h/t Pejmanesque

    A Telegraph article contains additional info, from inside Syria.

    More generally on this same theme, a TNC article entitled The Journalism of Warfare, which closes with this summary:

    “From these examples [Fisk and Pilger vs. Victor Davis Hanson] of politically opinionated war reporting, it is not difficult to decide which is the real journalism. The choice is not between political left and political right but between sophistry and scholarship. One betrays the great tradition of Western journalism; the other fulfills it.”

    Finally, largely OT, but in the same issue of TNC a tribute to Kolakowski entitled Leszek Kolakowski and the Anatomy of Totalitarianism. It’s prefaced with quotes by some luminaries, the following by Marx, addressed to Engels, is emblematic of the Left’s evasiveness, wastreling content and self-anointed qualities more generally:

    “It’s possible that I shall make an ass of myself. But in that case one can always get out of it with a little dialectic. I have, of course, so worded my proposition as to be right either way.”

    Note the “of course” in the last sentence, this unfalsifiable hypothesis ploy is perfunctory for Marx, even as early as 1857.

  4. I’ve been out all day till now and just saw Anonymous’s note about the dead link. I believe I’ve fixed it. But it must have been mighty hard to make any sense of this post without it. That’s what I get for leaving my computer :-).

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