Home » Open thread 9/30/2024


Open thread 9/30/2024 — 33 Comments

  1. Just celebrated yer 20th and now we’re Time Traveling(TM), eh?
    Fantastic !
    (Love this blog!!)

  2. The pictures coming out of NC are really heartbreaking. A large number of States are sending help. So many had very little and now they have nothing. Roads out. Not sure of Fed aid as yet, but did see pic of Coast Guard helo on the ground. Army Corp of Engineers need to get in there fast.

  3. North Carolina: haven’t been able to reach my cousin and his wife in Asheville. Their neighborhood is on higher ground (in the Montford district, for those who know the city) but the French Broad River is not far away.

    Elsewhere, there’s this from “President” Biden:


    Good Lord. Melanie Phillips and others have made the point that Israel is now emerging, by default, as the de facto leader of what used to be called the free world.

  4. North Carolina: A friend here in central NC has a sister who lives in a fifteenth-floor condo above a hotel in downtown Asheville. She has sent a couple of text messages by climbing down all those flights of stairs and finding a place with a generator and wifi. Our friends in Hendersonville, south of Asheville, got spotty and unreliable cell service back late on Saturday night; no internet yet, and no power apart from their generator. Cell phone carriers have implemented band-sharing so anyone can use any available network. However, many cell towers are either damaged or without power.

    I-26 is open from the south, but of course there is storm damage in upper South Carolina as well. This is going to be very slow. Charities here are collecting relief supplies, but they’d have to take them up via I-40, which is still blocked in many places. At this point, people could donate to the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, or Samaritan’s Purse (which is in Boone, also devastated). The State is airlifting supplies in. The Asheville airport is now open and some commercial traffic is flying, in addition to relief supplies coming in by air. There will be difficulties in delivering those supplies because so many secondary roads are impassible.

  5. The NC Department of Transportation has an urgent note up telling people not to go to western NC at all. Emergency traffic only is going up one lane on I-40. They want that kept clear.

  6. yikes if we only had a president, any of them


    vibes won’t make a difference here, they don’t care about blue cities or red cities, they want to sacrifice children by the mountain heaps, doesn’t matter if they came through the Darien gap or they are native to this country

    is she merely evil ignorant or indifferent, yes and what of the lizard press that celebrates her,

  7. So Israel’s strike on Yemen is a labor dispute.
    Right. Got it.

    From the Feds’ response to Hurricane Helene’s strike on the Southeastern states, should one wonder if “he” thinks the same about that.

    (Or is it a case of “They don’t vote for us, anyway”???)

  8. Barry Meislin, it is true that most of western NC votes heavily Republican — but not Asheville, which is a hippie Democrat island in a sea of more sensible people.

  9. And if there are any more questions remaining about Israel’s LABOR dispute with Hezb’ullah…

    “Iranian cleric: ‘Jews have had access to genies since Davidic times’”

    Fie under: Electronic endjinneering…?

  10. ToI, “Israel stands with you,’ Netanyahu tells Iranian people, says Iran will be free ‘sooner than people think’“: https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-stands-with-you-netanyahu-tells-iranian-people-says-iran-will-be-free-sooner-than-people-think/

    “With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you — the noble Persian people — closer to the abyss,” he says. “The vast majority of Iranians know their regime doesn’t care a whit about them. If it did care, if it cared about you, it would stop wasting billions of dollars on futile wars across the Middle East. It would start improving your lives. Imagine if all the vast money the regime wasted on nuclear weapons and foreign wars were invested in your children’s education, in improving your health care, in building your nation’s infrastructure, water, sewage, all the other things that you need. Imagine that.”

    “When Iran is finally free — and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think – everything will be different,” he promises. “Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace. Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.

    “When that day comes, the terror network that the regime built in five continents will be bankrupt, dismantled. Iran will thrive as never before. Global investment. Massive tourism. Brilliant technological innovation based on the tremendous talents that exists inside Iran. Doesn’t that sound better than endless poverty, repression and war?”

    Sounds something like a promise of delivery from evils. The time is ripe. May they carry through.

  11. those French gals, well you know them (sigh)

    the real president will be distributing relief supplies, i’m given to understand,

    now some djinns manifest themselves like vampires, we see what l’m getting at,

    Israel fought the filistines, that is true, and the canaanites, I don’t even pretend to understand their

  12. In fairness to the walking cadaver, we don’t know if he heard the question and may have thought it was about the looming port strike. Shouting questions from a distance on the tarmac is stupid.

    Pity about 167 helos left in Afghanistan. Might have been useful this past weekend.

  13. Kate: Asheville resembles a larger version of Northampton, Massachusetts, but with hills and a better selection of restaurants. Trust-fund hippies, most of them from elsewhere. Deep blue, of course. My cousin said that he was quizzed on his politics when he and his wife moved into Montford. That said, I like the place.

    I’ve been driving I-26 to Asheville while en route to and from New England. Looks like I’ll have to find another way there. Or detour around it, although Charlotte was hit badly as well.

  14. Today is the last day of birthday week for me. Six close relation BD in seven days. One might conclude that six of my female relations, at some point in the lives, got knocked up for Christmas.

  15. Imagine the uproar and the many thousands of defecated soiled knickers within the press (the propaganda organ of the demonkrat party) if the president of the USA was a republican and he spent his time on the beach instead of visiting North Carolina.

    By the way, anybody notice that that obnoxious, POS, CNN “reporter,” Jim Acosta is nowhere near the border reporting on events there, as he was when Trump was president?

    Check out the latest comments from John Kerry re: the first amendment to the US Constitution. Apparently he feels it makes governing way too difficult if not impossible.

  16. Hubert, in a few weeks you should be able to drive as before. For now, NCDOT is advising everyone but emergency vehicles not to go west of I-77.

  17. Well, in fairness, I don’t think Biden or Harris can get there right now, and they’d be in the way. The NC National Guard, assisted by personnel from several other states, are there doing the heavy lifting, literally.

  18. Barry, I think there are some geniuses at work in Israeli military development, but djinns, not so much …

  19. Maybe, but give them poor Mullahs a break. They gotta blame SOMEONE…

    (On the other hand, WTH is Allah???)

  20. Chases Eagles: could be. He might have confused the two and had a verbal short-circuit. It has happened before. Still, just more proof of his decrepitude. The upside is that Biden’s dementia and the decline in American power and prestige around the world have freed Israel to do what needs to be done. Silver lining etc.

    Kate: thanks. I’d planned to head back south in mid-October. 1-81 to I-77 sounds like to way to go.

  21. Sdferr at 11:17 – great link! Great move by Netanyahu!!!

    Hurricane Helene seems to have been devastating along Florida coasts, less so inland or at least Florida has mostly recovered inland pretty quickly, but Helene was devastating again in other states—where flooding seems to be slowing recovery efforts…

  22. this is the meta point, under this regime, you get the cup no gruel, you lose our strategic reserve, we prevent it to be filled, we ship every bullet and artillery piece,
    they want to silence the first amendment, they want to take away your guns, and free the criminals,
    they want you to freeze as the powerlines snap under the collapsing electrical grid now tell us more about Orange Man bad,

    now saving babies is a bad thing, they are only the thing that keeps the generations continuing so we don’t perish from the earth, but it seems the regime wants nuclear war,
    maybe they think the handmaid’s tale is a how to manual,

    ah yes mr Amin is just another teacher, well someone has to tell the good children of Beirut about the killer mouse,

  23. Interesting that Asheville, being a blue island in red western NC, is not going to get anymore aid according to mush for brains Biden.

    Who is running the country? With Biden claiming Yemen is a union problem, and this past week Kari Lake with Megyn Kelly basically saying that Harris is also just a puppet, it makes one wonder.


  24. physicsguy, it’s hard to say at this point if Biden heard the question properly, if he understood it, and whether his answer is reliable even if he did.

  25. he doesn’t care, if they were transgender pandas maybe he might care, just like apparently the commerce secretary doesn’t care about the port workers strike see if you ask the question exactly, there is no wiggle room,

    we don’t have a presidents we have a puppet of god knows which faction or country,

  26. Dan Bongino says he has a whistleblower talking about the coverup of cocaine use in the White House. Whistleblower claims Secret Service promotions are being handed out based on willingness to keep quiet about it, and the acting director is under pressure to destroy the evidence before a Trump inauguration.


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