Home » A mind is a difficult thing to change: Part 3–Beginnings


A mind is a difficult thing to change: Part 3–Beginnings — 9 Comments

  1. Uncle Joe is everywhere. He usually has a more mundane set of beliefs and is therefore less noticeable, but equally unchangeable. For people like you and myself, who have swallowed the fruit from the tree-of-knowledge — the one that says to keep an open mind — for us the world is like an Escher print. We go from one step to the next in a logical, open-minded way. Each step is easy enough to take and seems to be in accord with our overall beliefs. But by the time we get all the way around the building, we no longer recognize where we are; we have completely changed dimensions.

  2. I became political during the Carter Administration. What was going on seemed so insane to me that I gravitated toward tinfoil hat conspiracy theories that suggested the Democrats were One World Tyrants/Traitors.
    But what can I say, I was young, and Jimmy Carter still doesn’t make much sense to me.


  3. Excellent post. I would suggest that you need to consider religious conversion as it would probably be quite helpful. Particularly if your political conversion was sudden.

    You might try Conversion by Arthur Darby Nock if interested.

  4. Fascinating…thanks for such a thought provoking post. I’ve not given deep thought about the evolution of my political beliefs as a result of influences during childhood. I went through a stage during adolescence where I was reading a lot of world war 2 books which got kicked off by a deep crush on Paul Newman in Exodus. That got me started on Leon Uris books which I’m sure appealed more to my interest in the romance of the characters rather than the historical information.

  5. Brilliant post. It reminds me of my own childhood which was exactly the same, only different.

  6. Even with an apple covering your face you don’t look old enough to remember that war. Good genes or healthy living?

  7. Hmmm…Korean War, duck-and-cover drills, bomb shelters – clearly we’re about the same age.

  8. Winston Churchill once said..’If you are not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you are not Conservative by 40, you have no brain’. ?”

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