Home » Open thread 9/25/2024


Open thread 9/25/2024 — 18 Comments

  1. I used to love baseball, but stopped watching it the season, many years ago, when they canceled the World Series because of the strike. I haven’t watched an at-bat since. Yea, I can get cranky at times.

  2. Ha! Thanks Mike, even if I be rather less sanguine in this hour — heh. It’s been a rough season of late (like, the last two and a half months!) and while faint glimmers of a return to semi-decent offensive proficiency and a steady competent defense are gathering, my ingrained pessimistic skepticism holds sway. They’re gonna have to show me something in these last five contests I haven’t seen since the All-star break. Fingers most definitely crossed, so to say. After which? Yikes! Detroit? Again!?

  3. I have a Yahoo email account , so I can comment on ” Yahoo News” articles. Of course, my comments are often rejected by their woke censors.
    Today there were links to articles about Trump announcing that Intel was telling him he was being targeted by Iran for assassination.
    The comments on the article were full on TDS. Part of the people were cheering Iran on and part of the people could not understand why Iran wanted Trump dead. After all ” he worked for Iran ” type comments and such. Full on low information types combined with TDS.

  4. I’m not as familiar with that piece, thanks,

    wow thats staggeringly ignorant at a level I can’t imagine, probably why I stay away from yahoo news,

  5. “Curiouser and curiouser”…?
    Alas, no.

    “Democrats ignore concerns over non-citizen voting, despite thousands found on voter rolls”—

    + Bonus (not terribly earthshattering but still rather interesting…)
    ‘…Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he [RFK Jr] “got everything right.” ‘
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog.

  6. newsmax unlike newscorps, won’t grovel anymore,

    the lawfare corps did try to make an example of Fox and rupert enabled it,

  7. The cheering on comments were more numerous than the he worked for Iran type comments or “Trump is making it up.” Apparently we are to believe Trump was selling secrets to Iran or something. Ignorance.

    It is hard to post any good comments on Yahoo without it being rejected. Lot of key words or phrases seem to trigger an automatic rejection.

  8. Baseball is what I miss most living overseas. I attended the very first Mariners Game in 1977. I spent the next 16 years in baseball purgatory. Sadly, no longer up to date on stats and players.

  9. One of the few nice things still about living in Chicago is two MLB teams (for now anyway). I’ll be at the White Sox game tomorrow, to be a small piece of history, and at Wrigley the next day. Which is pretty cool.

  10. Bach and Mozart are great, of course, but I put Vivaldi up there too.

    “The Four Seasons” by Vivaldi are sublime.

  11. The Vivaldi link tells me I must sign in to confirm I’m not a bot. Too bad; a Vivaldi cello piece would have been nice.

  12. I tried to send something to a friend, an article from a news source about the US Army starting to use drones. His Emails is Yahoo. Yahoo blocked it because it violated something. Now, that is censorship.

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