Home » CNN Town Hall: Kamala answers the classic job interview question, and also says Trump is a fascist


CNN Town Hall: Kamala answers the classic job interview question, and also says Trump is a fascist — 19 Comments

  1. I have seen many politicians in my life. But I’ve never seen anyone as obviously false as Kamala Harris. And although politicians lie a lot, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a campaign so totally and utterly based on lies.


    Indeed. Here’s a Fox clip in which David Axelrod, chief political strategist for Barack Obama, admits that Harris kept going to “word salad city” in her responses to straightforward political questions from CNN.

    –“Megyn Kelly Breaks Down How Kamala Still Won’t Tell Voters Who She Really Is, and What She’d Do”

    My political consultant friend tells me that if you want to know what Barack Obama is really thinking, listen to David Axelrod.

    As you said a few days ago, what do you do with a problem like Kamala?

    Top Democrats don’t have an answer either.

  2. Fascist?

    I though Trump was a Nazi.

    The Communist Democrat Party should make up its mind.

  3. Also, remember that Kamala Harris took a full day off from the campaign trail in the final two weeks to prepare for this interview and one with Telemundo.

    Absolutely pathetic.

    Good for us, though.

    Thank God, we’re not dealing with Josh Shapiro, D–Governor of Pennsylvania, or Scott Kelly, retired astronaut, now Senator (D-AZ). Either of whom might have emerged from an open Dem convention after Biden stepped down.

    I still hold to the conspiracy theory that Biden intentionally effed the Dem leadership after they ousted him by immediately endorsing Harris.

  4. huxley:

    I agree that the Democrats had available to them other more formidable candidates.

    Shapiro was out, though; no Jews allowed for presidential candidate.

    And I said long ago, and I still believe, that the Democrats felt they couldn’t pass Harris over because it would alienate too many black women, and they needed black women. Harris was next in line, as it were.

    I also think Biden may indeed have been sticking it to the leadership by endorsing Kamala – perhaps. But perhaps the powers that be also saw no other viable options for the aforementioned reason, and he was cooperating with them.

  5. … and “let me make it clear” (which is a Harris favorite) means you’re about to hear something very cloudy.

    Boy, is that ever a favorite. I haven’t seen a great number of Harris’ interviews or speeches, but that particular intensifier, and the failure that follows it, has smacked me in the ear repeatedly.

  6. Whenever I was asked about my greatest weakness I always said “kryptonite”. My interviewers didn’t always find it amusing.

  7. ‘There were five forms of governance that migrated from theory to reality in the 20th Century: Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism and Progressivism. The common denominator among them was unprecedented control and regulation by the State over human activity. It is delusional to think that the totalitarian impulse expired with the 20th Century.’ – E. Nuff Said

  8. Obama also frequently said “Let me be clear,” or words to that effect. It never led to clarity.

  9. Strange. Richard Nixon’s verbal tic in his Watergate days was, “Let me be perfectly clear….”

    I would have thought that construction would have been permanently retired.

  10. Harris talks about how Liz and Dick Cheney have endorsed her – a fact that I can’t quite imagine many undecided voters will find compelling.
    It tells you something you did not know about the Cheneys. Did you catch Glitch McConnell’s remarks yesterday? Or George Will’s the day before? A huge share of the GOP Washington establishment as it was in 2015 consisted of frauds who have no interest in the welfare of actual Republican voters.

  11. Harris talks about how Liz and Dick Cheney have endorsed her – a fact that I can’t quite imagine many undecided voters will find compelling.


    Democrat leaders thought Barack Obama could parachute in to lecture the Black Brothers that they were sexist unless they voted for Kamala.

    I’ve seen no indication that worked beyond encouraging black men in the other direction.

    The Harris people seem to have no idea how typical Americans respond to their campaign.

    It’s like when Kamala snubbed the Catholic Al Smith dinner, then sent in as her replacement a Saturday Night Live-style video ridiculing Catholic schoolgirls. One of the most hideous things I’ve seen.

    –“VP Harris and Mary Katherine Gallagher Video for Al Smith Dinner”

    Absolutely blind and blinkered.

  12. We’ve talked here about Kamala and whether she’s really very intelligent. What gets to me is that she has bombed in several interviews and “town halls” and yet, the next time around, stillcan’t answer the obvious questions she should have prepared for.

  13. “although politicians lie a lot, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a campaign so totally and utterly based on lies.”

    Harris has had 4 years to act as an understudy to Joe Biden, of whom it can be accurately said that American politics has had no more notable example of an inveterate liar.

  14. Appeal to black women, Jews, white men, black men, gays, trans… What was the Founding Fathers view on factionalism?

  15. “The common denominator among them was unprecedented control and regulation by the State over human activity. It is delusional to think that the totalitarian impulse expired with the 20th Century.’ – E. Nuff Said” – Karmi

    Totalitarianism has been the normal state of affairs among humans. The concept of freedom, individualism, and free markets are fairly recent and still fragile.

    When you define Nazism, Fascism, Socialism, Communism and Progressivism; there are differences, but they all boil down to authoritarianism with an elite few ruling the masses of people.

    When Kamala accuses Trump of Fascism, she should be required to define what she means and give examples. Of course she can’t. She might mention “mean tweets,” or sarcastic remarks, or the truncated dictator on day one quote, but nothing of substance. In fact, none of the learned critics who are accusing Trump of Fascism or Naziism can show explicit examples of real authoritarian tendencies.

    Trump’s a strong-willed leader, who chafes at the glacial pace of government at getting things done. He pushes his advisors and assistants to produce. Thus, he’s a “tyrant” in the bureaucratic world. I think Generali Kelly and he got crosswise because Kelly, though a competent Marine, had become a Pentagon bureaucrat in his later years, and didn’t understand that he was dealing with a mover and shaker who wanted to get things done. It’s a shame that he didn’t accept that he and Trump were incompatible, and it was time for him to go. This rotten ass game of electoral revenge stinks.

  16. I cannot believe that the “Thinkers” behind the oval office truly believe that Harris will do well fronting as president. They surely must know that four years with her covering for them will be a horrible situation. My fear is that the Democratic powerhouses will force the Republicans and Trump into some certain behind-the-scenes “agreements”. Only heaven knows what they would be but they are out there. They have to be planning to “collaborate” in order to not cause complete chaos–not just at the result of a rigged election, but rather as the result of the utter chaos they would be living in for the next four years. I just don’t see anyone with half a brain in that think tank of theirs believing that it will be so wonderful to still be in control!

  17. I doubt Harris could define what a fascist is. She should look in the mirror. Milley deserves a noose.

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