Home » I don’t know whether…


I don’t know whether… — 15 Comments

  1. Five years old; when anything is possible in one’s imagination. But, so little is allowed.

    I vividly recall sitting on one’s lap and driving, or thought I was, my cousins’ re-built Model T Ford down dirt roads as a bribe for a home remedy procedure that we won’t go into. (Those teen age farm boys could make or break anything. Then they went off and won a war.)

    I also remember riding a goat in my Easter Sunday outfit; and never understood why I got blamed, not the goat, for the hole in my britches.

    But, all said and done; that is one precocious five year old.

  2. Feel good. That kid is my new hero.

    That’s the kind of stock they make Navy SEALs from.

  3. Its not the first time, and it wont be the last…
    however, its how well they do without being taught and so small

    we in the west completely underestimate the ability of children given we are into not teaching them so they are stunted later in life in all kinds of ways (something fathers were about preventing when there were fathers)

    5 Year-old Chinese Boy Operating a Tractor Like a pro!

    Kaneai Yoyoka (when she was 8)

    It was not uncommon the century before last for children to work
    they often worked in places adults couldn’t fit
    with one of the most dangerous and interesting was in the manufacturing of cloth around the huge looms… with deadly shuttles…

    4 Year Old Boy Plays Piano Better Than Any Master

    Bella could speak 7 languages when she was 4 in the video below, she is 6 and up to 8… Yulia is her mother who explains how she did this and what method she used…

    Raising up a multilingual child – Bella and Yulia Devyatkina

    and these are not savants…

  4. My first thought when I read that story yesterday was that the kid will go far… if he survives to adulthood and doesn’t go to jail.

  5. I don’t think the parents need charges filed against them, but I think there’s one 16yo that better be grounded for a few months…


  6. Hey, I drove a tractor at 5. I drove a pickup truck at 7 pulling grain wagons to the elevator. Give the kid a break.

  7. I think the parents need to sit that kid down and explain, very carefully, that a Lamborghini is no good for a family with 8 children.

  8. Artfldgr,

    Thanks for those links. That sent me down a youtube rabbit hole learning about hyperpolyglots. Fascinating stuff. And that Chinese boy playing piano so remarkably seems to take true joy in his playing!

  9. A five-year-old in my town, some years ago, took his parents’ car in a moment of fury and got quite some way away from home before he was stopped. It does happen. You want to watch out for the power of these five-year-olds, who have not learned yet about the limits that everybody else agrees must be imposed on life. I have, right now, a four-year-old granddaughter and a three-year-old grandson. Both of them are as sweet and fierce as they can be, and neither one has any idea yet that life has limits. I say, more power to them.

  10. Artfldger,

    Not quibbling with you, since the U-tube video title was wrong as well, but equipment with the 5-year old Chinese boy is not a tractor. That is a front end loader. To operate it is far more complex than a mere tractor.

    The boy is not a pro. But he does know what he is doing. He has some limitations in speed and fluidity due to his size. That’s not his fault, of course, the equipment is designed for a full grown adult.

  11. Roy, i agree… i cut and pasted…
    there is another with the kid picking up and flipping a coin..
    couldnt find it (unless it was in that vid and i got them mixed up)

    glad people enjoyed it..

  12. “we in the west completely underestimate the ability of children given we are into not teaching them so they are stunted later in life in all kinds of ways” – Arfldgr

    So true.
    But not all young children are as precocious as these non-savants, even without being stunted by schools and society.
    IIRC true savants really can’t be stunted; it’s built into their brain functions.

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