Home » An idea whose time has come: the VVLF


An idea whose time has come: the VVLF — 9 Comments

  1. Dropped by your site to get some ideas for a blog I’m putting up about Viet Nam. I was there in 1968, in and around DaNang with the 1st Marine Division. You might find it interesting ! —Jack— vietnam war history

  2. you folks can let go of the myths and revisionism

    Ah yes, the liberals favorite, the proverbial “you folks”, the mythical species that is screwing up “our world”. The problem with the “you folks” is that some of “us folks” have some degree of intelligence and one hell of a lot more experience on the subject in question. But perhaps he does know the truth…after all he was a teenage war protestor.

    He is right on one point, however, the truth is ugly. But it always is.

  3. Sounds a bit like Wikipedia, or at least the same impulse, using the same DIY techniques and technology. Looks like official academia has inspired its own competition!

  4. Let’s all make our own Foundations and we can all inform and educate regardless of our scholarship.Along these lines you might like the holocaust deniers foundation, dedicated to telling the American people the truth about what REALLY happened in WW11.Their goal is to counter the propaganda and misinformation of the Jews and to set the record straight, using a multimedia approach.Sounds like a worthy cause.

    “The war in Viet Nam is but a symptom of a far deeper malady within the American spirit.”
    Martin Luther King Jr. 1967
    The malady is still alive and well and will continue to eat away at this country until you folks can let go of the myths and revisionism and face the ugly truth.

  5. Sounds like a noteworthy project and one that will further inform and educate.

    Texas Tech University already has the largest collection of Vietnam archives outside of the National Archives. They are also in the process of buildng a museum and research library to house their extensive collection. Additionally there is a searchable online archive that is being constantly added to.

    Take a look at: The Vietnam Center

  6. You make a great and important point regarding Kerry 2004 and the changes it has brought about.

    Kerry announcing he would be a candidate for 2004, and “…reporting for duty,” set in motion changes that will be dicussed for generations.

    Speaking of Kerry, it has been 98 DAYS….

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