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Roundup — 65 Comments

  1. (1) Everyone knows that election fraud occurs, and has occurred, many times in many places. Suddenly, though, the 2020 elections were pristine and pure, simply because Trump and others could not bring iron-clad proof of specific fraudulent activities within the very narrow time-frame available for investigation and legal process.

  2. (2) The people who definitely have not forgotten Afghanistan are those with relatives or employees or students who were evacuated under the horrific conditions that occurred because Biden’s administration were pretending they had everything under control and didn’t start the move-outs nearly soon enough; and especially those with connections to people who are still there.

    We still haven’t seen any Human Interest stories about joyful reunions here in the States.

    FWIW, our church is setting up some refugee centers around the country to help with the resettlement of the Afghans who were randomly evacuated. That hasn’t gone well in some areas (see Daniel Greenfield and others), so I will keep you posted on local events. I certainly would agree with helping our allies who ran for their lives; the possible Taliban moles, not so much.

  3. (3) I had already read Taibbi’s post.
    His subhead is a killer: “The Senate Intelligence Committee, the Treasury, and even Robert Mueller pointed fingers. But none bothered to question him

    Kind of seems like the obvious thing to do with a guy who is supposedly the center of a spider-web of international collusion involving a presidential candidate, and then President; but then, I’m not a 6-figure-salary lawyer in the Administrative State, so what do I know?

  4. (4) The Daily Mail is a great reference for the essential parts of the story. And they have more pictures than anyone else.
    As some people have speculated back on the Loudoun post, if the Scott’s lawsuit has merit (and it certainly looks like it does, but I’m not a judge on the most liberal bench in the country, so what do I know?), then the almost-certain lawsuit by the second girl is going to be a doozy.

  5. “Kind of seems like the obvious thing to do…”

    Ah, but only if one wishes to really get to THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER.”
    …and “THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER” was that they had NOTHING except innuendo and fabricated BS.

    So that Mueller had to make sure that the INNUENDO remained unassailable.

    As Andrew McCarthy was pointing out incessantly during that time, all Mueller and his virtuous hitmen wanted to do was get Trump on a “process” crime.
    On a technicality. (Lying to the inquisitors.)
    Once Trump was caught in that spiderweb, he would have been strung up for good.

    Trump (no doubt together with the help of excellent advisors) was able to evade that rather nimbly. As it was, Mueller and Friends successfully stage managed a relentless trial-by-media kangaroo-court on a national (and international) level of which Stalin would have been proud. (This likely was the cause (or a major cause) of the Democrats regaining the House in 2018.) And so the corrupt, hysterical, lying Democratic adolescents in Congress attempted, and succeeded to a significant extent, to hogtie Trump for the bulk of his presidency.

    Nonetheless, despite this ongoing rabid and insatiable hostility, which continued until even after his presidency (and continues still), he was able to accomplish quite a bit. Remarkably so.

  6. (5) Psaki the Psuperfluous is a genius at understatement.
    “At the same time, we also know that the supply is low because we’re coming out of the pandemic and because a bunch of manufacturing sectors across the world have shut down because ports haven’t been functioning as they should be.”

    I almost said “master” of understatement but that’s a ban-hammer word now, and “mistress” would really get me cancelled when the NSA starts auditing the comment threads here.

    And it wouldn’t take that long, since I don’t think I’ve hit the Washington Football Team investigation’s total of some 650K (emails) yet.

    Not for lack of trying.

  7. “…Loudoun…”

    They don’t even prevaricate very well.

    Key graf:
    ‘Ziegler said that the district made “errors in our state reporting regarding disciplinary incidents in schools,” adding that it “inadvertently omitted some information in the past.”’

    (If only that paragon of a school superintendent had a talented, dedicated—and psychotic—spokesperson…)

    File under: A Psaki of one’s own….

  8. (6) In looking up the number of NFL emails, I encountered a few current stories on the Gruden story. Most are along the lines of: out of 650K emails examined, why have only those few from Gruden been revealed, when he wasn’t even the subject of the investigation?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    “Jon Gruden’s bigoted rants can’t be the only untenable material among the 650,000 emails turned up in the investigation of the Washington Football Team’s workplace conditions. Apparently, he had a receptive audience in former team executive Bruce Allen and presumably others. What objectionable things might have been included in those dialogues? Nobody’s arguing that Gruden’s dismissal isn’t justified. His treatment just feels very selective.”

    “Is exposing the Washington Football Team organization and putting more public pressure on Snyder the purpose for these leaks, or is it something bigger that someone wants disclosed? Who is next? What’s next?
    I imagine many in the NFL especially those connected to Allen wonder what lies around the corner?
    How big will this get? How many are included? How many will it take out? I have no clue.”

    “Jon Gruden walked away on Monday night. There’s a good chance that, if he hadn’t, he would have been fired. There’s a better chance that this is exactly what the NFL wanted.”

  9. PS Bryan Lovely > looks like you went to bed earlier tonight than yesterday!
    So far, it’s just me and Barry on the job.

    Far too many of us are up far too late here at the Salon, even if we are in a later time zone than Neo.

  10. (9) He’s at it again.
    It’s so depressing, I can’t even summon up a “Let’s go Brandon.”


    Biden is tasked with addressing human rights abuses abroad and solving the supply chain problems at home, and this is how he shambled through two speeches in three days.

    If this were an isolated incident, it wouldn’t be a big deal. Instead, the isolated incident is when he makes it through a speech unscathed. This should worry every American.

    We can’t be sure what’s happening, but no reasonable observer can watch speech after speech like this and conclude nothing’s amiss.

  11. Biden’s unconditional surrender (with “benefits”) in Afghanistan mirrors Obama’s premature evacuation from Iraq that was a segue to Iraq War 2.0 and world war from Tripoli to Kiev.

    There is no pride in the transgender spectrum disorder or trans-social dysfunction. That said, feminists represent themselves and not women or girls. Rape and sodomy, but was it rape or rape-rape? Perhaps just a liberal license to a queer orientation or sexual kink.

    All’s fair in lust and abortion, I suppose.

  12. As an addendum to Matt Taibbi’s meticulous article, there’s this curious (though unsurprising) revelation:

    Indeed, the Soros-founded, “Democracy Integrity Project” (heh) once again raises its Orwellian head “offering its assistance” to the FBI…
    Key grafs:
    “A group funded by George Soros and other donors to continue investigating the Russia collusion allegations after the 2016 election met with the FBI, offering its assistance to agents and alerting them it was working with one of their terminated confidential sources in the case, Christopher Steele…

    “Former FBI analyst Daniel Jones’ testimony, released in a D.C. Superior Court civil case, recounts in painstaking detail how he formed the group The Democracy Integrity Project in early 2017, raised money for it and continued a private investigation into alleged Russian and other interference in the 2016 election.

    “Jones acknowledged in his testimony that he worked post-election with some of the key figures tied to Hillary Clinton’s campaign and its now discredited Russia collusion allegations, including recently indicted former campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann and investigative researcher Glenn Simpson.

    “… ‘I proactively reached out to the FBI,’ Jones testified.

    “[R]eached out” and SHARED, no doubt….

  13. “Have you noticed how little we hear about Afghanistan these days?”

    I echo AesopFan. Have we heard even one human interest story from any American who escaped? Especially, any American who got out AFTER the US military was gone?

  14. Shortages, you say?
    Heh, no rush…. Relax y’all!
    “US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed”
    H/T Blazingcatfur blog
    Key graf:
    “The reality is that the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated.”

    Right. And, um, who’s “reality” might that be, again?

    File under: Chill!!!!

    + But….:
    “The Unvaccinated Are Looking Smarter Every Week”

  15. The typical Dem response to election fraud stories is, “Sure it exists at some level, but not enough to change the outcome of elections.” OK, but then why are people doing it? The fraudsters must think not only that the cheating is worth doing, but that it’s more effective than the equivalent amount of LEGAL electioneering.

  16. Essentially, “Biden” is playing “chicken” with the American people.

    Key graf:
    ‘Jen Psaki stated this week [that] President Joe Biden views the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to “make fundamental changes in our economy.” But the changes he has in mind are about to drive us over an economic cliff.’

    Which, truth to tell, is just fine with “Biden”.

    File under: Babbler with a Cause.

  17. Folks will complain about rising gasoline and food prices, express some consternation about the Afghan debacle and the (intentional, purposeful, planned) border crisis, etc., but when they get into the voting booth, they will vote for Bidet and/or whomever the dems will pick to run for prez.

    Don’t hear much about the Afghan mess because the media – the propaganda arm of the democrat party – is doing their job.
    They will really really get into high gear as the next election gets nearer.
    Suffice to say, no matter who the democrat opponent is, he/she will be the next Adolph Hitler, and about 1/2 of all voters will believe it and cast their vote for
    Bidet II or equal.

    About 1/2 of all voters simply do not bother to think or consider how govt policies can make their life harder, if not miserable . They do not associate lousy govt policies and the harm they cause to any personal hardships. They vote as if it’s for the American Idol or The Voice.

    The demonkrats know this. They know that cranking up their propaganda arm will have the desired effect. They know that the dumbpublicans are mostly a joke.

    If I sound cynical, well I am. The comments of a 70’ish years of age recent house guest of mine – college “educated” – just confirmed to me , yet again, the facility with which they can be manipulated by the media. The unwillingness of many (most?) voters to even think to ask questions.
    Their voting decisions are mostly informed by the media and, and whether or not a candidate is a “nice person.”
    God forbid one should ask about policies to be implemented or a candidate’s accomplishments after serving their ENTIRE adult life in “public service.”

    Most voters do not read any sort of blogs. What readers of this blog consider obvious, is totally foreign to many (most?) voters.

    I no longer read several “conservative” blogs because I believe they write garbage.
    As for “liberal” blogs, I do not read them either because their prescriptions for what ails the USA have been in place since LBJ’s Great Society programs and have a perfect 100% record of failure.
    Yet half of all voters want even more expansive govt programs, nor do not bother to consider what are other alternatives. After all, repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome is the definition of stupidity.

    It is and will be the voters of this nation that will destroy our Constitutional Republic prodded along by the willingness of the numerous govt. appointed / approved “nomeklatura” (e.g., Jen Psaki, General Mark Milley, Blinken, Lloyd Austin, the media, et. al. ) that will defend and/or carry out the destructive policies implemented by those in power who abhor everything about our nation.

  18. AesopFan/Barry Meislin/n.n/Jim Norcal/Conrad/John Tyler

    For me, besides Neo’s always entertaining and interesting posts, the high level of excellent comments is what keeps me checking in here daily.

    Great Job everyone!!

  19. “…and cast their votes…”

    Am wondering whether the “endgame” here is to cancel elections altogether (“sorrowfully”, of course; “most regretfully”; “we’d rather not—last thing in fact we want to do…but our hand has been forced by events…—crises for which Trump and his supporters have caused and for which they must be held accountable”).

    The excuse/rationalization being something along the lines of:
    “There are simply too many crises at the moment”, combined with,
    “Our political opponents, we regret to say, have shown that they are TERRORISTS whose goal is the violent overthrow and usurpation of the American political process; we therefore CANNOT hold honest and representative elections under such dire and threatening circumstances”, etc., etc., etc.

    As they continue, “Don’t worry. We assure you it’s only a temporary measure….”

    …and then I wake up….drooling, hung over, nauseous, mumbling something like “oonaty” or “‘sparency” or ‘sformation….

  20. Barry’s AmThinker article on why being unvaxxed is good has a useful laundry list of reasons. Some reasons are strong, others less so imo but the list is pretty complete.
    The author argues that results (deaths, hospitalizations, …) are comparable regardless of policy. Nations, US states, counties … hard shutdown, no shutdown, vaxx, ivermectin, … the results don’t differ that much.
    So, why the vaxx desperation in the US? Conspiracy?
    Short term political gain?
    Ashamed and trying to justify shutting down the economy for nothing?

  21. Tucker Carlson had VDH on the other day. I was struck by some of VDH’s parting words:

    We are built on a middle-class citizenry, pragmatic, practical sense. They are saying — if our leaders say no mask, one mask, two masks. Herd immunity. No gain-of-function research at the virology lab. [Our leaders] lost credibility.

    When they say there’s no such thing as no natural immunity, I think people are saying I want to believe them but I can’t believe them anymore. I’m going to use common sense.

    [This] is starting to coalesce and it’s terrifying the left. I don’t think I’ve seen them ever more terrified.

    –Tucker Carslon/Victor Davis Hanson, “Biden presidency is unlike anything we’ve ever seen”


    Since the Afghanistan debacle I agree with VDH that the left is becoming terrified. They can see the window closing on their big transformational plans for America and the possibility that this may be their last chance for a good long time.

    Desperate people do desperate things. Their lying (the $3.5 tril bill “costs zero dollars”) and bullying (concerned parents are “domestic terrorists) have become hysterical.

    I don’t know how much more the tension can ramp up before something snaps — “goes non-linear,” as an engineer friend liked to say.

  22. Mayor Pete is apparently ending his paternity leave to go to Yet Another Climate Change Summit, this time in Glasgow:

    “Thirteen members of President Joe Biden’s cabinet are heading to Glasgow, Scotland, for the United Nation’s climate summit later this month, while the nation remains in the midst of a migrant crisis at the southern border and a supply chain crisis at U.S. ports. The climate summit attendees will include Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg who has been on parental leave for weeks after adopting two infants. [Round up the Usual Suspects} The other attendees include Secretary of State Tony Blinken, Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, EPA Administrator Michael Regan, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Director Eric Lander, National Economic Council Director Brian Reese, and Biden’s climate advisors Gina McCarthy and John Kerry. CNN wrote a glowing report about the U.S. delegation and its ‘show of strength at next month’s pivotal UN climate summit in Glasgow.'”

    Photo of Pete and his husband at the link, waving as if they’re candidates for something or other:


    Is it too much to hope that the locals will greet the attendees with a Glasgow kiss? [defined by the Urban Dictionary as “A headbutt that knocks someone out. The headbutt is much used as a method of attack in Glasgow pubs on a Friday night- hence the name The Glasgow Kiss.”]

  23. So, why the vaxx desperation in the US? Conspiracy?
    Short term political gain?
    Ashamed and trying to justify shutting down the economy for nothing?


    Good questions. I wonder about them myself.

    Some of the vaxx drive, I would say, is about diverting attention from their failures with regular Two-Minute Hates against the Enemy — white conservatives.

    I have some liberal cafe friends, a married couple. After Biden was elected, the wife asked me what I thought. (They know I’m conservative.) I said I didn’t want to discuss politics.

    She pushed again. I said, Biden is going to be a disaster, but these discussions usually end badly.

    She asked, You don’t think we would hold that against you?

    I shrugged, shut up and we moved on.

    Nonetheless, every time I see them she always brings up those terrible people who aren’t getting vaxxed. Once I mentioned that blacks were a large demographic with a low vaxx rate.

    But that wasn’t who she wanted to talk about. She wanted to talk about white conservatives.

  24. Re: Buttigieg…


    I don’t think he would ever be a strong Dem presidential candidate. (Though I said that about Biden.)

    However, I believe this bit of AWOL sinks PB for the future.

  25. Is the US, in some complicated way, going Galt slowly? Or will there be a brief convulsion? – a genuine ceasura* or marque of rebellion against “scientific statism?”

    Those sum up my reaction to Sarah Hoyt’s post on the 14th. This, plus (something Sara doesn’t share), Gallup finding that a year ago (August), when 54% if American’s supported MOAR government, has now reversed, coming in at only 43%. We the People now prefer less government in our lives.

    Have the scales fallen off? Is there hope that American’s can be real Americ-can again?

    That’s what Sarah sees playing out this later 2021. And I cannot say I disagree with her assessment.
    *A pause or interruption, as in conversation: After another weighty caesura the senator resumed speaking. (Free Dictionary)

  26. Thanks to Barry, at 3:29 ABOVE, for bringing back the Soros connection to Russiagate via Just The News.

    It’s been much overlooked. And now we have Jonathon Turkey calling for a Special Prosecutor because of Hunter Biden grifting and co-mingling payments and a bank account with Joe, the alleged President and the obvious and inescapable conflict of interest of the latter investigating the former!

    It’s utter madness, If The People Only Knew .

  27. huxley “every time I see them she always brings up those terrible people who aren’t getting vaxxed”

    One side:
    Experimental vaccine
    No legal recourse
    Works well for original Covid but fades and needs booster in a few months
    Works not so well against Delta and others
    Possible side effect of death

    Other side:
    You don’t trust govt and media (this is a crime?)
    Or, perhaps, she has been tricked into believing that if all vaxxed then Covid would go away? Because plenty of vaccinated people get sick. Some are hospitalized. Some die. It’s said the percentage is lower.
    But from the American Thinker article plenty of places have throttled back on mandates and restrictions with no obvious bad result.

  28. AesopFan mentions “a second girl” who will almost certainly also sue the fake female teen boy. Huh? I had to go the Daily Mail link to ferret out that detail.

    DM writes
    “The alleged attacker, who has not been named, but is also 15 years-old, is further accused of carrying out another attack at Broad Run High School in Loudoun County on October 6, and is now in custody.”

    I hope this clarifies things to other comment readers who are perplexed: it seems the would be crossdresser may be a repeat rapist using his drag show to carry out his crimes.

    Double Evils of the Utopian Dopey Radical Reformist Leftiod nuts.

  29. TJ:

    Here’s an unlikely but great discussion of the caesura from the film, “Eddie and the Cruisers”:

    Caesura … that’s a timely pause, kind of a strategic silence.

    –“Eddie and the Cruisers — Word Man bar scene” (skip to 2:00)


    “The Cruisers” is a favorite film of mine, though mostly forgotten, about a bar band that makes it, gets artistically ambitious, fails, then the lead singer disappears. Sort of a cross between Eddie Cochran and Jim Morrison.

    The singer is played by Michael Pare with plenty of charisma, though he never cracked the big time. However, the movie showcased early appearances by Tom Berenger and Joe Pantoliano.

  30. JimNorCal:

    I think my friend is stuck believing that the jab is as effective as it was originally sold. You get it, you are close to covid-proof, like the polio and smallpox vaxx.

    Of course, we know better now, but that news isn’t percolating through the populace as well as it might.

    If the vaxx were a magic bullet, the Biden policy would make more sense, but it isn’t and it doesn’t.

  31. Tucker Carlson had an interesting interview last week with a guy who is an investment advisor. The discussion was principally about how and why US corporations have gone “Woke.” The same guy has a pretty good book about it. He thinks it is basically a religion and billionaires are buying indulgences like the Middle Ages. Interesting thesis.

    The interview is on Fox Nation. I subscribed to watch these long interviews.

  32. “…percolating…”
    The coverups regarding COVID have been, and of course continue to be, huge—even huger in fact than the November election AND the uber-corrupt Biden crime family “excesses” COMBINED. Certainly, the COVID coverups have been going on for much, much longer (we’re talking decades).

    Here’s an extremely difficult—practically unbelievable—article that is brimming with enormities, soaking with scandal, full of dire warnings; yet—somehow—hopeful.

    (If only it WERE unbelievable…)

    Anyway, time to percolate:

    + Bonus on HQL+ (note that it’s a bit of rehashing; note that Quercetin can be SUBSTITUTED for HCQ):

  33. AesopFan —

    Oh, I was up, but instead of being here I was reading the Instapundit Open Thread and trying to catch up on the 37482 hours of Youtube content I’m subscribed to. 😀

  34. The democrats have no choice but to engage in even more electoral fraud in 2022 and 2024.

    When jihadist terrorist attacks return to American soil, the Biden administration’s criminal pullout of Afghanistan will return to the public’s consciousness.

    Suing Loudoun County’s taxpayers is not remotely personal enough.


    “FWIW, our church is setting up some refugee centers around the country to help with the resettlement of the Afghans who were randomly evacuated.”

    You’re not going to enjoy how some of those refugees show their ‘gratitude’. https://www.newsmond.com/friends-demanding-refund-from-hotel-housing-afghan-refugees-say-theyre-not-racist/

    Re: the NFL… complete bankruptcy would be a fitting fate for those who have repeatedly spit symbolically upon the graves of those who gave their lives to ensure freedom remained. Not to mention the permanently disabled.

    Chases Eagles,

    “I want Little Red Lying Hood to experience 10 years in a forced labor camp.”

    I second that motion… the alternative being a quick military trial followed by a firing squad.

  35. John Tyler —

    About 1/2 of all voters simply do not bother to think or consider how govt policies can make their life harder, if not miserable.

    Lincoln is supposed to have said “you can fool some of the people all of the time”, and he was right: those people are called “Democrats”.

    Also, evergreen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a6YdNmK77k

  36. Geoffrey Britain,
    First, we don’t shoot our criminals, we hang them.

    Second, we should reserve the ultimate punishment for the highest criminals. Fauci the mass murdering war criminal for example. Psaki the Lackey is not one.

    Third, in words of that political philosopher, The Riddler, ‘if you kill them, they won’t learn nothing’

  37. huxley —

    Once I mentioned that blacks were a large demographic with a low vaxx rate

    I had a white acquaintance tell me with a straight face that blacks were unvaccinated because racist Southern whites were impeding their access to the shots, just like they do for voting.

    I didn’t even bother to argue, there’s just no point.

  38. huxley —

    The singer is played by Michael Pare with plenty of charisma, though he never cracked the big time.

    Hey, he was a star in “Streets of Fire” and “The Philadelphia Experiment”!

    Seriously, though, he seems to be one of those actors who just wants to work: he has 200 acting credits at IMDB and is still going.

  39. Tucker Carlson had an interesting interview last week with a guy who is an investment advisor. The discussion was principally about how and why US corporations have gone “Woke.”

    Mike K:

    I wonder about that one too. Perhaps indulgence-buying explains it.

    I suspect it’s not that simple. My gut sense is that we are dealing with a perfect storm resulting from standard human weakness, recent history and big tech.

    However, that’s not something I can assemble a winning argument for.

  40. [Pare] seems to be one of those actors who just wants to work: he has 200 acting credits at IMDB and is still going.

    Bryan Lovely:

    I noticed that when I looked up his wiki. More power to him.

    I once read an interview with Steve Railsback, who often gets half-Manson psycho roles. He played opposite against no less than Peter O’Toole in “The Stunt Man.” (Great, if you missed it.)

    Railsback was asked if he was disappointed with his career. No, he answered, he was happy just to keep working.

    Maybe that was what he had been coached to say, but from the interview he sounded authentic.

  41. Related to Neo’s news item number 3, Matt Taibbi schools a young and dumb (or deliberately obtuse?) representative of the CIA on the fact there really is a Deep State. And only 7 years ago it so (pace Edward Snowden), many on the left were alarmed at this fact.

    Which raises the reality of their denial of the obvious and alarming: cui bono?

    Oh, “What would Edward Snowden say?” Was a political news junkie’s drinking game, not a couple years back.

    huxley. Thanks for highlighting multiple reasons to rewatch and enjoy Eddy and his losers…er, The Cruisers. I mean a movie about a nearly successful talent, who himself was a nearly successful talent (again in music)? C’mon! (And maybe we viewers are even honorary club members! LOL!) Sorry. Jon Part.

    Oughta be a list of them — films about musical losers (does “Amadeus” count? Although Falco’s life [“Rock Me Amadeus”] sort of fits the pattern, too) — that we could rank and debate!

  42. Chases Eagles,

    “we don’t shoot our criminals, we hang them.”

    I started to respond that I’m indifferent to the manner of their execution but then remembered that hanging has a highly negative connotation for black Americans. Besides, bullets are cheaper.

    OK, a few visual examples would be desirable, heads on pikes?

    “we should reserve the ultimate punishment for the highest criminals. Fauci the mass murdering war criminal for example. Psaki the Lackey is not one.”

    Among her many crimes, Psaki is doing her level best to cover up Fauci’s mass murders, that makes her “an accomplice after the fact”. In addition, treasonous women must be allowed to share ‘equity’ with our male traitors. Blind justice must return to America.

    “‘if you kill them, they won’t learn nothing’”

    You don’t throw a rabid dog into a cage.

    The patient is well past chemotherapy as a remedy. The cancer has metastasized throughout much of the patient’s body, the only prospect for survival is radical surgery.

  43. Re: Films about loser music groups…


    “The Commitments” and “That Thing You Do” qualify and they are *wonderful* little films about crazy young kids, music and the humanity of it all.

  44. TJ:

    I guess we could add “Sid and Nancy” about Sid Vicious from the Sex Pistols and his girlfriend, Nancy.

    It’s a good film and Sid was a breakout role for Gary Oldman, however, it’s not really about a music group but a pair of deeply maladjusted young people.

    I had a really bright programmer friend who imprinted punk music at a vulnerable age and listened to it alongside classical and German lieder music. Like strict punks he deplored classic rock and prog. It’s a mystery to him that there are no punk oldies stations.

  45. Bryan Lovely:

    “Streets of Fire” is one of our favorite films here. We have watched it many times.

  46. Ah yes, Chelsea Hotel revisited…. The mystique is palpable, the ghosts voluble (i.e., if you can hear them).

    Regarding “entertaining” shorts, here’s something quite a bit more recent.
    Entertaining yet nauseating (if TIMELY—though methinks it will remain timeless. It ought to at any rate).
    IOW punk at its very, very best:
    H/T Blazingcatur blog.

  47. There was a federal indictment last year of someone for bribing three other Philadelphia election judges. Yes, in 2020, before the election, four Philly election judges were mentioned in federal indictments for taking bribes. There are precincts in the city which regularly produce more votes than the number of registered voters. Anyone who questions the totals is naturally a racist.

  48. Women don’t wear army boots because they are attractive. They look stupid. Especially when paired with a cute sun dress. But current fashion says the ugly boots are “in”. So you see them everywhere. Politics for the great majority of people works the same way. Woke is easy. It takes no effort or thought. Opposing woke is work. It’s hard. Just like thinking is hard.

    A lot of businesses make decisions regarding politics the same way. Every major institution in America is dominated by the woke. Businesses which go woke aren’t punished. Easier than thinking.

  49. Stan…certainly, fashion-following is a big part of current business Wokeness trends. Another factor is fear that millennials and younger will not work for them or buy their products if they don’t express the right viewpoints. A guy I know who consults with major corporations and startups used the word Terrified to describe the concerns about failing to project the right ‘green’ perceptions on the part of the former.

  50. I went to Sam’s Club this weekend and they would only let you buy one of any paper product (1 pack of paper towels, 1 pack of toilet paper etc.) You could mix but only 1 pack per purchase. And as always, everything was higher in price. I would love for Psaki to live on my salary. I doubt if she could.

  51. Bryan Lovely, geoffb:

    Somehow I missed “Streets of Fire.” But gee, a Walter Hill film with Michael Pare, Willem Dafoe and Bill Paxton plus tons of motorcycles … well, I’m in.

    I see it rents on Amazon Prime for $3.99, usually a sign of a decent sleeper film with a following.

  52. “Streets of Fire” is a deeply, deeply silly movie, but it’s fun and pretty to look at. Don’t try to think too hard about where it’s set or even what era; just go with the flow.

  53. Bryan and Huxley,

    I just see it as some alternate reality mashup of several decades. We like the music and Amy Madigan’s, McCoy, “We’re gonna play a little game your mama’s gonna like,” character especially.

  54. Bryan Lovely:

    I can appreciate a deeply silly, yet fun, movie.

    Willem Dafoe’s breakout role and Kathryn Bigelow’s debut as a director was “The Loveless” — a bad motorcycle gang movie, yet weirdly compelling.

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