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A second accuser, of course — 26 Comments

  1. We have become a pathetic nation of children. That reporters waste their time on such nonsense and our elected officials waste our tax dollars on it is beyond embarrassing. That the Senators flaunting our standards of jurisprudence are not disbarred by their State’s chapters is further proof we are infants.

  2. Rufus:

    I think it’s an insult to children to call these people children.

    They are far more evil than that.

    I think most Americans know better than to believe this crap. But some applaud it for political reasons.

  3. neo, you have written extensively on your “change.” I did not pay particular attention to politics, but I was quite liberal. Two specific events swung me to Conservatism. The first was when NBC news faked a car explosion for an investigative report. Stone Phillips and Jane Pauley read a pre-written confession the following week (after being found out) then simply went on with the show.

    The second was the Clarence Thomas hearing. I was newlywed and had stumbled into a home improvement project on our first home that proved much more daunting than anticipated, which had me working in our tiny kitchen for the entirety of the Anita Hill portion of the hearing, which I listened to on NPR as I worked. I was astounded at the blatant partisanship and insincerity of our Senators.

  4. Well…once this ends & Justice Kavanaugh gets seated…more Trump.
    The campaign ads are writing themselves.

    Or…some crazy mongrel starts shooting at the Rs because the Ds and all this crazy haven’t derailed the President’s vision for America.

    The unhingedness is so far off the rails someone’s going to leave blood on the streets…I hate that…but I don’t see an exit ramp other than that.

  5. Will the Democrats ever stop to look at what they have become? Those with brains still functioning will, like Neo before them, stop being Democrats.

    And there goes Ronan Farrow’s newly-found “investigative journalist” status, down into the cesspool.

  6. One reason we’re facing this sketchy accusation is the response of the NeverTrump tools to the first accusation. Jeff Flake and Susan Collins own this situation.

  7. “We have become a pathetic nation of children. ”

    No, we haven’t become any such thing. These accusations are now like the weather. They are with us always. And here’s the deal. Democrats are demanding we believe every damn one of them OR we hate women. And we all have enough women in our lives who know we don’t have to prove we don’t hate them.

  8. https://www.ardmy.mil/article/90407/old_guard_soldiers_brave_hurricane_sandy_to_render_honors_ensure_others_safety

    I respectfully say to you, sir or madam, that if these are not the children we want then we haven’t done much of a job have we? But I’m here to tell you, after retirng from 20 years of naval service. 20 years of doing no more than replacing my self so they could f**ing carry on.


    “The Who – The Kids Are Alright”

  9. Neo,
    Let’s see now… How many words “of the baser sort” are there to describe the “male organ?” And what might be the first one to come into the mind of that possibly drunken “male student shouting about the incident?” Oh, sure. “Penis.” That’s right. C’mon Debbie. You can do better than that. Let’s get authentic about this!

  10. Ralph Kinney Bennett:

    Actually, what they said was “That’s the penis of Brett Kavanaugh, who should never be appointed to SCOTUS.”

  11. Neo – Great minds etc etc.
    The parallels are obvious, of course, but this is well put.


    “Proctor cannot live with the idea that his name will be smeared, forever documented as a practitioner of witchcraft, despite no serious evidence that he was ever a witch. Based on the allegations of young women caught doing the wrong thing, Proctor was ultimately sentenced to death, a death he chose because he could not let them have his name.

    That is the future Democrats now expect Kavanaugh to face. Either he resigns the nomination or they will force the Republicans to kill it for him. Not because there is credible evidence against him – the accusers are the only “witnesses” to the alleged assaults, as all other named witnesses have gone on the record to say that the man never committed such acts – but because he believes in the wrong things.* Things like the original intent of the Constitution and the idea that it may not actually guarantee the right to murder the unborn.

    But, here we are, living in a world and a time where mere accusations can permanently destroy a man’s reputation and career because of politics. It is the most un-American treatment a person could get, and yet it has become all-too-familiar in proceedings like these.

    At this point, it is fast becoming clear that if Republicans allow this circus to continue, Democrats will be further incentivized to do it again and again. They see it as a successful tactic – nevermind the damage it does to the family of the accused as well as the accusers.

    It is, in a sense, a re-telling of The Crucible and a terrible warning that the time has come yet again to have this conversation. Is a man innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent?

    If it is not the former, then we as a country are headed down a dark and dangerous path.”

    *Cue Mazie Hirono


  12. Ported this over here because of the parallels of Thomas More’s case to the witch hunts, where those who do right are the victims.
    * * *

    neo on September 24, 2018 at 12:29 am at 12:29 am said:

    That is the dilemma, all right.

    It’s why they say “nice guys finish last.” And they say “fight fire with fire.” And they probably say a lot of other things to that effect.

    But when you match their methods you become what you hate.

    That scene from “A Man For All Seasons” is inspiring, but remember that he ended up being executed.

  13. https://www.thenewneo.com/2018/09/23/the-anti-kavanaugh-plan-of-attack/#comment-2400876

    ColoComment on September 24, 2018 at 9:38 am at 9:38 am said:
    Neo, re: your addendum. I spotted this comment at Althouse (lifted verbatim from there) that mirrors your thoughts on the similarity to the Title IX events at colleges:

    Blogger wildswan said…
    This is what has been happening to men in colleges under Title IX. No one much has been paying attention and so it has spread out from there. Maybe men who have been accused of rape and convicted in a Title IX hearing on the uncritically accepted testimony of one or two bitter woman could write in to the Senate and describe the kangaroo court session that devastated their lives. Then the public would see that this awful anonymous unreal accusing by women “recalling” what happened when they were drunk sometimes months after the fact is something that is done fairly often in the universities but only to college men before this. So that this attack on Judge Kavanaugh is really exposing a practice which is ripping apart lives every year in the colleges. And now these Afficted, as they called them in Salem during the witch hunt, are emboldened and looking to get judges. This is what happened in the Salem witch hunt. First it was a few and obscure who were accused and then the Afflicted kept accusing more and more and the group included one minister and then there were hundreds in jail and hundreds accused – including prominent ministers and the wives of prominent politicians. So I am very sorry for Judge Kavanaugh but I see now that in the end some decent person not in college was going to go through this because these Title IX accusers, were always going to look beyond the colleges. And they’ll look beyond judges to Senators and politicians. I’ll laugh when Jeff Flake is accused and then all the idiots who think they can let this happen to Brett Kavanaugh and it won’t happen to them.

    9/23/18, 11:09 PM

  14. https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2018/09/24/need-united-war-social-justice-left-begin-now/

    “At this time, we have socially accepted narratives that are accepting of mob justice. All one needs to be is accused of a certain crime and his life is ruined. He may never see the inside of a cell, but that matters very little to the social justice mob. What matters is that he suffers socially, that he finds it hard to get work, that he becomes destitute, that he’s unwelcome wherever he goes, and that everything he says or does carries with it the taint of guilt for a horrible wrong.

    At least people who actually serve their prison time get the acknowledgment that they paid their debt to society.

    Social justice is a theory that creates guilty parties out of innocent people simply for being a certain kind of person.

    Social justice claims to be a positive force in our society, but it only destroys. It forces everyone to focus on superficiality and feelings rather than logic and facts. It ruins lives on a whim and creates blatant lies that we’re told to believe are truths…or else. Social justice is a bully by nature, and it needs to be confronted.

    If it’s going to happen, then let it happen now. Republicans need to confirm Kavanaugh, trigger the social justice left, and let the fight begin. Gamers already proved the social justice left could be defeated when it fought this kind of media/social war back in 2015. All that we need is a catalyst, and Republicans hold it in their hands.

    Confirm Kavanaugh. Now. The culture needs this.”

    * * *
    Apropos the first few grafs of this article — quoted here — read the piece by Sarah Hoyt if you haven’t seen it yet.

    “During the course of the Brett Kavanaugh accusation saga, I keep seeing a common thought scroll through in my social media feeds that simultaneously breaks my heart and gets my blood boiling.

    They come from parents and prospective parents alike, all of whom fear that should they have a son, it’s their utmost wish that they never run afoul of a mob looking to tear him down, because it would be all too easy to do so, no matter how good of a person he is.”


  15. The PowerLine post links this important reminder:


    [Since Schumer almost certainly knew about the Feinstein letter at the time (anybody who really believes she never showed it to the other Dems raise your hand… I didn’t think so), this becomes an interesting example to compare-and-contrast.]

    “I will oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have, and I hope a bipartisan majority will do the same,” Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer of New York said in a statement. “The stakes are simply too high for anything less.”

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called Kavanaugh “extremely well qualified” and envisioned a different kind of bipartisanship – one that would lead to the nominee’s confirmation.

    “This is an opportunity for senators to put partisanship aside and consider his legal qualifications with the fairness, respect, and seriousness that a Supreme Court nomination ought to command,” McConnell said.

  16. Has this been mentioned yet?


    Kavanaugh to Give Senate Calendar Supporting Denial of Allegations
    September 23, 2018 6:06 PM

    “While it does not disprove Ford’s allegations, the calendar indicates that Kavanaugh was away on vacation for much of the summer of 1982 and does not include mention of a small party like the one where he is said to have pinned down Ford and tried to remove her clothing.

    Ford claims the assault took place when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17, the summer prior to his senior year at Georgetown Prep. During those months, the calendar reportedly lists football workouts, basketball games and movie dates, as well as a number of parties accompanied by names of friends that differ from the attendees Ford listed.”

  17. Very relevant, I would say, to the end-state agenda of the Left (at least until the men running it don’t need the Feminists anymore).


    “Yesterday someone posted a meme with — I suspect she’s an actress, from some of the comments… — with a woman with a quote from her saying something about how it’s a good thing if the current climate makes every man afraid of every woman because women have been afraid of men for six thousand years.

    There are some statements so completely insane that the only answer to them is “I don’t know what planet you came from, woman, but I personally have never been afraid of every man. Also, you look remarkably well-preserved for six thousand years.

    So far as we know there was never ANY large scale matriarchal society. EVER. Not over six thousand years ago, not ever. Granted, that is the pre-history, and there are no clear narratives. …
    Which brings us to the reason large scale (there were isolated tribe, yes, in special circumstances) matriarchies are unlikely in the extreme in our past or our future: women aren’t as strong as men. They just aren’t.

    Over the weekend, I watched a weedy teen male whose waist I could encircle with ONE arm lift a cabinet I couldn’t budge.

    Sure I’m middle aged, and would have at least lifted it somewhat 30 years ago. BUT moving it around like it was nothing? No.

    Because 99.9% of men are stronger than all but 1% of women. Period. (Barring illness or other impairment.)

    So, how was it possible that in prehistory, with no other improvement to human strength, women would rule?

    It wasn’t. The only way women can rule is to convince men to use their muscles on THEIR behalf, which honestly, one way or another, history shows we’ve managed.

    So no, we haven’t been afraid of men for six thousand years. We’ve cooperated in an unstable but so far successful project called civilization. As long as some men will defend women, the bad men who’d make us afraid are kept under control.

    But that requires that women don’t go bad en masse, and don’t use the apparatus of a bloated state to oppress all men.

    … she doesn’t realize that women can only have power in society by consent of men. That women’s violence is outsourced to the apparatus of the state.

    Make every man afraid of every woman, and the apparatus comes apart. The center does not hold. Those big burly men you want to arrest random men on your behalf? They will instead beat you to near death, tell you to put a burka on and cook them dinner.

    This is where this ends. Using the apparatus of state violence for “advantage” and “to make men afraid has only one end. The society these idiots want is not even possible, let alone stable.

    The end is a return to barbarism, and in barbarism, women are prisoners and chattels, as they’ve always been.
    * * *

    I don’t like to quibble with an essayist, but the “always” is really “almost every where except in Judeo-Christian societies, and almost every time even there except in the last century in the US and Western Europe and Israel, because the true believers have to keep beating down the pretenders who want to side-line God’s actual instruction set.”

    * * *
    First commenter out of the box:
    thewriterinblack | September 24, 2018 at 12:03 pm | Reply
    Their entire argument hinges on two points:
    1) Relying on my better nature (so I don’t simply overpower them).
    2) Constantly telling me that I don’t have one.

    There only real hope is that I don’t listen to them and certainly don’t take them seriously.

  18. Along the lines of the “If Trump were really Hitler…” responses, if all men were really as bad as the feminist say, the women would already all be in burqas — not just those in the society that the Left is currently championing…

    gpkoning | September 24, 2018 at 12:53 pm | Reply
    That’s a familiar situation to gun owners, who are constantly accused by the left of being homicidal maniacs simply because they own weapons. The obvious rebuttal is that, if this were true, the accusers wouldn’t live to make their absurd claims.

  19. AesopFan, I’m not stalking you on the intertubes. But this haz crossed into the country of da crazies.

  20. When you are in the land of the Crazy, it drives everyone a little bats.

    Just got back from vacation and all I’m doing is washing clothes and reading the news.

  21. Steve57,

    Thanks for your service. Yes, we are not all children. There are millions of great people in this country who understand the Constitution and are willing to accept responsibility for their own lives.

    However, we have mostly lost the check and balance of an independet Press. To cite just two people in a long list of too many; Senators Gillibrand and Hirono have been making outlandish statements that are in direct opposition to our Constitution. The document they have taken an oath to uphold. And when they say these outlandish, dangerous things in front of the Press, no journalist asks follow up questions based on their pleas to ignore jurisprudence. And, at least one of them is a member of the Bar!

    Another example, our Press is not only idle, but complicit in using incorrect words to report facts. “Undocumented citizens” is one of the most egregious examples, but their biggest misdeed is the stories they choose to omit from their coverage.

    Yes, many Americans see through these tactics, but far too many do not. Far too many do not even know what rights the Constitution grants citizens regarding accusations and trials. That’s what I mean by a nation of children. A majority of adults who have attained voting age can’t answer basic questions about their government; how many branches are there? what are those branches’ functions? Who is the Vice President? etc…

    It is embarrassing and pathetic.

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