Home » Open thread 10/21/22


Open thread 10/21/22 — 30 Comments

  1. I get tired of the PC references to things like “other assorted Egyptian loot.” If the French had not brought it back to France, and then the British from there to England, it would have amounted to nothing more than rubble in Egypt. It was found being used as a building material, when it was discovered.

    What happened in Syria and Iraq under Isis, I think, shows that it is important NOT to “repatriate” this sort of stuff. Egypt is not exactly all that “westernized” to make sending artifacts back a good idea.

    And it is not like most Egyptians value their history that much.

  2. Steve Bannon is being thrown in jail for 4 months for ignoring a congressional subponea. I can only hope that now since that precedent has been set (that from now on we absolutely throw people in jail for ignoring congressional subponeas) it’s actually applied by Republicans against contemptuous deep staters in the future. But I guess that would require Republican congress critters with backbones and standards, 2 things that have been rarely seen in the House.

  3. What’s going on with diesel fuel and heating oil?

    According to Bloomberg (https://archive.ph/GNFjx), the country has only 25 days supply of diesel fuel / heating oil. They say supplies haven’t been that low since 2008.

    According to another Bloomberg article (https://archive.ph/gDrho), supplies haven’t been this low since 1951.

    According to the second article, there are four reasons for the shortage:

    “The reasons for the collapse in inventories and the price surge are four-fold. First, local diesel demand has recovered quicker than gasoline and jet-fuel from the impact of the pandemic, draining stocks. Second, foreign demand is also strong, with American diesel exports running at unusually high level. Third, the US also has lower refining capacity than before, reducing its capacity to make fuels.

    And then there’s Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The US was importing a significant amount of Russian fuel oil before the war, which its Gulf of Mexico-based refiners turned into diesel. The trade ended after the White House sanctioned Russian petroleum exports.”

    Since it’s Bloomberg, their stories emphasize the imminent inflationary effects and, of course, how much this will hurt Biden.

    As for me, I use heating oil and firewood for heat. Will we run out of heating oil? Should I be making plans for a long winter trip to Thailand or Guatemala?

  4. A better discussion of the Rosetta Stone by the Curator of Ancient Writing at the British Museum. A lot more information including the fact that multiple copies have been found and are spread around to other museums as well. https://youtu.be/klJBwnBHET8

    Regarding the British “looting” the Greek antiquities. They actually were performing an act of preservation. The Turks, who were in charge at the time, were wrecking a lot of the ancient
    Greek sculptures. The Parthenon was used as an ammo dump and accidentally blew up. Lord Elgin rescued the frieze. The famous Sphinx of Giza was used for target practice by the Turkish soldiers who shot off its nose.

    (I can’t stand listening to this guy. His accent and machine gun delivery are very annoying.)

  5. Debate topic of the day: Is Europe Thelma or Louise?

    Your boy started a war for ignoble purposes, has had to limit military operations to five of the Ukraine’s 24 regions because he had his ass handed to him everywhere else, and is running out of trained manpower so conscripting hapless men off the street. The Russian economy is currently imploding at a rate of 4% per year to boot. Enjoy.

  6. And the U.S. is the young and naïve Davis character?

    What Wm F. Buckley said to Henry Fairlie in 1980: I guess it takes sophistication to have to have the Yanks bail you out every generation or so.

  7. A mRNA pusher sees the light–
    Dr. Malhotra publishes his findings in a peer reviewed journal of the dangers of the injections and calls for halting their use. He explains it here:


    “It’s been a pandemic of misinformation.”

    Current misinformation from BigPharma and those in their thrall:
    that these shots are not any more dangerous than previous vaccines.

    That is not true.

    Currently, 92% of UK Covid hospital deaths are in people who have been injected three or more times w synthetic mRNA.

  8. Banned:

    Poor little man Vlad, feinting out of Kherson now. Has to threaten to blow up a damned dam. That of course will flood Kherson, but also destroy Crimea’s water supply, and drain the cooling water supply from the largest nuclear power plant complex in Europe. “Thelma and Louise” vs the “Joker.” Quite the pyschopath, Banned.

  9. Lee:

    Did it ever occur to you that a high percentage of the very elderly and/or the very ill have had the most vaccinations, and that they’re dying because they’re sick and/or very old already and that it has nothing to do with vaccinations?

    You keep posting links or just statements that can usually be refuted quite easily, but it would be a full-time job to do it for each one.

  10. COVID19 vaccinations are the new and improved AGW/Climate Change: only been around for 2 years but are the cause of all human death. Be very afraid!

    I thought mass hysteria was limited to teens and “gender,” probably due to the jab.

  11. Yes neo, that “occurred to me” two years ago, when they rolled it out with them. I knew we weren’t going to be aware of the side effects for a while because of that. But I saw plenty in the medical staff who got them at the same time. Such severe, unpredictable reactions that people could not work the following day; most scheduled shot two for Fridays before we were off for the weekends or a vacation week as to not short our coverage.
    Reports on social media (before the censoring began) came in of the death of the OB in FL whose autopsy revealed massive clots as well as others.
    There were lots of indications that this time, it was different.
    Plus, cautions had already appeared from people who have proven to spot on about possible problems with this mRNA platform, as well as mass vaccination in the face of a world wide pandemic.

    I am also well aware that frail old people die as the natural course of events

    The reason the myocarditis studies were done on young men, not old people, is that it would have taken FOREVER to get the signal needed from a population that already has myocardial issues.
    Having it be harder to “see” does not mean it isn’t there.
    At some point, common sense comes in to play, and we need to stop denying what is happening.
    That First Do No Harm concept.

    We cannot refute the nine sigma increase in deaths in the young, highly injected physicians in Canada, the on the field ones of athletes in the European and South American soccer leagues, the Q3 and Q4 2021 death and disability numbers reported by insurers and verified by the Society of Actuaries. Now EU countries are examining their increased fetal death rates, miscarriages and stillbirths–all increased significantly — to determine if their is an association.

    The reason vaccines are typically trialed for TWELVE years before being used is that determining a CAUSAL relationship is EXTREMELY difficult; an association is the best we may ever be able to do with one where we are the Phase Three trial.

    Continuing to label a proven ineffective experimental genetic treatment a vaccine which has the most severe “side effects”–clots causing strokes, myocardial infarcts, pulmonary embolisms, deaths– ever tolerated; that no longer decreases hospitalization or severe illness –if it even did originally; as the data is finally being released (by court order, it should be noted) that is even being called into question—in the face of known effective, inexpensive, well tolerated outpatient treatments that decrease hospitalizations by massive numbers makes no sense at all as far as being a medical policy.

    But until the FDA pulls it–anybody who thinks it is of a benefit to them, wants it and is older than six months can get it injected.
    I think at the drug store in most places.

    Anybody can follow our policy maker Rachel Wallensky decision making process if they want–
    she’s four weeks out from getting the bivalent shot that was “tested” on eight mice.
    Oh, she has Covid too.
    Make sure that fits your plans, because that’s is what is happening. As it has since the very beginning–many nursing homes had big increases with injections. That’s what stimulated the studies showing it suppresses cellular and innate immunity.

    What nobody has studied is for how long, and whether it is cumulative with the repeated doses. Something you’d think the medical community should be interested in knowing. But 90% of primary care docs are now corporate employees,
    so their paychecks are dependent on complying with attorneys’ directives.

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