Home » Remember the olden days of 2016, when it was okay to mess with electors?


Remember the olden days of 2016, when it was okay to mess with electors? — 3 Comments

  1. The irony is that after all the Democrat efforts to get Trump electors to defect in 2016 more Clinton electors defected than Trump electors that year.

    The foreshadowing is that other Clinton electors also planned to defect (and vote for Sanders or Kasich) but were “replaced” with more docile alternate electors.

  2. When I recall the Gore attempt to change the national election result with selective “recounts” in precincts favorable to him, and the shenanigans of the Democrats in 2016, Trump’s activities in 2020 don’t look bad in comparison. Dems will never admit that if Trump’s efforts were illegal, then so also were theirs, and then some.

  3. When political opponents repeatedly ‘overturn the chess board’, they have demonstrated that they will no longer act within the rules and have essentially declared war upon the former civil order. They are actively “cutting down all the laws”.

    To insist upon continuing to play by the former rules of political discourse is to essentially declare that the Constitution is indeed a suicide pact.

    You can’t win a gunfight with a knife.

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