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When truth must be denied because it’s unacceptable… — 23 Comments

  1. But it took only a year after the book with all these grim prophecies was published and the whole edifice of this Communist imagology burned and crushed across all Eastern Europe. So it actually existed only among rare true believers in the Party ranks.

  2. Sergey:

    The USSR fell, it’s true.

    But NOT leftism. Or belief in Socialism, or Marxism. They live on. And on.

    And imagology is rampant in Western Europe, Canada, and to a certain extent the US—particularly the left.

  3. Carl Popper explained attraction of Marxism based on his own experience, he was a Marxist in his youth. Marxism is a religion, a messianic one, and it gives an unifying explanation of everything in history and its meaning, so it provides something important what a secular ideology of consumerism can not give. Religions usually die hard.

  4. “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
    ? Theodore Dalrymple

  5. I don’t think we should “solve” Baltimore but leave it as an enduring monument to what a vile city results from progressive government. Sorry to seem so callous but I am fresh out of sympathy for shithole cities.

    You cant fix an open sewer hoping for good governance and rational solutions. The sewer exists to suck up money. That is its only purpose.

  6. That’s one of the damaging effects of communism: not only does the party dictate the “truth”, they require you to agree with them. Forcing you to believe and repeat a lie.

    Do that long enough, and you’ll believe that we’ve always been at war with Oceania.

  7. Hereogar:

    Please read this post I wrote on the subject in 2006.

    An excerpt:

    But the effort Kundera describes–to erase Clementis from that moment of Czech history–seems especially absurd. Why absurd? Well, how could the Czech Communists be so silly–and so transparent–as to do away with Clementis’s image in a photo that every school kid in the country already knew by heart? How could they think they could get away with the rewriting of a history that was already so well-known? And, as Winston Smith asks in another but strikingly similar context, why would they want to?

    So why was Clementis erased from the photo, if his presence was so easy to remember? For future generations, of course, it might be possible to eliminate even the appearance of any jarring notes in the supposedly harmonious symphony of the history of Czech Communism, and so some of the erasure was undoubtedly for them.

    But for those contemporaneous with the incident, who knew better, those rewriting history must not have cared how transparent their actions were, because their real aim was probably to teach a different object lesson. Perhaps what they were really saying was not “Clementis the traitor didn’t exist” but rather, “Take heed: if you become a traitor like Clementis, you’ll become an unperson, too.” Perhaps they meant the erasure to be transparent, to demonstrate quite graphically how they had the power to crush a person–not just the body, but the history of the life, as well.

    In so doing, they were also relaying another message. They were exhorting the Czech populace to practice what Orwell called “doublethink,” saying, in effect, “Even though we know that you know full well that Clementis existed and was even a member in good standing of the Party at one point, we are also saying that you must will yourself to unremember. If we say he didn’t exist, then he didn’t exist. Who are you going to believe, us or your lying eyes (and your lying memory)?”…

    The havoc that such mind games wrought on the people of Czechoslovakia is a major theme of Kundera’s work. The effect was pervasive, and the tension reached into almost every endeavor, including love and sex–subjects that occur with great frequency in Kundera’s work, as well.

  8. neo:

    I thought you or a commenter here had posted that quote previously. I posted it now because it seemed to fit and thought maybe some lurkers might not have seen it before.

    But you are correct. The “unpersoning”, make a person disappear from history right in front of people’s eyes was just one of the many evil tools of the “workers’ paradise”.

  9. neo:

    Apologies for piling on but…

    Does it seem to you that with the social media bannings, the Title IX kangaroo courts in our universities and the extreme intellectual degeneracy of so much of our “news” media, that we’re seeing, in effect, the recreation of Mao’s Red Guard for enforcement of the Cultural Revolution?

  10. Urban areas ruled for decades by democrats do not see rat infestations, murder associated with drug gangs, failing schools, etcetera as problems to be solved. Those problems are features, not bugs. It has been reported that Cumming’s city received almost 16 billion in federal aid last year. If that is true, 16 billion should be more than enough to exterminate rats and dispose of trash. If true, where did the billions go? My guess is to line democrat politicians’ pockets.

  11. @Hereogar,

    My wife grew up in the Cultural Revolution. She sees many parallels with what is going on with today’s American Demsheviks.

  12. “…[S]ince for contemporary man reality is a continent visited less and less often and, besides, justifiably disliked, the findings of polls have become a kind of higher reality, or to put it differently: they have become the truth. Public opinion polls are a parliament in permanent session, whose function it is to create truth, the most democratic truth that has ever existed.” [my emphasis]

    Poppycock. What people believe to be the truth is entirely separate from the actual truth, which exists separate from belief. Gravity exists whether we accept it or not. Cuba and Venezuela demonstrate the reality of a society in denial of economic reality. In denial of the individuals right to self-determination. Beliefs govern our actions and the more contrary to reality our beliefs, the more consequential the conditions that must be endured.

    Ultimately, as Cuba, Venezuela and Western Europe demonstrate, reality will have the final say. As for ‘unpersoning’ the uncooperative, such a society creates the poison that will kill it.


    In America, the possible recreation of Mao’s Red Guard for enforcement of the Cultural Revolution will have a decidedly different result.

    “It has been reported that Cumming’s city received almost 16 billion in federal aid last year. If that is true, 16 billion should be more than enough to exterminate rats and dispose of trash. If true, where did the billions go? My guess is to line democrat politicians’ pockets.” parker

    It’s a virtual certainty that corrupt democrat politicians and administrators funneled that money into their pockets… What a marvelous opportunity for Trump to repeatedly ask that rhetorical question of them…

    They’ve provided the “rat infested” crisis and Trump’s just the man to rub their collective faces in it.

  13. I remember things being polarized and Democrats to the left, but I don’t remember anything like today. Today’s Democrats sound close to the Weather Underground without the clotted Marxspeak.

    Damn you, Bill Ayers!

  14. You had better believe that biological male in a dress really is a woman or else….A while back there was a debate on facebook where I was arguing with a progressive about the case of a biological male in a women’s shelter for women who in many cases had been abused by men. One of the actual females had complained about having to share a room with this guy and had been threatened by the Canadians. The guy I was debating actually seriously asked where should the trans person be able to go if “she” couldn’t go to the women’s shelter ? I said not there, because he is not a she. Apparently the consensus of the progs is that that is hateful.

  15. They’ve provided the “rat infested” crisis and Trump’s just the man to rub their collective faces in it.

    Geoffrey Britain: I’ve been waiting for a Republican to do this in a blunt way. Trump has fulfilled my wish in spades.

    Did anyone watch “The Wire,” a long-arc tv series from the 2000s? It was kind of a Tom Wolfe take — a mosaic of interlocking stories at different social levels — on Baltimore except it was written by typical leftie screenwriters.

    The only problem was that they were honest enough to portray Baltimore politics accurately, i.e. controlled by liberals and blacks, so there were no heartless, corrupt, white conservatives to blame when you looked up the food chain. Baltimore’s problems were Baltimore’s problems, not created by Reagan, Bush or Trump if he were President back then.

    “The Wire” never confronted this reality, but did create some memorable characters and plots.

  16. Reality in your face is ignored by the left. If it is impossible to be igrored it is explained away as the dirty, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, islamophobic, transgender haters. There is only one way to resolve this. CW2.

  17. Geoffrey Britain:

    I think you completely misunderstood what Kundera was saying.

    He was speaking ironically about creating the truth, the most democratic truth. He was speaking as though he was in the shoes of the people “creating the truth”—what they believe, as relativists and propagandists. Not what he believes is the actual truth, otherwise known as “reality”—the truth his grandmother knew because she didn’t have a middleman trying to tell her lies and therefore create a new “truth.”

  18. Reality in your face is ignored by the left. If it is impossible to be igrored it is explained away as the dirty, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, islamophobic, transgender haters. There is only one way to resolve this. CW2.

    Read Unitended Consequences by John Ross. It is a road map.

  19. The only countries where socialism and Marxism are not dirty words are those that never felt them on their own hides: USA, Western Europe, Canada, Australia, etc. Eastern Europe is now mostly free from these illusions, and Czech Republic and Hungary who were military invaded by Soviets are the most ardent anti-Communists.

  20. neo:

    Thanks for the links.

    I, obviously, need to do a better job of keeping up with what you have to say.

  21. “The Baltimore Rats” – that does have a nice ring to it as a baseball team name, actually…

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