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The news that isn’t happening — 7 Comments

  1. Give me history that is real and I will deal with it. Any other type of history, to me , is poppycock!

  2. Interesting to me that you should muse on the alternative history scenario. I’ve just been catching up on the first two seasons of the TV show “24” and, in one of the episodes, as the president is deciding on whether or not to go to war against the Middle East, his military experts assert that the potential death toll for the US troops would probably number some 20,000 soldiers. Now,of course, I realize this is just a TV show but it made me think back on the projections from the MSM on how many US deaths were likely from the Iraq invasion. Interesting how all that wailing and chest beating can just disappear once proven wrong. None of us take lightly the sad reality that even one soldier lost his life in this undertaking but the number is blessedly so much smaller than many “experts” predicted.

  3. Or this page on the excellent “What If ” series:
    Uchronia: The Alternate History List
    a href=”http://www.uchronia.net/bib.cgi/label.html?id=cowlwhatif”

    Rob Cowley (Son of Malcom) does the best job in the field.

  4. Actually, as you might be aware, there is a large genre of alternate histories laying about. These range from the absurd-high-sci-fi efforts to ones done by highly regarding writers and historians.

    Google searches under phrases “alternate history” or “alternate histories” yield some starting points.

    But I take you point about having a service that tracks the what-if more closely tied to the present.

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