Home » Open thread 6/17/22


Open thread 6/17/22 — 30 Comments

  1. David Horowitz minces no words in this comprehensive warning on the nature of the threat the Democratic party poses to the country…

    Because of his background—a conscientious member of the radical left whose epiphany occurred after a murder made him rethink his entire worldview—he knows whereof he speaks.

    In the past one may have believed he was a bit extreme in his protestations; but if Obama’s deceptive effort to destroy the country was not enough to take Horowitz seriously, then “Biden”‘s more obvious effort to dismantle America may be more persuasive.

    In any event One disregards Horowitz’s warning at one’s peril.

    File under: “For [America’s] sake I will not remain silent…”

  2. Re: Space and Time

    Which led to a discussion between me and my wife about how Jews and Italians use their hands differently in conversation.

  3. Am I only one here who believes that “Biden” should appoint the illustrious Hunter Biden as Drug Czar? At least he’s not a novice; in fact he’d bring scads of experience to the office.
    “Fentanyl crisis in America is ‘terrorist chemical attack,’ congresswoman says”—

    Just joking (of course).
    “The-Night-Is-a-Lonely” Hunter has already informed us that he has the “President’s” ear, so there’s no real need for this particular appointment. (Though I imagine he could always use the money…)

    No, I would assume that Hunter is (altruistically) offering free advice to his dear-old-dad on how to exacerbate the fentanyl problem and create yet even more despair, illness, demoralization, depression and death in the country…while killing neighborhood, communities and whole cities, all the while continuing to demoralize police forces nationally while totally frustrating border agents and governments of the southern states (specifically but not only).

    Which is win-win-win-win for the Democratic party….

  4. The video wasn’t the obvious (old?) material. Very interesting. I had to laugh when the theorist said that he wanted to separate out time as different than, or separate from, space. How retro. That which is old is new again.

    He briefly mentions quantum mechanics. One of the things that bothered me, or alternately blew my mind, is the quantum mechanical understanding of empty space. So it’s just a vacuum with nothing in it, correct?

    There are vacuum fluctuations where virtual elementary particles pop into and out-of existence. Surely that’s just some artificiality not to be taken seriously? No, it’s a serious part of the theory.

  5. It bothers me when they refer to ordinary, common sense actions and objects as not being real. No. They simply are not studied by physics, which has defined them out of existence in the universe IT studies. They are not relevant to the physicist’s work, so they are not measured. That is a very different thing.

    Physics, like all the sciences, has progressed by exclusion. Only that which it chooses to study, is studied. Which is fine; that’s why it works. But it is a kind of arrogance to, having decreed ordinary experience outside their purview, to now decree it unreal.

  6. From the David Horowitz article:

    “As a former radical I understood how high the stakes had become with Obama’s election. Since the right was defending America’s freedoms while the left was paying lip-service to patriotic pieties but intending nothing less than the destruction of constitutional order, I also understood that the rhetorical disparity between the two factions posed a grave threat to America’s future.”

    “In fighting this cold war, progressives regularly demonize Republicans as racists, white supremacists, insurrectionists, Nazis and traitors. Republicans respond to these reckless attacks by calling Democrats “liberals” and similarly tepid descriptions. For example, they describe Democrats as “soft on crime.” Democrats are not soft on crime. They are pro-crime:…”

    “If you are in a battle of words – which is the nature of political warfare – and you are calling your enemies “liberals,” portraying them as not really understanding the gravity of what they are doing, while they are calling you “white supremacists” and “Nazis,” you are losing the war…”

    Yes, we are losing the war. The question is, who has a battle plan to fight back without alienating the squishy middle that doesn’t like conflict.

    Is the in your face rhetoric of a Donald Trump a winning strategy? It certainly worked in 2016. The left is still working to turn President Trump into a pariah to that squishy middle, and have already begun attacking Ron DeSantis as a stealth fascist.

    At the same time, the left may have gone all in to soon. Are they alienating enough of the middle? Mayra Flores win in a traditionally Democrat Texas House seat in encouraging.

  7. i don’t see how they could one is a physical state, the other is not, now objects in the former have to pass through the latter, space isn’t empty, just the density of particles between stars, is much less, there’s also planes of space, in a three dimensional environment, objects like the kyper belt are on different angles, I recall that from the story ‘the cold equations’ then it becomes dense around the oort cloud, but that’s a fair distance,

  8. oort cloud starts out about 282 billion miles out, and extends about three light years, various density of gas and ice, something they don’t address in star trek and other science fictions, so if you are even .2 c, it will be a rough trip,

  9. Listening to President Trump’s speech at the Faith and Freedom Coalition meeting, and he used the term “left wing fascists”.
    That seems to be a very good descriptor of what the left is doing.

  10. In other Pride Month news, JoJo signed an executive order on Wednesday, “instructing his administration to examine what steps it could take to end ‘conversion therapy’ for minors who identify as transgender. . . . The order itself sweeps much broader than pediatric gender medicine, but that is surely its most controversial element. It should put to rest any remaining doubts over whether the medical scandal of deforming and sterilizing children in order to validate their ‘internal sense of gender’ goes all the way to the top of the American power structure. It undoubtedly does. . . . The president himself . . . seems utterly clueless when it comes to the details of this complicated issue. . . . Perhaps he is simply deferring to young progressive staffers or to HHS’s Admiral Levine, who seems intent on using federal power to ensure that every last American agrees with her that she is a woman. Whatever the reason, Biden’s executive order is a blight on his presidency and on the nation.”


  11. The oil and nat. gas markets which have been consistently strong up ’till now, have been rolling over the last few days. I suspect we will be seeing gasoline prices move at least a little lower soon. The other possibility is that this new trend may be a signal that a recession is now baked into the cake.

  12. Once again, taking advantage of an open thread.

    Via “Power Line,” I just learned that Candace Owens is set to release a documentary entitled “The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd & the Rise of BLM.” I look forward to the film, and am posting this comment, in case there’s anybody who missed the note at “Power Line.”

    Here’s a link to a trailer: https://tinyurl.com/2vt3m5se

  13. Cornflour,
    Not to take away from the documentary that Owens is releasing, here’s a 24 minute compilation of police bodycam video and surveillance cameras of the entire Floyd arrest.
    Chavin did not kill George Floyd.


  14. On Biden’s “conversion therapy” executive order, it has been observed that “transgender care” for minors is conversion therapy with a scalpel and pill box.

  15. “Left wing fascists” is redundant, Mussolini was a Marxist Socialist. He differed with Lenin on class warfare, he didn’t have any classes in Italy, and he figured that it was better to have the business men run their own companies and run the businessmen instead, aka, corporatism, cf, Elizabeth Warren.

    I prefer “totalitarian left”, also due to Mussolini, “everything inside the state, nothing outside the state, no one against the state”, again check with Elizabeth Warren for details.

  16. Time and Space are two of reality’s parameters. We can measure both precisely. Beyond that lies a great mystery.

    Brian E,

    “Yes, we are losing the war. The question is, who has a battle plan to fight back without alienating the squishy middle that doesn’t like conflict.”

    It is not those on the right who are alienating the squishy middle but the Left. And yes, the Left’s ideological fanaticism and their TDS has indeed led them to go “all in” too soon. The surest indication of this is Bidet’s disapproval #s (which are actually much lower than reported) and his increasing lack of support among hispanics and even blacks. While his strongest support, professional white women are too small a minority to make a difference.

    “left wing fascists” succinct and perfect descriptive…

    miguel cervantes,

    Which is why faster than light travel thru wormholes and ‘higher dimensions’ was conceived by scifi writers…


    I saw that poll too. I wonder how many of those who reject belief in God realize that the corrollary to abandoning/rejecting belief in the divine is the collapse of “inalienable rights” into State granted but revocable privileges? The same of course applies to “human rights” as neither the Islamic or Communistic ideologies agree that individuals have any inherent “rights”.

    Paul in Boston,

    “Left wing fascists” may be redundant but it does serve the purpose of disputing the meme that fascists reside entirely on the right. Why not combine them? Left wing totalitarian fascists…

    Mussolini’s, “everything inside the state, nothing outside the state, no one against the state” is reminiscent of hispanic radical’s “La Raza” which means “The Race” its meme, roughly translates as “everything for the race, nothing for outside of the race”.

  17. Yes, we are losing the war. The question is, who has a battle plan to fight back without alienating the squishy middle that doesn’t like conflict.

    Brian E:

    No, we are not losing the war. We’ve taken some hard hits, granted, but the left has gone way overboard and now looks like Wile E. Coyote realizing his grand Acme plan has failed and he is now about to fall hundreds of feet to the desert below.

    Sometimes it seems to me conservatives are as foolish as progressives in assuming the worst is happening and is inevitable.

    It works for fundraising and the meager pleasures of cynicism. Not so much for those concerned with reality and constructive responses.

  18. Well we have seen how far they have gotten thanks to this possum opposition with a tie senate and a smattering of seats and hoe much damage they have wrought to how many inatitutions

  19. In planet of the apes (classic) time has already some 700 years when taylor is narrating so why would he think 2000 years had passed and unless he knew the exact destination, why couldnt it be earth.

  20. Lately I’ve been listening to Steve Martin’s memoir, “Born Standing Up,” which is the blow-by-blow account of how he stormed the citadel of entertainment and became his inimitable self.

    I had more or less assumed he had been dropped on his head as an infant and he had no choice but to be weird. But no, his career came out of decades of trying this and that, thinking about it some more, then trying something else.

    He was lucky to grow up in SoCal and ended up working at Disney Land and Knott’s Berry Farm as a teen. He was attracted to entertainment. His first love was magic, then later comedy and the banjo came to his attention. He was a philosophy major in college, then switched to theater.

    Fascinating glimpse of how unique talent comes together.

  21. To Huxley, and anybody else interested in time/space jokes:


    That’s a link to a longer investigation of the saying “Time is what keeps everything from happening at once.”

    Somewhere along the way, the quip was expanded to “Time Is what keeps everything from happening at once; space exists so that it doesn’t all happen to you.”

    The abuses of philosophy are much more fun than the real thing.

  22. In addition to his comedies at leasf two dramas he wrote a kind of philosophical spy thriller traitor with don cheadle the title refers to the main character who we dont know till the end whose side hes betraying
    I dont want to give away the ending.

  23. It is not those on the right who are alienating the squishy middle but the Left. – Geoffrey Britain
    I was referring to President Trump. His style can be off-putting to put it mildly. We’re going to be debating for the next 2 years whether he can win the general election.

    No, we are not losing the war. – Huxley

    Since gay marriage was normalized, until today, could you or anyone have imagined how the left-wing fascists, who have embedded themselves in every level of the bureaucracy, are forcing the normalization of mental disorders that will make maintaining a civil society difficult if not impossible; or excusing criminal behavior for one group of society while targeting other groups?

    Words mean whatever they say they mean; up is down; evil is good.

    I maintain we are losing the war.

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