Home » Previously privileged New Yorkers who supported Obamacare…


Previously privileged New Yorkers who supported Obamacare… — 28 Comments

  1. Ms. Meinwald, the lawyer, … would have voted for Mitt Romney.

    Ms. Meinwald is now officially a racist.

  2. Someone should plaster NY with posters: Next time watch what they are saying on FAUX News. The NYT doesn’t know sh*t.

  3. neo, “Also, although a bleeding-heart liberal, she seems to vote only on how something affects her.”

    That’s great anecdotal evidence of why this issue is pure gold for the Rs. This is a pocket book issue. People, even bleeding heart libs, vote their pocket books.

  4. “Where’s your liberal altruism, lady?”

    Exactly. Republicans are constantly depicted as “greedy” and “uncaring,” especially when they opposed Obamacare.

    So why should she get to continue her Democrat “more caring than thou” pose while quite bluntly admitting she doesn’t want to be the one to pay for all of that healthcare is a right nonsense?

  5. neo — “Where’s your liberal altruism, lady?”

    Lizzy, 5:12 pm — “So why should she get to continue her Democrat ‘more caring than thou’ pose while quite bluntly admitting she doesn’t want to be the one to pay for all of that healthcare is a right nonsense?”

    Lizzy, come November 2014 she will vote for the Democrats. Count on it, as surely as night follows day.

    Once the chips are down, it would totally wreck her “more caring than thou” self-image to go over to the dark side and make common cause with the eeeeevil racists.

    And she’s a Noo Yawkuh. What would her Noo Yawhkuh friends think? When push comes to shove [what a goofy expression!], these folks will not part ways with that herd of independent thinkers. (Changers like neo are very few and far between.)

  6. Neo,

    “Maybe she thought the only losers would be the fat cats, and that she wasn’t quite fat enough. Turns out she was.”

    That’s Nemesis inherent in leftist class warfare. Progressives spend much time and use much propaganda to make people envious of anyone higher on the economic ladder, but all the while, the dirty little secret is that all the people below us are looking up in envy at us!


    “People, even bleeding heart libs, vote their pocket books.”

    To paraphrase the comment about Hollywood, there are no true socialists, only capitalists who espouse socialism. They agitate for the redistribution of all wealth except their own.

  7. In the privacy of the voting booth some of these psuedo-altruist airheads will vote their pocket book. It only takes a small percentage plus a slim majority of those who identify as independent to turn the senate red and increase the house majority by a few more seats. The repubs need to keep the focus on Obamacare. As suck it up Nancy is discovering, the website is just the tip of the iceberg.

  8. I’m with Ymarskar.
    They’re exactly what we knew them to be- selfish and self centered, while being totally confident their political affiliation assured them the label of “compassionate and caring”. But only as long as it doesn’t require personal sacrifices.

    That’s the whole story of the modern upper middle class democrat in a nutshell – blissful ignorance, smug superiority, and a free pass to the moral high ground as long as it doesn’t cost them anything.
    They’ll get over it. They will pay through the nose rather than admit they got swindeled by a con man. There egos will reconcile the contradiction for them- fewer will admit to being conned than will pretend they welcomed the sacrifice. Peer pressure will eventually kick in when the BO care propagandists get into high gear, and beat them down as unhip, Neanderthal, flat earthers, and patience will be rewarded in the future with a golden goose- when everyone starts paying their fare share. They’ll be told the higher costs are the fault of you and me, and when we’re all in the program, everyone will have everything and live happily ever after.
    If nothing else, these guys are predictable.

  9. Occasionally, I see a sunset which is so beautiful that I feel I have not the capacity to perceive all of the available beauty.
    Who’d have thought the universe of schadenfreude would be similarly beyond human capacity to appreciate?
    Still, I’d like to get selected members alone with a cup of tea laced with truth serum and have a lengthy conversation about what they were really thinking.

  10. A comment from Subotai Bahadur over on Belmont Club says it in words I wish I had written:

    “Obamacare was forced on the majority of the country by trickery, lies, and violations of law and the Constitution. More than a touch of corruption of legislators and the courts took place. And the contempt, and hatred by the Left against those of us knew what would happen, destroys ANY sympathy I might have for these people.

    “I blatantly wish medical catastrophe on these people. Either without insurance, or with the worthless Obamacare insurance. I hope that it attacks their livelihoods the way it affects those of us in the non-elite areas they detest. I hope NHS levels of care is all they can get.

    “As you have sown, so shall you reap.”

  11. “Fleecings will continue until morales improve.”

    BTW, the 0-care poll tax is going to flat-line many a Boomer’s retirement kitty.

    0-care has already flat-lined my parents’ discretionary spending.

    They see themselves being boxed in — more towards pine.

    Families known to live towards 100-years are Tall Poppies under 0-care.

    The Death Panels’ “Bed of Procrustes” / Tall Poppies logic must surely aim to save by terminating those destined to live on and on — in favor of spending large on those who’s candle has already burnt out. (Diabetics, alcoholics, addicts, obese…)

    The savants are going to override Darwinian driven DNA bias.

    { At some point, I expect to be annointed to an NBA team — to norm the athletic performance back towards average. I can make my contribution by drawing injuries. }

  12. Nudge, nudge, nudge. Move[on.com] along.

    The people of the United States voted for the Sunstein nudge and Obama bureaucracy twice. Celebrate. Or else.

  13. “Mugged by reality”..? New York Obama voters? ‘Fraid not, N-Neocon. Did the horrendous butchery of 9-11-2001 in lower Manhattan keep them from sliming President Bush, voting for the loathsome Kerry in ’04 or Obam-Bam in ’08 and ’12? Nope. Nada. Nyet. No such thing.

    They add mightily to my daily,”You CANNOT Possibly Make This S**t Up” memoir. Very, very sad. And stupendously maddening.

  14. Every single one of these leftwingers that bemoans that they “didn’t know it was going to cost this much or be this bad” does not think of themselves as The Rich. If they are middle class lefties, the upper middle class and above are The Rich. If they are upper/upper middle class, then the 1%ers are The Rich.

    What none of them realize is that in Obama’s America, if you pay a cent in taxes, you are The Rich.

  15. southpaw, I remember talking with a female commenter at Blackfive.

    She, in around 2004-05, supported Bush’s liberation of Afghanistan because she had previously organized for women’s equal rights in Afghanistan, from a US based association.

    But when Bush decided to invade Afghanistan, all her fellow women’s rights advocates suddenly stopped supporting equality for women in Afghanistan and decided to protest Bush.

    She could never figure out why they made the switch from supporting women in Afghanistan so quickly.

    I told her that this was proof that her women comrades were Never for women’s rights to begin with. It was just a facade they used to make themselves feel good or look good to the rest of the world. When it actually came to fighting for women’s rights in Afghanistan, they bailed.

    She said something like, “that may be true now that I think about it”.

    The idea that her comrades were fake… didn’t seem to enter people’s minds. Well, if you aren’t involved in wet work or black ops, these deceptions ops don’t look natural.

  16. “I blatantly wish medical catastrophe on these people.”

    Don’t waste your breath or your intent on such things. The Left will torture them more and longer than any of us ever could.

    Just look at North Korea.

    Sure, the leftist leaders will be living it at large, but a lot of their supporters are going to get a boot to their face. For free of course. Healthcare is free too.

    People waste a lot of time and energy fighting to “fight evil”. As if fighting a tsunami ever did anything productive.

  17. without knowing what to compare to, people compare themselves to gates or buffet and then think they are not rich. so when they voted they thought buffet would be tagged not the middle class (of which the destruction would be a fulfillment of one of Marx planks)

  18. It’s becoming more permissible for the leftists to criticize the Lightworker, but they still get their news from NPR so have no idea how badly it’s going for everyone else unless they’re hearing it from their friends and family. One woman I met last year at a Christmas party for a wholistic wellness center group, who admitted she was a socialist, LAST Year, who I just saw last night at this years Christmas party, said at the mention of ObamaCare, “ObamaCare?…..Obama DON’T care!”. Btw, last year when she was cheering Socialism, she was very disturbed at the common sense line from Lady Thatcher, “The thing wrong with Socialism is eventually, you run out of other people’s money”. She chewed on that one and then pushed it away. Now she’s living the dream.

  19. One of the ways you can break a person of their loyalty to authority, is to forcibly punish them for going against their Leftist lords and masters.

    Personally, directly, immediately.

    This causes a backlash that can be used to split a person’s loyalties from their origin point.

    It might be considered negative reinforcement. You reinforce their behavior by loading up so much authoritarian garbage, telling them “how dare they speak of Comrade Obama like that”, that they feel relief when not under such authoritarian modes of thought.

  20. Meanwhile Obama’s popularity continues to rebound. Check Real Clear Politics if you don’t believe me. Everyone capable of seeing through the man has already done so, the rest are voting out of habit, like Pavlovian dogs responding to a dinner bell.

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  23. My mother in law now no longer supports Obama. In fact, I think she stpped prior to 2012, sitting out the election.

    My brother in law still supported him in 2012. He’s a nurse who was recently laid off, and he’s having trouble finding new work for the first time. He’s getting what he voted for, good and hard.

  24. “The state is the great fiction by which everybody seeks to live at the expense of everybody else.” Frederic Bastiat

  25. Obama supporters aren’t allowed to stop worshiping their God.

    That’s not what Jim Jones’ cult would have allowed or forgiven.

    Just poke them with that concept every once in awhile. See how the test/experiment works. Since we know the Democrat propaganda works well as a conditioning tool.

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