Home » Hezbollah, Lebanon, Iran, and Israel


Hezbollah, Lebanon, Iran, and Israel — 12 Comments

  1. I’m still not understanding why Israel must offer a 2-state solution to a people intent on destroying Israel?

  2. From the article:

    But Friday’s attack is another clear escalation from Israel and suggests Netanyahu’s government has little interest in a ceasefire.

    As the saying goes, it takes two to tango. Does Hezbollah want a ceasefire? Hezbollah has made it clear, by daily rocket attacks for nearly a year, that it won’t stop rocket attacks until there is a ceasefire in Gaza. Hezbollah’s rocket attacks have continued after “grim beeper,” “from liver to the knee,” and the last week’s repeated attacks on Hezbollah muckety-mucks and weaponry.

    • One of the officials said the rationale behind the attack was that Nasrallah wouldn’t decouple Hezbollah from Hamas in Gaza and stop the fighting on the northern border. “Therefore, the decision was to take him out of the decision-making picture,” the official said.

    I had read years ago that Nasrallah was located underneath a hospital. Maybe that has changed. I am glad that the IDF is going after him. I recently saw a picture of Hezbollah muckety-mucks: IDF had cancelled all but two. Now all but one?

    Lebanese demographics have changed in the last decade, as a result of a lot of Sunni refugees from Syria. I believe I read that with the refugees, Shiites are now about 20% of Lebanon’s population. Given the support that Hezbollah has given Assad, it is ironic that the Syrian refugees came to Lebanon. I doubt they have the warm fuzzies for Hezbollah. but Hezbollah has the guns.

    I wonder if there are enough armed Lebanese who would want to attack the Iranian embassy.

    But now Israel and its leaders have been made well aware that this is no way out but preemptive actions of this nature, because this really is that sometimes-overused word: an existential battle.

    Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran have repeatedly made it clear that their goal is the elimination of the state of Israel. Which definitely makes it existential for Israel.

  3. James, you—and others—might be interested in this…
    (Warning: It ain’t pretty and it’s a bit on the long side, but the point of it is pretty clear soon enough….)
    ” ‘The Palestinian Delusion’: Catastrophe in the Middle East;
    “The most important book on the Jihad against Israel in existence. This is the book about which there is no delusion….”
    – – – – – – – –
    + Bonus:
    “IDF strikes Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut, Nasrallah targeted;
    “Nasrallah’s exact fate is unknown at this time…”

    Meanwhile, secondary explosions, redux
    H/T Instapundit.
    File under: Nothing says “RESISTANCE” like storing huge amounts of weaponry and materiel inside cities (let alone schools and hospitals (or private homes in villages)…

  4. And from the “To Be Expected” File….
    “John Kirby: Netanyahu should be asked if he retracted his agreement to a ceasefire”—

    Though I’m pretty sure that this headline was doctored—no doubt it originally read…
    “John Kirby: Netanyahu should be asked if he’s stopped beating his wife.”

    (Of course, such a strong and resolute message is what everyone should want from one’s “best and strongest ally”(TM)…)

    Wait! There’s more!! (This time from the “Hey, Don’t Ask Me” Dossier)…
    “Biden: We had no knowledge or participation strikes Beirut;
    “US President asked about Israel’s strike on Hezbollah’s command center in Beirut: We had no knowledge or participation, we’re still gathering information.”—

    (Though to be fair to the “President”, at this stage it is entirely uncertain of exactly what Biden has ANY knowledge….)

  5. Barry Meislin:

    Because I read that it was Axios who broke the story that Nasrallah might be the target.

  6. “senior Hezbollah officials were at the headquarters at the time of the attack.”
    There are some left? Senior because six levels above you have disappeared in a cloud of Jewish Dust. Do you really want to be labeled as “Senior Official”?

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