Home » Oh, Mama: Stuck Inside of DC with the Obamacare Blues Again


Oh, Mama: Stuck Inside of DC with the Obamacare Blues Again — 20 Comments

  1. Yer soooooooo Busted, N-Neocon!! 6th stanza from bottom you snuck in “Stuck inside of Mobile..” to test us.
    Right…?! (-:

  2. That’s effin Hillary-ous…I can hear Dylan singing it too. Guess I’m an old fogey. Hahaha, I needed that.

  3. Very nice. I love that tune! Had to listen to it again after that.

    Send yours to Dylan. He might get a charge from it, although to the best of my knowledge he supported the ONE.

  4. NeoConScum:

    Oops–I guess I failed the test, too, because I didn’t catch that :-).

    Just fixed it, thanks.

  5. Biden really needs to have gun control applied to his dangerous behavior.

    Gun control shouldn’t be different for a Leftist aristocrat vs a poor farmer or city dweller.

  6. Proposal: Obamacare will be REQUIRED for all the Dems in both houses of congress who voted for the catastrophic piece of poop. NO Repubs will be required to sign up as NONE supported or voted for the Shipwreck.

    Works for me.

  7. I think the Obama Family should have been the first people to sign up for Obamacare,#1.
    I am sure they believe Obamacare is for all the little people, not aristocrats like them. They are “wannabes” big time.

  8. …you realize I sang my way through every verse? Which is also the only way to truly appreciate Stuck inside of Mobile… too.

  9. 😉 😉 😉

    Well done parody and certainly made me laugh. Oh mama can this really be the end to be stuck between Varlie and Michelle again.

  10. Ymarsakar, the saying came from the post-Civil War Solid South, as in solidly Democrat. The saying went that someone was so staunch a Democrat that if the Democrats ran a yellow dog on the ticket, the yellow dog would get his vote.

  11. Sounds like the Democrats had as close a control over the South as they do over blacks in inner cities today.

    With predictable economic and liberty consequences.

  12. Yellow dog is a euphemism for cowardly bastard that wouldn’t fight for the Confederacy.

    Hence, he’s a dog — and yellow — to boot.

    It’s the maximal insult of the nineteenth century.

    And when you think of dog think of seven letters starting with b.

    Yellow dog = scum, coward, traitor, villain.

  13. Yellow, itself, is of a part with “wets” the insult of Thatcher…

    Namely, that the fellow is such a coward that he has no bladder control when the action is to hand.

    In the normal course of events, most humans never experience the gut wrenching fear of proximate death.

    Should it come, most are shocked as to how basic bodily functions erupt. The bowels move, the bladder empties, the stomach heaves… all completely out of conscious control.

    This can work the other way round: during WWII in the Pacific a solitary American soldier was overtaken by events. He was surrounded by a Japanese patrol — in platoon strength. He hid in the bushes — such are the tropics. For the next 48 hours he had to hold his bladder and bowels lest he be discovered — and promptly killed. To his complete astonishment, proximate death was motivation enough. The cramps, the agony, was horrific, for he also had to go entirely without water — food was secondary — and they were cooking right in his nose!

    That was one crazy patrol. Once they moved off he couldn’t drop his shorts fast enough. (!)

    Even in his dire condition he made his way back to American lines — to alert everyone as to the Japanese patrol — which was observing their position.

    The response was immediate. A battalion was sent out after them. (Overkill is a requirement in the jungle.)

    I learned of this crazy tale from his son. Just another war story.

    As for why the American was so terrified: the Japanese routinely tortured prisoners and mutilated the dead. Most modern histories white-wash the Japanese Army — which normally was more depraved than the SS or the SD — which is saying a lot.

    There are NO accounts of the Japanese Army treating captured civilians or soldiers with ANY humanity. It’s been decades since the war, even now every Polynesian is revulsed by the Japanese. The horrific tales told by their great-grandparents have not been forgotten.

    I will not belabor such brutalities. To do so would shock the conscience.

    There is a real reason why the dominant Japanese economy has such a disconnect with the rest of the Pacific. It’s because they are hated like no other. It’s a status brutally earned.

    When the Japanese were on the retreat they spent their energies maiming and slaughtering the locals — where ever they happened to be. This was balanced by starvation and forced labor. They didn’t go for the ‘hearts and minds’ bit at all.

    The scary thing is that the Japanese learned this attitude from the Chinese.

    In which case, Barry’s abandonment of Pax Americana is truly frightful.

    (The Japanese figured that Americans were like them. This is why they fought until they were nuked. If they’d known that the golden age of Japanese culture could only occur AFTER they surrendered — millions would’ve been spared.)

  14. The Japanese properly upheld honorable conditions for prisoners in WWI and in the Russo-Prussian war.

    They changed to a military regime at about the same time as Germany did.

    Which mirrors the US progression at the moment.

    Every Democrat fought for the Confederacy, even those up North. Thus a yellow Democrat wouldn’t have become a popular term if it was about anti Confederate biases. Even those who might not have supported Democrat slave policies, like General Lee, fought for the Confederacy. The South was their home.

    Thus who would be left to be called a yellow dog Democrat?

  15. Correction. There were a number of wars during that period of time.

    THE SINO-JAPANESE WAR. 1894-1895

    SELDOM does history offer a more dramatic unfolding of international relations than the evolution of the East Asiatic question, of which the China-Japan War of 1894-1895, the Boxer campaign of 1900, and the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 are but successive stages of a continuous and broadening process.
    The scene of this development now covers those countries which are among the most resourceful in the world and which comprise one-third of the human race. The future is unknown. The origin of the drama, however, may at least in part be traced to the adoption of a new career by Japan. Having been singularly well trained by her long history in the past, and impelled by the dictates of her vital interests, Japan had resolutely entered upon the new career, and had step by step committed herself to an open and progressive policy from which there could be no return, and which had to be carried forward against all obstacles, if she would exist and grow as a nation. This change of Japan’s course of life was a cause of her wars with China and Russia; by it the history of the Far East radically changed its character and opened its new volume. At first, the determined attitude of new Japan immediately caused a breach which continued to widen until the war of 1894-1895 came as a logical result—- for it at once appeared that Japan had torn herself away from the ancient East Asiatic civilization, of which China was the mentor and Korea the greatest pupil, but of which Japan had never been so slavish a disciple as not to develop her original traits. As soon as Japan proved receptive of Western arts and sciences, there was resentment on the part of China and Korea, which felt as if Japan had deserted the historic community of the East and turned a renegade and servile imitator of the inferior civilization of the barbarian. To an equal extent Japan desired, even unconsciously, to demonstrate that her new career not only was not misguided, but also was the only possible way to preserve herself and save the East.

    Suffice it to say that Japan, like Germany, is a very monolithic and top down sort of society. Whenever the top becomes rotten, the rest of the body easily follows. America was very resistant to the sort of top down corruption in the past, but with an increasing majority of 51%+ in favor of the same fascist and imperialistic policies, not much good will come about unless the people fix their path.

    Even the South’s culture would produce great economic and military benefits, had not their Democrat leaders been corrupt and morally evil.

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