Home » The Alzheimer’s gene: to test or not to test, that is the question


The Alzheimer’s gene: to test or not to test, that is the question — 11 Comments

  1. A former student of mine, now in her early 50s, tested high for breast cancer. She opted for a double mastectomy. I thought it a bit extreme, but it removes all concern for her.

  2. physicsguy:

    People with a family history of early breast or uterine or pancreatic cancer should be tested for that gene, because there is preventative treatment, and early knowledge and detection makes a difference. I exempt those cases from what I’m discussing in this post, which are illnesses like Alzheimer’s which don’t have those characteristics

  3. A relative’s mother and grandmother both died of ovarian cancer. Once our cousin had given birth to her family, she had the ovaries and uterus out. Her chances of getting the cancer were very high, and cure rates are very low.

    But for something like Alzheimer’s, other than avoiding obesity and blood sugar problems and staying mentally and physically active, there are no preventives and no effective treatments. And you should do the healthy living things for a lot of other reasons. Why frighten yourself with testing which yields no useful approaches but only fear?

  4. Neo said “People with a family history of early breast or uterine or pancreatic cancer should be tested for that gene, because there is preventative treatment, and early knowledge and detection makes a difference.”

    Can you direct me to a link or something about the preventive treatments you referred to? I goggled around and could only find the bland lifestyle advice … ??? Very interested in any additional info.

  5. Nobody Important:

    One preventative treatment I’m talking about is pretty drastic: surgery. That is, removal of breasts, and then reconstruction, and/or removal of ovaries (usually after menopause), as well as more stringent and frequent screening. Sometimes, also (or instead), the person can take certain selective hormone blockers. This website discusses the options.

  6. Chris Hemsworth is pulling back from acting after he discovered he was a carrier.

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  8. Neo, you mentioned pancreatic cancer. Do they remove the pancreas as a preventive measure?

  9. Kate:

    No, but the way it works is this: the same gene predisposes to breast, ovarian, and/or pancreatic cancer. So if any of those run in your family in people who aren’t quite old, you probably need to be screened for the gene. Then if you test positive, you have to decide what to do, because you have an increased risk of any or all of those cancers. For breast and ovarian there are the surgical options, the drug options, and the more-screening option (not mutually exclusive). For pancreatic I assume the only option is increased screening. But my understanding is that anyone with the gene can get any of them, and therefore has to be aware of all of them. I think there are also different variants of the gene, and they carry different levels of risk.

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