Home » Open thread 5/29/24


Open thread 5/29/24 — 28 Comments

  1. Just another open-thread recommendation.

    At his Substack site, Arnold Kling has published a short essay that will interest many who read Neo’s blog. Kling’s piece is entitled “Jewish Christophobia.” It’s almost childlike in its simplicity and clarity, but it’s well written.

    Here’s a link:

    P.S. Kling’s essay doesn’t contradict anything that Neo has written here. I’m not trying to start an argument. Old story: two Jews, three opinions, but I was raised Lutheran.

  2. … almost childlike in its simplicity

    I think that’s a good way to put it, but i also think that to grasp nearly any social phenomenon it is important to do exactly that. My favorite quote from the article:

    This fear of fundamentalism is not limited to American Jewry. In Israel, non-Orthodox Jews fear the Orthodox.

  3. Some good news from the leftists at Politico.
    Republican governors like DeSantis are leading the way in the culture war
    School choice programs have been wildly successful under DeSantis. Now public schools might close.

    The Republican governor’s school choice programs may serve as a model for other GOP-leaning states across the country.
    Now as those programs balloon, some of Florida’s largest school districts are facing staggering enrollment declines — and grappling with the possibility of campus closures — as dollars follow the increasing number of parents opting out of traditional public schools.

  4. Karmi, every conservative’s best hope is for a hung jury. It’s every leftist’s nightmare. What’s new?

    Your link: “But there’s also a widespread belief in Trump’s orbit that, if convicted, he won’t see a prison cell. Legal experts say it’s a possibility. But no one is sure, and CBS News reported the Secret Service has met with local jail officials.”

    I think that’s likely. But either way– home confinement or a jail cell, might that not be the final push to put President Trump back in the White House?
    Imagine the optics of a nightly jailside chat as President Trump continues to campaign from jail– plumbing the depths of the corruption of the left using his persecution by the true enemies of democracy, the left, as prime evidence #1.

  5. Brian E, are you being snarky to humble me?!? 😉

    Anyway, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi says “The jury’s refusal to go home between closing arguments might have been a good sign for former President Donald Trump..”

    I dunno. Always threw myself on the mercy of the court and/or avoided a jury. Couse, never had a judge like Merchan either.

    Am thinking Trump is found innocent quickly (by tomorrow) or gets a hung jury. Imagine having to go thru a trial *AGAIN* is one of your best hopes…Jeez!?

  6. }}} Trump suggested at fundraiser he ‘would have bombed’ Russia and China – ‘The former president’s comments came as a surprise to some donors’ & me too.

    I will bet you that this was either taken largely out of context to the point where it’s not what they said, or, alternately, is in some way largely a rational comment following details he provided in a sensible manner, rather than the, “oh, yeah, and I’d like to bomb Russia and China, if I get back in.” that they’ve made it sound like.

    SMH. The man was one of the least warlike of presidents in the last century, but somehow, the merdia try and sell him as a war threat of the first order.

    Yeeesh. Prevaricating Ambulatory Humaniform Containers of Excreta. :-/


    As to the Trump Trial kangaroo court, one hopes someone on the jury understands his rights as a juror, and deliberately hangs the jury.


  7. I have no idea how complex and weaponized law works in this case. Matt Margolis conveys an opinioin via Mark Levin from friend Arthur Fergenson, who served as a law clerk to Warren Burger, that Trump could seek a direct appeal to the Supreme Court.

    The NY trial court represents an imminent danger to the fair and untrammeled conduct of a federal election for the most powerful position in America and the world. The Supreme Court has the power to act to protect our democracy. And it should. If a guilty verdict is returned, it should act right away.

    –Arthur Fergenson, “Here’s What Could Happen If Trump Is Found Guilty”

    Of course I have no idea how that would work either.

  8. Karmi,

    I would have used this quote, which more accurately represents the thrust of the story, but that’s a hangover from my days as a newspaper reporter. I was trained to include both sides of a controversy, even if you didn’t believe both sides:

    It’s not just Trump allies who believe that at least one juror may look favorably on the defense.

    “There’s one juror that people are worried about and I share the worry,” Harry Litmam, a Democrat and former deputy attorney general, wrote Tuesday on X, adding he “can’t identify her or him per judge’s orders but seems less engaged and slightly irritable.”

    I’ve heard/read that a retrial wouldn’t happen before the election, at which point it would be moot for purposes of influencing the election.

  9. I haven’t seen anyone else express my real fear: a conviction and tossing Trump into jail is the spark that ignites CW2. Again, maybe that’s the Democrat long game to force marshal law, as well as keep Trump out of the WH. The next 7 days could be pivitol. Does the stupid party have any sort of contingency plan? Am I just letting my natural pessimism run rampant?

  10. physicsguy, I think putting people in solitary confinement for a year before their trial probably tamped down any true insurrectionist fervor.

  11. shes the erotic poetry bookstore owner, avril haines, that is d level intelligence,

    ah david corn, purveyor of the danchenko hoax, the romney 47% tape and other ephemera,

    I mean they should be ashamed but are they ever, only the likes of kurt eichenwald, and for a time,

  12. Kate:

    Funny stuff.

    It reminds me of an old joke from some comedian – I forget who said it – that instead of getting married again, he’ll just find a woman he hates and buy her a house.

  13. Tyler Cowen relates a very provocative contemporary question: what film or literary work helps make sense of our artificial intelligence moment?


    There are interesting answers.

    Mine is the Russian SF series from several years ago, “Better Than You.” The premise of this family squabble turned noir and menacing is that the first robots mimicking human intelligence have arrived among us in the near future.

    I found it arresting enough to re-watch middle and later parts; plotting gets dense with characters spread out over 15 or 18 episodes. Maybe, I will soon give it another round.

    My discovery — or perhaps re-discovery? — is “Novacine.” Coming out in 2019, the book’s author was the late James Lovelock, and his last book at around age 101. (He passed a year or so later at 102.)

    Lovelock was a physician turned atmospheric chemist, who gave us the Gaia Hypothesis — not the claim that the biosphere functions like a unified organism, but that in some or many or most ways literally is like an organism. A possibility with pregnant implications.

    Big Thinking, even if you can poke holes in it. Novacene looks like a similar Big Think, but applied to the consequences of AI.

  14. Banned Lizard asks “is it still a thing?” Russian interference in U.S. elections….

    No. This is Deep State propaganda designed to keep the gullible TDSers in line.

    This Real Big player in elections is Chinese money and the way it buys the silence of the Ruling Class. From tens of thousands of Chinese illegal immigrants, to money funding pro Hamas protests to monies buying Uncle Joe and his crime family — and those are merely tips of the iceberg.

  15. The ignorance of Gen Z, thanks to the Modern Eddimikashinal System



    }}} South Korea attacks North Korea – North Korea strikes back w/ Biological attack! (sarc/)

    Kim Jong Un drops hundreds of balloons filled with faeces and trash onto South Korea in retaliation for propaganda leaflets scattered over North Korea ‘which require effort to clean up’

    Have to say, seems reasonable and proportional as a response. 😛

  16. Because ideas and printed paper spread diseases just as does sh*t. That’s why you always wash your hands and eyes after picking up The New York Times, The Washington Post, or The Atlantic.

  17. @ Karmi on May 29, 2024 at 1:57 pm

    Looks like Trump verdict is in…this from yesterday:

    Anyway, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi says “The jury’s refusal to go home between closing arguments might have been a good sign for former President Donald Trump..”

    Am thinking Trump is found innocent quickly (by tomorrow) or gets a hung jury. Imagine having to go thru a trial *AGAIN* is one of your best hopes…Jeez!?

    Doesn’t look like hung jury – sooOOOooo, Maybe…just maybe!

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