Home » Open thread 7/3/24


Open thread 7/3/24 — 32 Comments

  1. NEO, you are the only one of the Blogs I read that did the Indepth review of the Iranian elections. We here really owe you a big THANK YOU.

  2. I just may have it. The dumbest headline ever written. Bloomberg article by some numbskull named Mark Gongloff:

    Supreme Court is Too Inept to Keep Water Clean


    The justices are replacing the knowledge of environmental experts with their own questionable judgment.

    Top that!

  3. the weekend hasnt even arrived yet, so no, yes the pesky words in the law, that prevent one from chanting expecto petrona, much like arms control and the peace process, where they really succeed at either,

  4. In talking about using the 25th Amendment to push Biden out of office, does anybody really expect the cabinet of incompetents and ideologues Joe has assembled to get together and have the guts to vote to force dementia Joe out, to “bell the Cat”?

    If they really cared about the fate of the nation they would do so.

    But, I don’t think they will.

  5. This is billed as an interview by NBC correspondent Vaughn Hillyard, but it’s more of a debate as Hillyard talks over Bannon and won’t let him answer when he doesn’t like the answer.

    But it reveals much about Bannon and what his MAGA populists are working to achieve– and it’s the same goals as conservatives. Real investigations into how the administrative state is being used against citizens, downsizing the federal bureaucracy to reduce bloated budgets, expelling the recent illegal invasion of the Biden years. (Even more comprehensive in the scope)

    He also details what the strategy was on J6 to allow Congress to choose the president. Over the objections of the interviewer Bannon stresses they were working inside the rules as they existed. It’s the first explanation I’ve heard of how they planned to reveal to the country through 28 hours of debate how the swing states votes had been corrupted and how the riot at the capitol was the last thing they wanted.

    It you wonder where Bannon fits in the political landscape, this is worth your time. How much will MAGA achieve if Trump is re-elected? Bannon is optimistic (or naive) but everyone has to have a goal.

    Is Bannon a visionary strategist or a Don Quixote? Bannon’s goals make it abundantly clear why the Left cannot let Donald J. Trump win back the White House.

    Steve Bannon says ‘Donald Trump is a moderate in the MAGA movement’: Full interview

  6. you believe in the arcana of majestic 12, and yet you don’t understand how this pantomine horse show, serves their purposes, maybe they didn’t intend 13 dead at abbey gate, they didn’t expect putin would invade, sure, or that hamas would go all ravager, but thats what happened with this fraud,

    why have they sought to bankrupt disbar and jail if possible, Guiliani, because he is a decent man, better than new york deserves
    after nearly a quarter century I conclude this, as they picked bloomberg wilhelm and now duffus adams,

    if he had his fault, he did give liason for the SDNY to become fully pirate, see fitz, comey, spitzer, et al,

  7. I don’t like to make predictions, especially about the future, but if it’s Michelle Obama, no matter how popular now, she will get slaughtered.

  8. Per the Daily Mail item linked above, …party rules make it hard for other candidates to earn the nomination this year and if Biden doesn’t agree to step aside, the prospects become essentially impossible.

    Is there a procedural way around the impossibility? Hopefully not, as this pressure cooker needs to boil until nature fully runs its course:

    “Freaking the f*** out”: Turmoil in the White House over Biden

  9. Republicans need to make a bigger deal about Biden’s changes to Title IX that go into effect in August. I guarantee you that a lot of people who get their news from the mainstream media have no idea.

  10. Was it Michael Savage that coined the phrase “Liberalism is a mental disorder?”

    It is on full display as liberals have become so deranged as to actually trying to create a scenario where the president could have an political rival killed– or in this example cut off his arms.

    On Jan. 3, 2021, a group of Justice Department officials met in the Oval Office to resolve a critical dispute within President Donald Trump’s administration.

    William P. Barr had stepped down as attorney general two weeks before and Trump wasn’t happy with Jeffrey Rosen, the acting attorney general. Trump was considering booting Rosen in favor of Jeffrey Clark, an environmental lawyer within the Justice Department who was eagerly amplifying Trump’s allegations that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen.

    Trump criticized Rosen for not being willing to use the department to aid his efforts to retain power. Rosen insisted that doing so would run afoul of the law and the Constitution. So, pulling a cavalry sword off the wall, Trump cut off his arms.

    Not really! While all the rest of this scenario occurred, the part about the sword didn’t. If it had, though, good news for Trump: Under the standard set by the Supreme Court on Monday, he probably could not have been held criminally liable for having dismembered his acting attorney general.

    Have these people worked so feverishly to twist the law to suite their agenda they’ve lost the ability to think rationally?

    Reading the comments just reinforces the notion we are living in a zombie apocalypse.

    The perfectly valid presidential-immunity murder hypothetical

  11. oh it’s phillip bump, never mind, remember that he protested too much, about the hunter biden laptop, even after the gig was up,

    but for all of Bezos flying monkeys, with the possible exception of Marc Thiessen, all operate with them,

  12. Just to begin at the proper beginning, and brush up on those vaguely recollected terms —

    We are here:

    Amendment 25, Section 4 —
    Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

    Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.


  13. LOL…just watched Sabine’s latest on particles moving back in time….while going through the technical explanation she gave an example of people deleting comments they don’t like from their feed. She then said, “as some climate scientists are prone to do, but that’s an aside…”

    I was floored. Never expected that from her at this point. Ther red pill seems to be working.

  14. SOMETHING FUN! This video finds an internet poster going through the circumstantial evidence that DJT has secretly picked Vivek Ramaswamy to be Veep candidate in later June.

    Far from conclusive. But suggestive.

    In the interest of being complete, our host also shows Vivek tossing cold water on the idea to Judge Judy on FNC. Still, in other video, we see Vivek so very smoothly defending MAGA on hostile CNN.

    It closes out with our host covering the withering reaction to the media and
    R-institutional class pushing Nikki Haley for Veep.

    It’s a good reminder of where DJT stands in leading American Patriots towards radical reform.

  15. The Biden camp is still trying everything it can do to convince Democrat loyalists, Democrat officials, congressmen, governors, and the public that–contrary to what their “lying eyes” have reported–Biden is actually just hunky dory, and that his Debate disaster was just a one time fluke.

    Because, after all, Biden was “tired” from a trip he got back from 10 days before the Debate, and from his 7 days of preparation at Camp David–Biden was “over prepared,” don’t you know, Biden had a “cold,” and besides his shoes were killing him, his hemorrhoids acting up, a low pressure front had moved in over the Debate venue–sinus headaches don’t ya know, and probably the dog ate his brilliant notes as well.

    As part of this campaign, Biden is to be interviewed this Friday by staunch Democrat loyalist and partisan George Stephanopoulos.

    How many times in the last few years–do you think–has the friendly MSM tossed Biden softball questions, manipulated videos, cut out Biden’s mumbling, his obvious and oft repeated lies, his gaffs, losses of his train of thought, his incoherent ramblings, his wandering off topic, his trailing off in the middle of a sentence, his vacant stares and his mouth hanging open; dishonesty, manipulation, and disinformation all designed to make it seem as if Biden has all of his faculties and was and is, in the recent words of Joe Scarborough, “sharp as a tack.”

    I firmly believe that Stephanopoulos and his network will manipulate the hell out of this interview, to get the “look,” the result which they and Biden both want.

  16. The Biden folks are putting on a full-court press to keep Joe as candidate. They have no choice. They can’t leave voters with the disastrous, though accurate, impression of Biden’s cognitive decline.

    Perhaps it will work. However, there are already rumblings from other Democrats:

    The fallout from Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance continues unabated. In the days following Biden’s infamous face-off with Donald Trump, many in the media have called on Biden to drop out of the race, and donors are starting to bail on him. Elected Democrats have generally been reluctant to speak out publicly but have privately expressed concern or anonymously told the media they think he should leave the ticket.


    I don’t believe they are as concerned about a senile old man with the nuclear codes as they are about their careers and the power of the Democrat party.

    Democrats aren’t one big happy family, or machine if you will. There are numerous conflicting interests at stake. We’ll have to see how it all shakes out.

    I believe the internal opposition to Biden will grow and come to a crisis.

  17. SoP (@8:42 pm), indeed…
    “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

    …except that to reflect the Democratic Party’s (and their fellow travelers’) PSYCHOTIC MEGALOMONIA I would tweak that a bit to…

    Who controls the PRESENT controls the past AND (ESPECIALLY) the FUTURE.”

    …which explains the madness, hysteria and NEED TO PERENNIALLY AND UBIQUITOUSLY LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE that has infected the Democratic Party.

    Yes, “1984” IS their textbook, their DIY book, their playbook…which testifies to their madness, toxic confusion and the extraordinary danger they pose to the country they claim they are trying so hard “TO PROTECT”….

    (But then, it has already been well established that they lie about EVERYTHING…for the sake of TOTAL POWER, for the sake of the mega-coverups they MUST sustain…and ultimately JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT.)

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