Home » Of course, Harry Reid’s tax returns are an open book


Of course, Harry Reid’s tax returns are an open book — 10 Comments

  1. Just as Rep. Paul Ryan represents the best that our Representative democracy can achieve, Reid, Pelosi, et al personify all that is wrong with our system. That level of hypocrisy should immediately disqualify them from office.

    That it does not and they continue to be reelected is a damning indictment of the average voters acumen. In all fairness though, the MSM will withhold from the public awareness of this hypocrisy, a determinative factor for continued support from independents.

  2. RL really tore into Reid today. Dingy Harry, he calls him, I guess as a pun of Dirty Harry. He’s not the caliber of a Dirty Harry, anti-hero, anti-establishment, but definitely a good guy.

    I’m not sure why it’s the business of someone what another person makes. I don’t think it is and the burden of proof should be on the requester not the producer.

    Why should Romney even release one year of his tax returns? I very much stand by Romney’s refusal to produce and wish he would refuse to produce any at all.

    The hypocrisy extends to another area as well. If privacy is so important and sacred that the unborn are denied their right to life, then what is the problem with a simple tax return. How can they demand the violation of privacy for a tax return and assert it when so much more is at stake?

  3. This is the clown who went on live TV to say ‘who who is talking about reconciliation’ right before passing the ‘health care reform bill’ (another load of bs in the name) using reconciliation rules? People ought to turn their backs on him / refuse to speak to him just over that…

  4. Of course, the real question is how Harry Reid become a multimillionaire when he’s only ever worked in the government. Sorry, silly question. Someone explained it already:

    “Yeah, the permanent political class — they’re doing just fine. Ever notice how so many of them arrive in Washington, D.C. of modest means and then miraculously throughout the years they end up becoming very, very wealthy? Well, it’s because they derive power and their wealth from their access to our money — to taxpayer dollars. They use it to bail out their friends on Wall Street and their corporate cronies, and to reward campaign contributors, and to buy votes via earmarks. There is so much waste. And there is a name for this: It’s called corporate crony capitalism. This is not the capitalism of free men and free markets, of innovation and hard work and ethics, of sacrifice and of risk. No, this is the capitalism of connections and government bailouts and handouts, of waste and influence peddling and corporate welfare. This is the crony capitalism that destroyed Europe’s economies. It’s the collusion of big government and big business and big finance to the detriment of all the rest — to the little guys. It’s a slap in the face to our small business owners — the true entrepreneurs, the job creators accounting for 70% of the jobs in America, it’s you who own these small businesses, you’re the economic engine, but you don’t grease the wheels of government power.”

  5. I think we should stop calling it crony capitalism. It has nothing to do with capitalism. It is pure corruption and should be known and punished as such.

    Calling it crony capitalism only serves to taint the word capitalism with the stink of political corruption.

  6. Pingback:Then and Now « Innocent Bystanders

  7. Good job Romney, make your supporters pay a price in terms of their personal integrity for supporting a gutter crook and liar like you. I would support you 100% in that. Expose your supporters .

    Harry Reid is not his opponent , Mr Obama is and Harry Reid should release his tax returns , if he has not released them.

    Any politician, democrat or Republican, should release their 10-12 year tax returns or be open to charge that they are hiding shameful facts and open to the charge of being a crook.

    If you want to be a public servant , you have to disclose your tax returns

  8. Harry Reid’s sons are very high paid Washington lobbyists.

    I wonder what they are selling, a meeting with daddy or a vote ? Does daddy get a percentage ?

  9. Pingback:Obama and his Sealed records. | OPINIONROCKER

  10. It’s time to replace ALL the crooks and cronies in DC. We need to take back our country in the voting booth. Every dishonest elected official should NOT be reelected.

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