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Undocumented — 28 Comments

  1. Another favorite of the MSM is undocumented immigrant. That is to suggest that the person is merely an immigrant and, of course, we are a nation of immigrants.

  2. Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. “La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war,” says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.

    Cecilia Maldonado of Chicanos Unidos Arizona isn’t hoping for any sort of war, but believes it may be unavoidable. “For generations, our people have prepared us to take back the lands of the Southwest that were stolen from our Mexican ancestors. Because of the bad economy and many racist laws, Latinos will be forced to fight sooner than later,” says Mrs. Maldonado.

  3. Liberal euphemisms

    So why not apply the same philosophy to other areas of life. Why should there be laws that prohibit pedophilia? Aren’t those inclined to molest a child really just “pro early life sex”?

    Others (some old) are:

    Eugenics – abortion
    Negro Project – Planned Parenthood
    Diversity – Anti white male
    Fascist = anyone but us
    Capitalism = Jewish
    Volk = Protected Classes
    Oppressors = White Males
    Affirmatice action = Race favoritism
    overseas contingency operation = war on terror
    Police action = undeclared war
    terrorism = man-made disaster
    telling the truth = hate speech
    giving away other people’s money = compassion

    hows this for actualized euphemism?

    How to Understand Liberal-Speak – A Guide to Comprehending Democrat Party Rhetoric

    # Massive government spending — Investment
    # Massive government spending — Investment to preserve our budgetary values
    # Government programs, government spending, reparations, distribution of wealth — Social justice
    # Euthanasia — Death with Dignity
    # Abortion — Planned Parenthood
    # Abortion — Family Planning
    # Raising taxes — Increasing Contributions
    # Man-caused disasters — War on Terror
    # War on Terror — Operation Overseas Contingency
    # Keep the status quo on government spending — Preserve our Budgetary Values
    # Homosexual and transgender deviant behavior — Alternative Lifestyles
    # Homosexual and transgender deviant behavior — Alternative Lifestyle
    # Swine flu — H1N1 Outbreak
    # Gay marriage — Marriage Equality
    # Illegal aliens — undocumented workers, future Democrats
    # Illegal immigrants — Undocumented workers, future Democrats
    # Giving away other people’s money — Compassion
    # Liberal Democrat — Progressive
    # Raising taxes — Contributions
    # Telling the Truth — Hate Speech
    # Socialism — Social Justice
    # Socialism — Economic Justice
    # Equalizing Income — High taxes
    # Socializing health care — Medicare for everyone
    # Obamacare — Socializing health care
    # Public option — Government-run insurance plan

    how about this

    Socialist = communist = progressive = fabian = marxist = scientific socialist = feminist = national socialist = revolutionary = freedom fighter = utopian = totalitarian = communitarian = one worlder = third way = = =

    that list can go on a long time with all the synonyms

  4. Sadly, “undocumented” replaced “illegal”years ago. Another favorite trick is to lump illegal with legal immigrants and just call the “immigrants” or “migrants”.

    You forgot the most recent Obama administration euphemism: “Federal Family”.

  5. 1. A nation that does not control its borders does not deserve to remain sovereign, and won’t. IMO it really is as simple as that.

    2. Stupid Romans. If only they’d identified the barbarian invaders as ‘unenrolled warriors’, their Empire wouldn’t have fallen.

    3. Humankind cannot bear very much reality, the poet declared. To deny unpleasant aspects of reality is a temptation to which, heaven knows, I am not immune. However, when normal people take refuge in denial, they do so with a degree of unease.

    The West is afflicted with a progressive mental disease (the double entendre is deliberate): the delusion that reality can be sculpted with facile wordsmithing and, worse, that participation in such glibness demonstrates intellectual and moral superiority.

    (To some extent, the unfolding of social reality is affected by how we describe it, but this is being taken to a point of insanity. Visualize World Peace. Jeezis.)

  6. prostitutes: unmarried wives

    Prostitutes are paid to leave, not for sex. A fine, but important distinction!

  7. Another favorite trick is to lump illegal with legal immigrants and just call the “immigrants” or “migrants”.

    I’m annoyed by the euphemism “single mother,” which lumps together married moms who subsequently divorced (OK) with antisocial sluts popping out N brats by as many different fathers (not OK). It’s a retrograde change in language because the public policy towards the two groups has (make that, “should have”) virtually nothing in common.

  8. Phoenix-based Nuestros Reconquistos claims that there will be a war very similar to the Civil War fought in the next five years. “La Raza and MEChA have already talked to Latinos and Phoenix and explained that Latinos need to arm themselves for war,” says Nuestros Reconquistos President Manuel Longoria.

    We just returned from Phoenix, where we’re planning to move after the school year to flee the People’s Republic. And I’ve got news for young Longoria: I’m not a bad shot, and am pretty pissed off. So bring it, ese.

    Why would Mexicans in America want control? They have control … of Mexico, and yet don’t want to live there. To attempt to recreate the situation you just fled seems to be the height of irrationality. What are they going to do for a living if they succeed, mow each others’ lawns?

  9. In honor of notion that so much of this kind of terminology is defended as merely a product of one’s point of view (I’m persistent, you’re stubborn) a few pairs:

    Heretic = Visionary with marginalized worldview.
    Visionary = Heretic with a privileged worldview.

    Thief = unauthorized agent of redistributive change
    Authorized agent of redistributive change = politician.

    Sexist = Victimizer who believes sexual differences justify a double standard for behavior.
    Difference Feminist = Victim who believes sexual differences justify a double standard for behavior.

    Hitler = EVIL man responsible for the DEATHS of TENS of MILLIONS, worthy of extreme condemnation.
    Mao = cultural icon worthy of consideration as a role model (minor footnote: also responsible for the deaths of tens of millions)

    Speaking truth to power = telling someone else what they don’t want to hear.
    Liar = someone else telling you what you don’t want to hear.

  10. I find it strange how Mexicans can claim the rights of the southwest as if it was a native claim, not a European one. When the Europeans first arrived in the “new world” their was no country of “Mexico”. There was the Aztec empire, which did not extend north of the Rio Grande, and many other tribes, many of which were natives North of the Rio Grande, and some which perhaps straddled the present border. Spain claimed the American southwest, without regard to the native tribal boundaries, and then about 1824, Mexico had its revolution and inherited that European drawn boundary, which still existed without regard to tribes. The Plains Indians, the Apaches, the Comanches etc were flying neither Spanish nor Mexican flags. Yet the Mexicans act as if all that land was theirs based on a NATIVE claim, rather than facing the reality that map was a European construct-that again, existed without regard to the actual native tribes. Some of the native peoples , such as the Aztecs, were partly Europeanized, and these became the “Mexicans”-but many of those tribes never considered themselves either Spanish or Mexican.
    By the time the Texas Revolution came along in 1836, many of those “Mexicans”, fought alongside of the Anglos for Texas independence from the dictator Santa Anna, who had usurped the Mexican Constitution of 1824. They were not always treated nicely afterwords, however. When the Mexican American war of 1848 ended with theTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, one of the stipulations was that those Mexicans who were currently living north of the border could stay in America. Also it is interesting to note that Indians-the real natives- are refered to as a third party in that treaty where Mexico and US agreed to return people and goods carried off in cross border raids by the Indians…..

  11. Mexico is really just a half failed hybrid of the Aztec and Spanish Empires-both of which tried to claim land it never really owned, except on a map….

  12. Actually I meant that Mexico is laying claim to land it never really controlled, except on a map- like the Spanish-and the whole thing is some kind of half reborn hybrid of the Aztec/Spanish Empire.

  13. So Ms. Maldondo wants Mexico to reclaim the land that we “stole” from them after they stole it from the Indians after they stole it from other Indians.

    I wonder what she thinks she would gain from it? She would go right back under the thumb of the Hidalgo families that currently own the bulk of all wealth in Mexico. Maybe her dream is to live in the largest third world shit hole in the world. I guess it is some kind of a goal…

  14. Rickbert>, I’m stealing those and using them. Especially
    Speaking truth to power = telling someone else what they don’t want to hear.
    Liar = someone else telling you what you don’t want to hear.

  15. “Extremism” and “Extremists”.

    Whereby, according to the Orwellian ‘truth-tellers’ on the Regime and their lib-left-MSM lapdogs, a Southern baptist is on equal footing with Radical Islam. One difference: The Baptist can be attacked in print and on air by the name,”Baptist Extremist”, whilst the Islamist Butchers are simple “Extremists”.

    Comfy in that Bunny Hole of theirs and UNFORGIVABLE.

  16. Here are a few MSM favorites:

    “polarizing” =effective Republican we want to destroy
    “intellectually incurious”= didn’t attend an ivy league school and doesn’t worship at the alter of intelligentsia
    “outside of the mainstream” = doesn’t agree with me or my NY/DC media colleagues
    “anti-science”= Christian, does not believe in AGW, or pro-life
    “racist”=doesn’t agree with Obama’s policies,doesn’t support affirmative action
    “greedy” = supports lower taxes and tax reform

  17. There was the Aztec empire

    Which was a Stone Age precursor to Nazi Germany. Claiming the borders of the Aztec Empire would be like Germans claiming the borders of German-occupied Europe circa 1943.

    In an irony much like Buraq supporting abortion, Mexicans such as Maldonaldo fail to grasp that they were entirely likely to have ended their days being disemboweled as a sacrifice to the Aztec sun god. The sort of thing that could dampen one’s enthusiasm for things Aztec.

  18. Occam’s Beard:

    In an irony much like Buraq supporting abortion, Mexicans such as Maldonaldo fail to grasp that they were entirely likely to have ended their days being disemboweled as a sacrifice to the Aztec sun god. The sort of thing that could dampen one’s enthusiasm for things Aztec.

    In addition to the technological advantage of having horses and firearms, several hundred Spaniards conquered an empire of millions with the assistance of thousands of locals who did not like living under Aztec rule.

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