Home » Former NY Times editor Jill Abramson bashes the paper…


Former <i>NY Times</i> editor Jill Abramson bashes the paper… — 23 Comments

  1. She may actually be bemoaning the crudity of the younger generation of ‘reporters’. Judy Woodruff has been much subtler in ruining The News Hour, but ruined it is.

    The responsible parties would be the latest generation of Ochs scions who own the paper. The thing is, it may be that the paper’s applicant pool is so ruined that even a conscientious editor with the full backing of the board would have a hard time repairing it.

  2. She is right that Trump has increased the Times’ circulation. The upper west side ex-wives who are its base audience are entertained.

    Breitbart has taken the place, in many ways, of the right leaning newspaper. Fox News is wobbling under the leadership of then Murdoch boys.

    I am still amazed at Trump’s resilience under constant attack. Somebody over at Althouse said Romney,. like some other Mormons, will give you that Mormon smile as he sticks the knife in your back.

  3. Has anyone apologized to Romney about how they treated him when he said the Russians were our biggest concern, seeing as how the Democrats are seeing Russians behind every tree and under every rock? No? I didn’t think so.

    Still, he can only bust on Trump but so much and remain credible. After all, Trump won.

  4. She’s pimping her book, “Merchants of Truth” — to show that her subjects, NYT (plus others?) are not actually telling the truth all the time.

    For most book sellers, especially those not already in the “top 100 known” famous people, any publicity is good publicity. One of the easiest ways to get publicity is to say bad things about those rich and powerful folk you used to work for, or with.

    There was an article I read recently about how many of the most famous historians were actually losers — in the circles of the top leaders who lost — who then were both able to write (experience and skill) plus had the time to write, since they were no longer in the governing circles. Greek, Roman, even Winston Churchill, wrote history when OUT of power.

    A pimp isn’t quite the same as a hypocrite. Speaking truth now, when she wouldn’t have spoken it if she’d remained in power, that also doesn’t quite feel like a hypocrite.

    She lied while in power, tho claiming not — was a hypocrite then. Now she’s telling the truth about those others who lied? Even liars usually tell the truth, and it might be interesting. And she would have kept hypocritically lying if she’d stayed, but she didn’t, and now she’s less hypocritically telling the truth about other Dem lies. Or, since I haven’t read the book, maybe the book is filled with how the NYT only tells the truth?

    Nahhh. (that would be a lie)

  5. Trump sells a lot of airtime and a lot books, even terrible ones like that guy Wolfe was peddling.

    Romney is such a poster boy for the GOPe. He may actually help Trump.

    2020 is going to be very entertaining.

  6. Thinking about 2020, I remember thinking after Trump was elected in 2016, “well thank God it wasn’t Hillary.” Will I be saying after the election in 2020, “well thank God it isn’t Kamala?” Trump really is a bull in a china shop.

  7. I think for the Democrats to beat Trump, none of the present front runners could be the candidate. It would also mean a revolt against the insanity presently seen in the new House majority. There are a coupon of guys, like former governor of Tennessee Bredesen but I see he is 75. I thought he was younger. It would have to be somebody like that. Is there someone ? I don’t know.

  8. Trump wants his ego stroked. If the Democrats and media hadn’t gone nuclear and toned things down, Trump would certainly have been much less inclined to the libertarian/conservative side to many issues. Their attempts at Trump’s total destruction pushed him in our direction.

    Perhaps Abramson also realizes this deep down as an attempt to reel them in because “that’s how you get more Trump” isn’t just a saying but an actual reaction for many people. While there are ‘high profile’ media types walking away from the conservative side, there are many more walking away from the liberal/progressive side as posts here can attest.

  9. Before I die, I hope that sane people will ridicule ALL who call black people born in the USA african –
    And yes regardless of who runs the nyt , it will be anti Trump

  10. If the job is to run an efficient, profitable operation while increasing circulation and the number of paying customers, then the Times leadership are doing their job well by focusing so much on Trump.

    Of course, this means the Times is no longer able to claim “newspaper of record” status, and they have abdicated the motto of “all the news that is fit to print”.

  11. Deserttrek,

    Why are Egyptians who are U.S. citizens NOT considered “African-Americans”?

  12. Trump would certainly have been much less inclined to the libertarian/conservative side to many issues. Their attempts at Trump’s total destruction pushed him in our direction.

    An interesting speculation. I don’t know what his agenda, aside from his campaign promises, would have been without the furious opposition. He resembles Perot in his issues. Immigration was much less a factor as the 1986 law was not yet seen as the failure it was.

    There is some history to Trump on political issues. Mostly it is ignored but there were libertarian trends there before.

  13. here is what you missed…

    August 17, 2007 5.75% [after aug 7 went pop]
    September 18, 2007 discount rate – 5.25%
    October 31, 2007 5.00%
    December 11, 2007 4.75%
    January 22, 2008 4.00%
    January 30, 2008 3.50%
    March 16, 2008 3.25%
    March 18, 2008 2.50%
    April 30, 2008 2.25%
    October 8, 2008 1.75%
    October 29, 2008 1.25%
    Obama Elected
    December 16, 2008 0.50% [FREE MONEY]
    Obama takes office January of 2009

    From that last time it was left untouched for nearly 3 years years
    June 22, 2011 0.75%

    From that last time it was left untouched for nearly 4 years
    but the moment Trump was elected Nov

    December 16, 2015 1.00%
    December 14, 2016 1.25%

    Trump takes office January 20, 2017
    March 15, 2017 1.50%
    June 14, 2017 1.75%
    December 13, 2017 2.00%
    March 21, 2018 2.25%
    June 13, 2018 2.50%
    September 26, 2018 2.75%

    October fed comes out and says, we gonna keep raising…

    no time to write today…
    but this is pertinent as this is how they are wrecking your life to win

  14. I listened to Hannity today coming home from the barber shop. He had Rand Paul on and Paul is now becoming Trump’s best friend in Congress.

  15. Both may be. I was impressed with Paul’s discussion. I usually don’t listen to Hannity but it was a good interview except Hannity kept interrupting him.

    Graham has certainly seemed to emerge from McCain’s power over him.

    Romney I think will take Flake’s role now but there are more GOP Senators.

  16. Mike K:

    I actually don’t think Romney will be like Flake. Somewhat, but certainly not to the same degree. For example, Romney has long been quite tough on immigration and in favor of a wall (see this). I believe that Romney’s op-ed objecting mostly to Trump’s recent foreign policy as well as Trump’s character/style may turn out to have been a way for Romney to try to deflect criticism for ultimately voting for Trump’s policies in many instances and NOT being Flake II.

    I guess time will tell.

  17. I think it’s safe to say that any political opinion coming from some bint who keeps a therapy doll of a politician can be disregarded.

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